
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasi
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19 Chs

The Betrayal

19th Century

"We have been betrayed by the hunters and the hellcast." Queen Lilian; the council elder for the Vampires announced at the meeting with fury racing through her red pupils.

The veil between the supernatural world and the human world have been broken by hellcast and the hunters. They seek to dominate both supernatural world and the human world. Their actions was treason against the supernatural realm. With the veil thorn, their world have been exposed to the human eye. It was only a matter of time before their world was discovered. The veil was created by the first council to protect the humans from their kind, since between the two realms, the humans were the most vulnerable. There were five regions in the supernatural realm; the vampires, the werewolves, witches, the guardians and the hunters. The council was made up of five leaders each representing the supernatural regions.

"Indeed! They have broken the veil between both worlds. For centuries we have lived without humans having proof of our existence. We were dust of myths. Being exposed to the humans could be the end for our supernatural realm and regions." The king Alpha of the werewolves vehemently spoke.

"My ancestors promised during the creation of the first council to protect the supernatural realm and its five regions. As their successor it is time I fulfill that promise. My noble warriors have made progress in hunting the perpetrators." Samurai; leader of the guardians spoke as he distributed files to the other three leaders.

"It's still hard to believe that the hellcast would betray me; the Queen of Magic. Their mother!" Mira's displeasure was still evident on her face as she complained for the third time during the council meeting.

"You have always been lenient on your people, why am I not surprised." The King Alpha chuckled at Mira's cold glare.

Samurai clear his throat loudly enough to cut off the heated glares both leaders threw at each other. "Please Elders, open your files. These files contained information on the whereabouts of the hunters and the hellcast. My warriors found out during their investigations that the hunters and the hellcast have infiltrated the human world." He finished off and read through his file.

"Why would they lurk behind the human shadows? They won't survive!" Mira grasp with shock.

"Oh Queen don't be naive. Of all our species, it is the hunters and the hellcast who would survive in the human world. Smart move on their part. We cannot attack them in the human world. It wou...."

"So what! We just leave them after what they have done?" Queen Lillian cut of Samurai with anger laced in her voice.

"Well?" The king Alpha prompted only for Samurai to shrug since he doesn't know what to say without further angering the Vampire Queen.

Sighing, "I have assembled few of my most powerful witches to try and seal the veil but their actions seem futile. They even tried black magic." Mira said with disappointment.

"The veil must be restored to avoid the humans from stepping into our world and to stop the hellcast and the hunters from returning back." Spoken with caution like a true guardian. His words didn't go unnoticed as the Mother of Magic; Mira admired his courage. 

"You like him, don't you?" Queen Lilian whispered into her fellow Queen's ears. Mira couldn't help but blush.

"Women please pay attention!" The king Alpha scolded as he winked an eye at the Vampire Queen.

"You have an admirer yourself." Mira whispered back to Lilian.

"The huntress must be caught even if it means we hav..."

"No need my Queen. For they would come back on their own." A soft chuckle cut Lilian off. The four leaders looked everywhere around the room to find the owner of that familiar voice but it seems they were the only ones present. Sensing danger, all four leaders were on high alert.

"Impatient are we!" The voice mocked as it appeared before the leaders.

"You!" They said in unison.

"We thought you were de-dead." Samurai stuttered with pure shock.

"Indeed! But the creator gave me a second chance at life, to come and warn the council." She spoke softly, with her one eye in-between her forehead searching across the room.

"It seems I'm late." The oracle sighed as her blued one eye settled on the empty chair at the last end of the table.

"The creators knew before hand and now that it's late before they sent you!" The king Alpha looked ghastly.

"Calm down!" Lilian snapped at the King Alpha, whose lycan was fighting the demon gene for dominance.

"Apologies her holiness." The King Alpha spoke with sincerity, showing it was his wolf side that was present.

"A temperamental wolf you have there, my king." The Oracle stated try to annoy the king's wolf.

"Your holiness, how do we close the veil?" Mira abruptly asked, trying to ease the tension in the secret chamber.

