
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 24 – Realization –

Days pass fast. It is as if time slips away from us and we cannot stop it. We have to make the most of every day and seize every opportunity that comes our way. Every moment is precious and we should not take it for granted.

Weeya is sitting on the stairs with a headache. Plans are progressing well but the lack of sleep is giving her some problems. She takes a few deep breaths and decides to get up and continue her day. She reminds herself to make the most of the time she has, and not waste it on meaningless activities. She stands up and steps forward, determined to end that situation.

With a newfound focus, Weeya tackles her tasks with dedication and enthusiasm.

When she was walking through the alley, she noticed someone carrying some heavy bags in a strange manner. She then noticed that the person was Ciro, and at that moment, she decided to reach out and help him.

"Hey, Ciro" Heard someone calling. He turned around to see who had called him. Suddenly, he tripped over his own feet and fell face down. He slowly lifted his face from the ground, covered in dirt and grass, and chuckled, "Well... I guess that's one way to make an entrance!"

Weeya started laughing wildly after seeing that scene. Somehow, the tension broke in an instant. Ciro got up, still smiling, and brushed the dirt off his clothes. Weeya offered him a hand and they shared a smile. They started walking, still laughing, as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile on the upper floor of the residence,

"Lety, please lie in bed, don't get up yet," said the master.

"But father my back is killing me" replied to her sobbing.

The maid looked around them and prepared the sofa to be the coziest place in a matter of seconds. Master, she can relax here for a while while we clean the bed." He nodded in approval as he looked at the sofa.

She sat comfortably on the sofa looking out with a lost expression as her father worriedly asked, "Lety, are you alright?"

Her answer, "Yeah," did not convince him.

"All of you get out" Those in the room immediately got out closing the door behind them.

"Lety tell Papa what is wrong?" he asked, taking her hand and caressing it tenderly.

Lety looked at him with teary eyes, unable to find words. "Papa, I'm scared of the dark," she finally said. He hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry; you're safe here with me."

He kissed her forehead and said, "I will always be here to protect you. You are never alone." He pulled her closer and she felt safe and secure in his arms.

She then said, "Don't worry; I'm not planning on leaving anywhere. I'm just happy you're here papa!"

He smiled and kissed her forehead again, feeling the warmth and love he had experienced before, a long time ago. He held her close and whispered, "I love you." She smiled and snuggled into his embrace, feeling the love only a father can give.

"Papa, I'm sorry," she said, tears streaming down her face. He shushed her and kissed her forehead, reassuring her that everything would be all right. He kept her close, never wanting to let go.

"Papa, our hard work got ruined because of me." He smiled and said, "It's not your fault, sweetheart. We will figure this out together." He held her close and wiped away her tears. They embraced and he told her everything would be OK. He asked her to trust him and headed back to the house to come up with a plan.

With a determined voice, he reassured her, "We will overcome this. I promise."

"Okay papa," Said her sobbing.

"Lety, can you tell me what happened?" he asked, gently stroking her hair. She shook her head and cried disconsolately. He sighed and embraced her, letting her know he was there to listen.

"I checked how things were proceeding and also to see if SHE was ready, but she was not there and shortly after something stung me" she replied, trying to remember what had happened that day.

"What do you mean?" He was stunned. Something felt strange.

"She was not there... father!". Exclaimed her suddenly blanching out.

He stood there watching her with a confused expression while she felt numbness in her body, as she slowly understood what had happened. She looked at her father in despair and anger, her voice trembling as she spoke. "She was not there..." As soon as he heard that, he stood up and called the maid.

"Come inside" The door opened immediately and inside the room entered Leticia's personal maid.

Then he flew out immediately, saying, "Take care of her, I have an urgent business."

He immediately rushed to the mansion in the wing where Elvyra had been confined. He opened the room and it was empty, no sign of Elvyra. He searched the entire mansion, but she was still missing. He knew she had run away. There was no question in his mind that he was determined to find Elvyra and bring her back. She was a crucial piece in his chess game.

Because of his anger, he lost patience for a bit and his power exploded, destroying Elvyra's rooms. Despite this, he was unable to think clearly for a moment

He had to act fast and find her before she was beyond his reach. He had to make sure she was still nearby. He had to find her no matter what it took.

A camping war erupted in the mansion when Weeya turned back from her mission. The master was furious and no one could understand what was taking place at that moment.

"Shut up!" he yelled angrily. "Where is she?" The tone got stronger and stronger.

"Master, please we know nothing." The maid tried to calm down his temperament without success.

"Weeya, where is Weeya?" shouted him

"Master, I'm here!" she answered behind him.

"Where were you? Why can't you do anything properly?" He fumes furiously.

"I was with a research group in the woods to find medicinal herbs."

Hearing her answer the master got angry and slapped her in the face.

Everyone was shocked by that reaction. It was astonishing that he hit his strongest fighter like that.