

Once home, Elena's nerves are at there highest.

"Zero how could you? Not even this you could make between us. Now she is even having your baby? I am supposed to raise her child. Really after everything else, let's top it off with this?" Elena grunts.

"I am truly sorry, but thank you so much for accepting to take it. It means the world to me. We are trying to make things better. I promise you things will be fine. Please calm down. Focus on our child. The one that we made together. The one we both want." Zero says.

"Do you? Do you really want a life with me? Or am I just wasting my time?" Elena says.

"I want to be with you. I told you that before this. It was even my idea to have this child. We will work through this. It's like we are getting the child back that we lost."Zero replies.

"I never thought of it that way. Zero if you ever go near her again it's over. I can't do this anymore." Elana states.

"I won't. You have my word." Zero answers.

"Zero we will be having three children. We have a two-bedroom apartment. Where are we going to put them?" Elena asks.

"Maybe it's about time we bought a home of our own?" Zero says. Holding her close to him. Rubbing her tummy and trying his best to make this better. Even though he knows nothing will ever fix this. He just needs her right now as much as she needs him. His own thoughts are overwhelming, he just is keeping it all to himself.

"That sounds like a good idea. We saved enough. I will miss it here though." Elena says.

We will start new. New memories. Good ones. " Zero comments.

Elena sees a difference in Zero. One where he really wants to try. Is it because he wants her? Or because she is saving his child. One that otherwise could either get adopted out or hurt by someone. Who didn't like the union. Elena likes the idea of getting the child back that she lost. That Zero was thinking about that. That he never forgot. She knew this would be hard Taking Yuki's child. What if it looked like her? It would be a constant reminder of what he did. Would he really stay away from her? So many things went through her mind.

After a few days, Zero sits down at his desk. His emotions are raw from everything taking place. The thought of Yuki sad and alone Killing him. He couldn't help her. He couldn't go to her. It bothered him more than anything. So he figured he would write her a note. It would be better than nothing and let her know. That he is thinking about her. That he still cared.

My dearest Yuki,

I am so sorry for everything that is taking place. I am sorry you have to deal with this all alone. I wish things were different. I didn't mean to stand there and not come to you. I just had no choice. If I would of, it could have set her off to not take our child. I do have to think about her. She is my wife. I have done things to her, no one should do to someone that loves them. I know you are hurting. So am i. I just want you to know. I will take our child and raise it. You will not have to worry about it. It will be safe. I will forever love you.


Zero gave the note to Kaien to give to Yuki. Knowing he would go see her. Kaien giving Yuki the note. Her understanding of his actions. Just glad their child will have a safe home.

Before the birth of both Children, Elena and Zero go out looking for a new home. They find one and get it right away. Since they are working with little time. Zero pretty much does whatever Elena says or wants. Knowing that he owes her big time. Not wanting to rock the boat, or do anything to make her miscarry. It was a consistent worry of his. Since she found out about Yuki and his baby He knew that would be the last straw. He didn't want that. He wanted this child with her. He truly wanted to make up for everything. Just not feeling he really ever could.

They buy the house and move in, Yagari helping with everything so they can get done faster. Yagari also knew the truth. He could of slap Zero, but instead, he stood by him. Like a father. Knowing that Zero had a lot of demons. His past was full of tragedy. it just seemed to follow him around. They got the three bedrooms, two baths, large kitchen house ready in no time. Zero and Yagari working their ass's off to pull it off. Elena did everything she could to put clothes away and doing light things. They didn't want her to lift anything. Their ten-year-old son helped as well. Zero not wanting Rai to know the truth that he was having a child with another woman. They started to tell everyone that they were having twins. They already knew that their child was a girl, they just didn't know what Yuki was having. Not to mention it worried Elena, what they would look like. Would they be similar? It was a good thing Elena and Yuki were not that different than each other. The eye and hair color matched. So it wouldn't be so off. Zero just hoped that by some miracle the child looked like him more than Yuki. So Elena wouldn't hate it. He knew it was a lot to ask of her to take someone else's child.

One day while getting their house together, they get a call from Kaname. Telling Elena that Yuki went into labor. Would she be willing to let Zero go and watch the child being born?

"Whatever. I guess after everything it doesn't really matter Kaname. What They did we can't change it. I am sure she wants him there." Elena responds. Irritated.

"I don't really want to be here for this. I am not very happy seeing my wife give birth to his child." Kaname answers.

"Like I am? She managed to take everything from me. Even the simplest things to the biggest events. I was supposed to be the only one to have his children." Elena replies.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok with taking this child?" Kaname asks.

"I have no choice. If I don't I am the worse person ever. Sending a child to its doom. It's innocent. It doesn't need to pay for what they have done. I will tell him to go to the hospital. I will be going to. They will induce me after she has her's so they are here together." Elena says.

"I will be waiting." Kaname answers.

"Zero your child is being born. Yuki would like you there with her." Elena says coldly.

"Are you sure this is ok with you?"Zero asks.