"My visions are limited but from what the Angelis said, a war is coming and all the regions shall be buried under the black moon. All would be lost and the seed of unholy and blossom union would be the end to the cause."

"You speak a tongue we have no knowledge of!" Samurai complained, annoyed at the confusion of the Oracle's message.

"Those were the exact words of the Angelis and he said those were the exact words of the creator." She retorted, her one eyed shining blue in the dark.

Only few people have been graced with the Oracle's presence. Although, there mere sight of her was horrendous especially with the grey hair, one eye in between her brows and two bull's horn on her head, her aura was calming to any supernatural species expect the lycan and werewolves. Werewolves and lycans were known to be immune to charms and magic.

"A seed of unholy and blossom union would be the end to the cause!" Samurai repeated, running a hand through his long wavy black hair.

"I don't understand the message myself but.."

"What does that have to do with restoring the veil?" Lilian cut in, as she got a cold glare from the Oracle showing her dislike for being cut off.

"The veil can only be restored by those who created and destroyed it. The Angelis said "the hands that created and destroyed th..."

"We know you don't have to finish that!" The king Alpha snapped at the old hag.

"I hate to be interrupted when talking." The old woman said through gritted teeth.

"How are we going to get the hellcast to restore the veil? They are traitors for conspiring against the supernatural realm." Mira questioned rhetorically.

"That I do not know but I must warn you about the seed or whatever it is, we must find it before the war else all regions shall be buried under the black moon." With those words she disappeared from their presence.

"I've always disliked that old hag!" The king Alpha's voice reverberated through out the chamber.

"You dislike everyone King Alpha!" Lilian laughed teasingly.

"Would have my warriors look for this seed and while at it I suggest we start preparing for war, elders." Samurai stood up from his chair and left the chamber.

2000years later

"For thousands of years we have searched for this seed and nothing! All the Angelis books in all the five regions speak of no such prophecy!" Samurai exhaled with exhaustion.

"What if we were misled?" The King Alpha question with suspicion.

"The Oracle is too holy to co.."

"I'm not saying she did it on purpose, what I'm trying to say is maybe she didn't her the Angelis well and misquoted him." The Alpha king interrupted Mira carefully selecting his words.

Sighing, "Maybe the King Alpha is right! We haven't heard anything from the hunters or the hellcast! We trained for years yet there hasn't been any attack. Maybe there's nothing to be agitated about." Samurai look gaunt and frustrated.

"Elders! There's been an attack!" A guard stumbled into the chamber uninvited. All four elders could smell his fear and panic radiating from his soul.

The king Alpha quickly jumped up from his chair, "what attack, by whom? Speak!" He ordered with his Alpha tone.

"T-th-the the hun-hunters and helli- hellcast." The guard stammered through his words, he was afraid beforehand but now more afraid of the beast lurking behind those green orbs of the King Alpha.

Mira sighed heavily, "I guess the Oracle was right after all." She said waving the guard out, whose body was shivering in fear.

"Poor thing. He almost had a heart attack!" Lilian smirked at the King Alpha and mouthed "calm down!"

"We have to prepare for war!" The king Alpha managed to say despite this threatening voice.

"Elders before we depart I've something to.""

"Elders they are coming we need to move now!" The king Alpha, second in command burst in, cutting Lilian off.

"We are coming, Beta!" Samurai said hastily at the second in command.

"What do you have to tell us Queen?" Mira asked worriedly.

"Nothing important co-elders, we have a war at hand." Lilian whispered looking straight at the King Alpha.

"If we do survive after the war, you would tell us!" Samurai nodded at Lilian and sighed as a reply.

"Ladies don't die!" The king Alpha makes his way towards the door.

He opened the door for Lilian who was almost at the door, "be safe my Queen for victory shall be ours." He whispered to Lilian and kissed her forehead when the others left. A cold shiver ran through her spine when his lips left her skin. 

When Lilian left the king's presence, a pool of tears clouded her vision as she inwardly prayed to the creator that she and her beloved would survive this war, for she was with a child that is if all the signs were right.