



A bright rainbow light encompassed everyone standing in the plaza, their bodies overflowing with purifying and spiritual energies.

Erika, Elizabeth, Rainbow Star, and me imbued our powers into the giant formation, constantly drinking Dragon Blood Elixirs to recover Mana and Spirit Energy every time we finished a batch.

Thankfully, this was the last one.


The energies blossomed within every elf's spirit orb, becoming a beautiful pink flower than then scattered its petals into the wind, their bodies were now overflowing with a pink colored power, I called it Majin Energy.

Although it had such a name, it wasn't an entirely separate power, it was just Spiritual Energy that had been corrupted with Demonic Energy and then purified to become Majin Energy.

It maintains some of the tricky and deadly nature of demonic energy without its curses and drawbacks, creating a truly unique essence.