"Really? I don't know why you even ask that. No its not ok. But I know to be in the same position I wouldn't want to give birth alone. I doubt Kaname is going to watch as she pushes out YOUR baby." Elean shouts.

"This will be the last time you see her. Enjoy it. I guess at least I don't have to worry about you screwing her this time. Unless your both are that much of monsters. Elena hisses.

Zero hurt by that statement but knowing Elena is venting. He deserved it. At least he would be able to be with Yuki for this. Able to hold her hand and tell her he loved her.

They get into the car and head to the hospital where Zero goes into the room with Yuki. Elena and Kaname wait in the waiting room.

"Isn't this fun?" Elena states.

"I am not sure. I would call it that." Kaname answers.

"I was being sarcastic. I am sure he is in there telling her how much he loves her. How he wish shit was different. And us two losers are out here waiting. What the hell is wrong with us?" Elena states.

"For me after this, it's over. You take the kid and I'm done with it. I promise you she will never go near him again. I am moving far away."Kaname answers.

"Like it matters. Don't you think its a bit late? I did say she could see the child. You're taking her away from it as well." Elena answers.

"That is too bad. She can come in to, see it once a month or every few. She gave up rights to it. It's yours. Send her pictures or something. You know we can't trust these two." Kaname states.

"Then why don't we just let them be. What are we really fighting for?"Elena answers.

"It's not that easy. Even if you left him He still can't be with her. He is a hunter. I am not putting my daughter in harm's way, just because they have the hots for each other. Not to mention I would be the laughing stock. Do you know what people would say? She is Queen, I am Lord. He is a freaking Level D Hunter to boot! We are fighting for what we love, even though sometimes I wonder." Kaname hisses.

"So we all live like this. " Elena asks.

"That's up to you. Your choice. You don't have to stay with him. You are free to go. He can raise this child alone. He is no one, a regular so if you divorce him, its nothing."Kaname says.

Elena just sits there. Tired and bored and falls asleep on Kaname's shoulder Which he lets her. Knowing she has been through hell and back just to be with Zero. He just will never understand why. Then he was no better with Yuki

Zero coming out seeing this.

"It's not enough you took Yuki, you're aiming for my wife now?" Zero states.

"You have a lot of nerve. I offered a shoulder. You offered my wife a lot more than that Kiryu!" Kaname huffs.

"I have another son. We named him Ren. He looks just like me but has Yuki's eyes. "Zero states.

"Good for you. Now I can leave. Good luck with your son." Kaname states. Getting up slowly trying not to disturb Elena. "You really don't know how good you have it? Do you Kiryu? Elena is more than Yuki will ever be." Kaname says as he walks away.

Leaving Zero there looking down at his pregnant wife sitting there sleeping. Zero in a way knew Kaname was right. What has he done?

Zero lightly wakes Elena up Telling her about his new son. She has no reaction At this point, there isn't any reason to. It wasn't going to fix a thing. She does go and see it, looking into the nursery. Seeing this tiny little baby laying there Looking so much like Zero. It only hurt her more. She was glad in a way it looked like him and not Yuki. He looked a lot like their own son. The plan they have could go off without anyone thinking otherwise. After she leaves the nursery they take her to her own room. Where they induce her, making sure her child was born on the same day. So they can take them home together. Making it look like they had twins. Which in a way they looked it. Their daughter was born, with silver-white hair and brown eyes. It was the freakiest thing they ever saw. How these two children really looked so much alike. No one would ever suspect otherwise. During the labor, Zero didn't leave her side. Doing his best to pamper her, give her ice chips. Anything she needed or wanted. Just like hours ago he did to Yuki. It was a very long hard day for Zero. Never thinking that any of this would have taken place. That their actions would ever lead to this.

When the day was over Zero was relieved. Both children were born healthy and happy. Elena let Ren stay with Yuki, while they were in the hospital. Not even able to image, what it must feel like To know that the child would be taken away. Even though Elena hated Yuki with a passion, she felt bad for her. It was the best revenge in a way, Yet Elena didn't feel too good about it.

They stayed away from each other for the next few days. Once it was time to leave, Yuki left first with Kaname. They had to sedate her to get her out of the hospital. She didn't want to leave her son. Kaname felt bad but he knew this had to be. Not to mention he wouldn't be like Elena, he would never be able to watch this child grow up. Knowing it was Zero's and not his. It killed him. He did his best to keep everything in As he always did. Just deep down this was ruining him. To know his Yuki was with Zero in that way. Ate at him. He wanted to kill them both, He just knew he couldn't live without her. He loved her too deeply.

Once home Elena takes to being a mother to both children. She does her best as Zero helps. Zero loves Ren. He looks at him and sees the woman he adores inside of him. Never letting that on. Knowing better too. Just in a way happy to have him there. Knowing that the rest of his marriage to Elena he can now get through without trouble. He has his Yuki there with him in a way. A apart of him and her. He couldn't ask for anything more. Ren was beautiful. Inside and out.

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