
Vampire mate

Dawn the only one left of her kind or is that just a theory......

Emma_Simovicova123 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Dreaded shopping

In about an hour we pulled up infront of a human shopping mall It had about three stories I gulped. "alright let's head in" said Jack. I followed them in quietly, I have never liked shopping I only went like once or twice every 4- 5 months clothes shopping is the worst. I got pulled away from my thoughts when I heard Sam speak " OK what shop should we go in first" I looked straight ahead I saw a sign with 'sports direct' ahead of me I pointed towards that we made our way to it there was a big crowd around as we were walking through I started panicking as I didn't really want to get lost, I am a confident person but when there are loads Of people I freak out, I felt someone grab my hand a wave off warmth made me relax I looked up and saw sam emotionless looking forward I was grateful we came to a halt outside of the shop I walked in and headed towards the women's section did I mention Im a tomboy you rarely ever see me in dresses as how on earth would I run or kick and defend myself in that, nope not happening. " Hey Dawn will you want any help finding anything?" asked xavier innocently, " well maybe you guys can help find some sports t-shirts preferably Nike either: blue, black, white and tourquoise." I responded I got an ' ok' from all of them and we all set of. I headed over to the shorts and found some nice above knee black shorts some mid thigh lose shorts and just classic size shorts.


After about 20 minutes they came back with about 3 shirts each in the end I decided to get three pairs of black shorts, 3 pairs of leggings and 5 t-shirt two black one blue one white I we went to the till and i got my black card out which made the cashier look twice at me shock written over her face " is that not valid or" I asked "No no no no that is valid just never seen one before" she replied in one breath I saw xavier and Sam looking at the basket ball that reminds me I haven't played for like 2 weeks now, I should probably practice "one second please Ms I just need to quickly grab some more items" she nodded" guys choose 4 basket balls and bring them here" they all looked at me gratefully and came over looking like children who just got 2 pounds to spend in a candy store. I giggled under my breath I looked at Sam's face oh how I wanted to pinch those cheeks wait what the hell am I thinking I scolded myself with alexa laughing in the background once I payed I got the check and the guys helped me with the bags and we headed back I dont know how but although I have known them for only like one day I feel safe afterwards when we were in the car I looked at the price it came to and it totalled £2739.89 wow only for clothes jeez. And now we were on our hour long journey back to the school. " Hey Dawn if you want you can lean you head on my shoulder and rest" Sam wispered into my ear softly a good shiver ran down my back I rested my head on his shoulder and drifted of to sleep.