
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 6 - hunters -

I lost consciousness again. It seems that I overdid again, I used too much power for a beginner.

Time pass fast, three days went like nothing, and I must hurry to find a way to increase my resistance or I will waste the chance I got.

I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about how I should move from now on. What should I do? How can I escape this place?

"You awaken," said a voice from behind me making me jump up from my bed.

"Oh don't scare me like that"

"Did I scare you?"

"Of course you did, I didn't expect that you would come out from behind my bed," I told her while trying to collect my breath, but thanks to that now I am fully awake.

"I have to practice right?"

"No," said while moving and coming on the wall in front of me.

"If you do it you will lose your counties again" a heavy silence comes after that.

"I don't have much time left, I can't waste my time like this" I tried to explain why but the shadow did not say anything anymore.

"You know shadow… the one who put me through hell is myself" yeah because I longed for something I could not have.

"But now I need to stop this tragedy, I will not bow my head down again," I said it all confidently but in fact, my hands are still shaking. What a joke am but one fact is for sure...

"I am still in this hell and maybe this time will be even worse than last time"

The shadow was still in front of me without saying a word.

"If you're standing on the ledge so close to death, what would you do?" my voice was trembling so much that it got cut with the last words, the fact I am going to experience death again scare me.

"You are more," said the shadow "more than those people out there" continued it "I have found out many things while I was out today, if you want to live you must find a good plan to escape".

She was right, I have to stay positive, I need a good plan but there are still so many pieces left unknown.

"So shadow, what you found out," I asked her while I sat up on the bed, the shadow come up on the wall near me.

"Today I went all around the mansion; many people were talking about an ambush to the vampires" an ambush? Why should they do that? "they said in four days a group will go out to drive out a vampire lord with white hair and that is what the prophecy said to free the clan" that was unbelievable, how can something like that free the clan, is more like they want to take control of the vampire clan.

The shadow tells me a lot of things heard around the mansion and many of them matched with the preparation for the vampire hunt not only that, but they were also preparing for a big celebration, the new head of the clan had been announced by the prophecy. Great power will awaken on the thirteenth day of March.

"That is the day…." Said the shadow "where I was sacrificed" that was all so confusing, how the things can seem to be so linked to each other.

"I'm telling you, that is not a coincidence," continued the shadow.

"What do you mean?"

"I was wandering on the top floors and I found a study with tons of paintings which they portrayed old lord dynasties, the men and the woman who came here were there" the people who came here were my family.

"They talked about the ritual and the fact that they would drug you to do it" right that was what they did last time too.

"When the woman went out, the man said something to freeze even shadow bones, and I don't have any!" this shadow is quite something.

"What has he possibly said?" it cannot be worse than what he did.

"he plans to kill the young vampire lord and to make the vampire go on a rampage, the scapegoat that he wants to use for this plan is…" the shadow suddenly stopped but it was more than clear "it is me!" that's why he's planning that with a small circle of people.

"Girl… I have something to ask," said the shadow

"Elvyra, is my name… what do you want to ask?"

The shadow instantly moved on the walls in front of me near the window, as if something was happening outside "look they're starting to move". Out there was a group of six witches and wizards who were getting ready to go somewhere in the middle of the night.

"Shadow please do me a favor, follow them and have a look at their plans" the shadow stood there for a second "I will" then she suddenly got out of that window.

I stood there in that room, watching her disappear in the night. A feeling of sadness somehow got me.


"Weeya, where do we have to start?"

"Teresa you're way too impatient, we need just to control the area today," said a tiny woman "I know I know"

"Rita is right the lord said we should go to the neutral land to search for a good spot and study the area," answered Weeya.

They walked for almost an hour to the neutral territory. That is the human territory but they do know nothing about witch and vampire clans.

Looking around them found traces that the vampires were over there to hunt and that probably were still in the area.

"Samuel don't leave the group" Weeya resumed seeing that he was walking away "it's not safe here you know".

While they were there to search for more clues and traces, in those trees' shadows mesmerizing was the shadow who was listening to everything.

That night passed fast and at dawn, the group got back to report to the master what they are founded and they're plan to attack. The shadow followed them until the end and only at that point, she went back to Elvyra's room.

"You are back shadow," said the girl while looking out the window.

"My... My... you practiced when I was out," answered the shadow.

"I couldn't stay here without doing nothing," said the girl smiling "so what is the news?" asked while looking at the shadow.

"A vampire lord will be back in two days, the plan is to attack and kill him," said the shadow.

"An albino perhaps?" it makes sense with the date and what that vampire with reddish hair said about his lord's death.

"It seems so" yeah that was it, I need to find a way to not let that person die this time, I will not forget his people's, pure heart.

"I have to get ready to leave this place in two days, help me to find a way to get out without letting anyone find out" I'm asking for a lot of things, but what if this shadow wants something in return, what if is something I don't have "shadow, do you have a name?"

"I don't remember, can you help me to remember?" this is a hard question. I cannot promise I will do it because I do not even know where to start or if I can do it but "I will try, but I can't promise anything" I hope this answer is enough for you "for now let's find a name for you".