
What Matters Is Winning, Not How You Do It!


Beelzebub glanced with surprise and awe at what he was seeing, his sight could not deceive him, those he thought were dead were actually right in front of him!

"W-What? You… All of you… You're… alive?" muttered Beelzebub.

"Why yes… We have been enlightened, Beelzebub!" laughed the Golem King, shining with bright crimson light.

"This is the grace of our new lord, Noah-sama!" laughed the Rose Vine King, expanding its crimson-red vines.

"Our master is a benevolent being, he says that you can join us by serving him… after dying, of course!" said the Bee-Fly King, conjuring magic.

"What? The invaders revived you? What kind of crazed necromancy is this?!" said Beelzebub, gritting his teeth as he was attacked by the Rose Vine King's bloody vines, which were now incredibly resilient!