
Vampire CEO's Only Obsession

[Mature Content] As the woman with flowing brown hair stood in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on the approaching car, a sense of desperation and fear washed over her. She knew she couldn't continue living a life filled with suffering and pain. In that fleeting moment, escaping this brutal world through death seemed like the only way to find peace. But just as the car drew nearer, something or someone swooped in like a bolt of lightning and swept her away from harm's way with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she found herself safely on the sidewalk, unharmed but with tears streaming down her face. Collapsing to the ground, Andrea cried out in frustration, her voice reaching the heavens. "Why does the world inflict so much suffering upon me? Why won't it let me find peace in death?" Her words were drowned out by the raindrops falling from the sky, as if nature itself was mocking her pain. But then, a cold and stern voice broke through the chaos. It was Logan, standing above her, looking down with a mix of concern and authority. "Because that life isn't yours to take," Logan said firmly. "As long as my heir resides within you, your life is no longer solely your own. It belongs to our child and to all the vampires who answer to me, Andrea." He continued, "I have the ultimate say in whether you live or die because, through our connection, every breath you take belongs to me." Bewildered by the sudden revelation, Andrea couldn't comprehend how one fateful night had turned her life upside down. Now, she was bound to a man whose haunted past clung to his heart, and yet, he yearned for her with an intensity she couldn't ignore. Not only did she carry his child, but her very existence provided the sustenance that quelled his vampire thirst. It was a situation beyond ordinary comprehension. Now, Andrea faced the daunting challenge of navigating a world where she became the target of countless predators, all while carrying a sacred child who had the power to either save or destroy the vampire realm. But as the Vampire CEO's Only Obsession, she knew his protective embrace would always be there to shield her from harm.

Sharon_Rose18 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

The Ball 1

Andrea and Eve got back home not too long after the six hours of shopping.

Guess spending time in the mall, those takes more time than anticipated.

Upon getting back home, Andrea walked straight to her bedroom as Eve was shown her room by the maids.

It was already 6 in the evening, so the sun was already going down.

As she entered with her bag, she saw that Logan was already getting ready to leave for work.

And upon turning around, Logan had a rather calmly expression as he saw her.

His eyes showed mixed feelings that he himself couldn't understand.

Placing her bag, Andrea collapsed on the soft couch as she brought out her phone, entirely ignoring him.

As he wore his suite, Logan couldn't help but take some quick glances at her from time to time.

'Was she angry?' he thought, after all, this morning he had pushed her away and his mom had brought another woman into his home.

She should be at least a little upset.

Sighing within him, Logan finally succumbed the courage to talk to her.

"Don't tell me you're upset?" He said, completely regretting his words immediately.

Man, he wasn't good at having pleasant conversation.

But Andrea's expression was unchanged as she answered briefly, "Angry? In what way?"

She asked as he then turned around.

"Eve… Sigh! I didn't know my mom wa-" before he could finish his words, Andre raised her hands in the air to stop him from speaking.

"Please stop, if you are going to apologize, then you should hold it, what the hell are you apologizing for?" Andrea asked as Logan was a little taken aback.

Standing up, Andrea folded her hands as she walked towards him.

She was just as tall as he was, so there wasn't much difference between them.

"Do I have to remind you that this marriage is nothing but a contract, so I don't really care if your mom brings twenty or fifty wives for you to marry, all I know is to give birth and to leave, so there's no reason for me to be Angry or for you to apologize, okay?"

She said before she then turned around to leave as Logan was speechless.

Of course, he hasn't forgotten about how they even ended up as a couple.

The only reason he wanted to apologize was because she was a woman and no one would like to find out that their husband had another woman. Even though this marriage had no future, it should still be respected.

Meanwhile, Andrea didn't leave the room, as she stopped in her steps before then turning around to face him.

She walked slowly towards him as she then took the tie that was on the dressing table not far from them as wrapped it around his neck as she helped him knot it.

As Logan just stood still, for some reason, his body felt so stiff with her so close.

He could smell her soft and rose - like scent.

Logan couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation as Andrea wrapped the tie around his neck.

Her proximity was intoxicating, and he found it difficult to focus on anything else.

The scent of roses filled the air, adding to the allure of the moment.

As Andrea deftly knotted the tie, Logan's gaze remained fixed on her.

He noticed the way her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, and he wondered what she had in mind.

His heart raced, unsure of what was to come next.

Andrea finished tying the tie and took a step back, admiring her work.

Her eyes met Logan's, and a mischievous smile played on her lips. "There," she said, her voice low and sultry. "Now you're all dressed up and ready for work!"

Logan couldn't help but feel a surge of desire at her words.

He wanted to say something, but Instead, he simply nodded, his eyes locked with hers. The tension between them was palpable, and he couldn't deny the magnetic pull he felt towards her.

Without breaking eye contact, Andrea reached out and adjusted the collar of Logan's shirt, her fingers grazing his skin. Logan shivered, the touch sending a jolt of electricity through his body.

He knew he should say something, but the intensity of the moment left him momentarily speechless.

Andrea's smile widened, as if she could sense his inner turmoil.

"By the way, who is Rebecca? Is she your ex-wife?"

She asked as just as, Logan's face turned grim and dark, it was like she had just turned on his angry mode or something.

And Andre noticed that immediately, taking hold of her shoulder, Logan pushed her away from him slightly.

"Don't ever say that name again!" Logan said as a smirk appeared on Andrea's lips.

She knew well that the woman with that name was totally someone from his past.

'How interesting!' she thought to herself, the mischievous glint in her eyes growing stronger.

Andrea decided to push further, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Oh, it seems like I struck a nerve there, Logan. What's the story behind Rebecca? Why does her name evoke such a strong reaction from you?"

Logan's jaw clenched, and he took a deep breath to regain his composure.

"That's none of your business, and I'll like it if you never say her name in this house ever again!"

Logan said as he then took his bag to leave, but before he left, he said to her, "The ball will be happening tomorrow. Be ready!"

He said before he finally left, as Andrea clicked her tongue at his words.

"Ball, huh? Just wait and see, I'll make sure you vampires don't ever forget this ball, if I'm going to be your wife for these seven months then I'm going to make it one of the most memorable months of your life Logan, cus all men are the same!"