
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 7 - water spirit -

Time passes so fast, there is not even a tiny drop of it that I feel is for me.

Everything went on so calmly, excessively calmly, not even a mistake. There were usually people who went up and down the mansion garden, but today there is no one.

"What is happening?" I asked myself while looking around.

"Should I go and have a look?" the shadow appeared in an instant near me and that was a good plan.

"Yes... go and see what they're planning" after I finished my sentence, the shadow went towards the door and was gone. She is a great help to me, without her I do not know how I would have reacted.

I turned back to the bed to sit and think about how I should proceed with the plan. If the shadow is right they plan to kill the albino in two days, I have to meet that person first.

As I remember that person has reddish hair and eyes, but I also know that when vampires are on a rampage their eyes change, so that is maybe not his real expression.

First of all, I cannot go on around like this, this white tunic is recognizable from far away, I need other clothes, like something black. Something comfortable and easy to walk on or well something that will not get anyone's attention. If the group will attack at nighttime, I have to sneak out in secret and follow them.

"where should I procure myself some new clothes" I took a deep breath away thinking of a good way to deal with everything "They're coming," said a little frail voice.

Who is coming and who was talking? I did not even get the time to realize that a key was already turning in the door of my room. Whom could that be this time?

I was looking at it attentively, two people entered just a few steps, and my sister was with a young person who was carrying a trunk. He looked at me with surprised eyes while I got up from the bed. Once our eyes intertwined that boy did not take his gate off me.

"Ciro put that down," said Leticia and that person immediately obeyed her orders and put the trunk on the floor near me.

"What is this…?" I asked her with faking curiosity while she was looking at me with complacent eyes.

"This is your dress for the event that will come soon, father asked me to give you a nice one," said with a snort.

"A dress for me? Thank you sister" I said as complacently and humbly as I could come.

The person who stood near her was not beautiful, he had common brown hair and eyes, but he seemed to be a nice person. The way he looked at me was not as hostile as the way others did it.

Leticia snorts suddenly while looking at me "Be sure you're grateful to dad, he's doing a lot for us" of course he is doing a lot for you while trying to kill me.

"Oh my god, it's just impossible to communicate with you," said her while walking out the door. The person was still there looking at me with furtive eyes, this was the first time we saw each other; his eyes were full of curiosity. "CIRO! What are you waiting for?" shouted Leticia seeing that he stood behind.

"I'm sorry," said the boy quickly as he headed out the door.

The door slammed shut and the keys turned in the lock furiously. I was still able to hear Leticia shout angrily at that person.

While looking at that trunk on the floor only that person's gaze left positive vibes "Ciro, what a strange guy," I thought while thinking about what happened.

"That young male is not a bad person, his aura is azure, and he has a water stone within him" again that voice, is not the shadow, who is it?

"Who is talking?" I asked while looking around me.

"Over here" the voice seemed to come from the desk, but on the desk was only a basin with water. I started to walk toward it incredulously "how can the basin talk..." I asked myself".

"How dare you give call me a basin?" at that moment a droplet of water rose to the top of the basin. It had the shape of a small hand clinging to the edge of it.

"I'm so tired just from this… why are you so weak?" asked me the tiny water creature that come from there.

"What are you?" I asked it.

"Not what, but who!" answered annoyed by my question.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, it's just this is the first time I meet someone like you" yeah I have never seen something like this.

That creature was completely made of water, clear and bright as a spring "I guess you're right, I am a water spirit".

Did I hear it right? That was the only plausible answer by only looking at it but still was that even possible?

"A water spirit... that is the right contractor.

Wait... what did it call me? A contractor?

"Who is your contractor?" the spirit looked at me annoyed "of course you are the one who summoned me" at that answer, I gasped.

I had a shadow and I contracted with a spirit. What is going on here…? I lose my balance once sat on the ground, which was a bit too much to take at this time.

"What is your name contractor?" asked the little spirit "Elvyra" he moved a bit closer to me.

"I am Azul, the water spirit" It looked so cute while trying to present himself "it's a pleasure to meet you Azul" he got a big smile on his face, a pretty little fairy made of water.

"But why are you so weak?" asked me again "I just awakened, I can't manage them yet" Azul stood there looking at me with confused eyes.

"Hmmm... I understand" it looked around like it searched for something and then turn back to me "is this the only water here?" I looked embarrassed at it "yes… but I will leave this place soon" it looked at me concerned.

"How will you take me with you? If you can't control your powers yet?" that sure was a great question, I looked around and saw a small transparent bottle containing pebbles.

I stood up, took the bottle from the shelf by the window, and emptied it, whereupon I returned to the spirit "could this be okay for now?" I asked him.

"Do you want me to get in there?" that sure was a bit offensive for a spirit, but I had no other option than this "I mean that is dirty, can't you clean it before offering it?" Azul was looking at me all grumped.

"Of course, but is it fine with you?" did I overdid? I cannot get myself in trouble with spirits I have to survive this time and die because of stupidity.

Azul was there looking at me without talking. The atmosphere become a little strange, maybe it was testing me.

"It will do until you will become stronger" it was as if he was trying to comfort me.

"I understand I will clean it for you" at that moment Azul smiled and before I could even say anything the shadow went back to the room "Elvyra we are in trouble!" shouted her.

"Preparations for hunting have begun, it was approved, in two days will happen an attack at the vampire clan" it cannot be… was excessively soon, how could that happen?

"Shadow we need to do something, I can't let that person die" the shadow stood there immobile "who?" asked me "the albino cannot die, they want something from him and I can't let that happen" this time I will change your fate too.