
Valhalla: Battle for the afterlife...

Killswitch · Fantasi
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9 Chs


Hunger and the cold gnawed on his resolve, breaking him countless times. In the nights he would curl up and try best he could to make heat. At long last, after coming face to face with countless challenges and temptations to give up, Gregory emerged from the maze's depths staggering and lunging himself forward, falling on his side, curled up and shivering. The door leading back to Loki's chamber stood before him, a testament to his perseverance.With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, Gregory stormed back into the palace of Loki. The Frost Giant king observed him with an air of begrudging respect. "You have done well to reach this point, noone has ever made it out alive" Loki conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Now, prepare yourself for the final tests." Loki motioned towards a shadowy alcove, where three towering figures emerged. Each figure emanated an aura of ancient knowledge and cunning. "These are my riddle guardians," Loki explained. "Answer their riddles correctly, and your life will be spared." Gregory steeled himself, readying his mind for the ultimate challenge that stood before him. With the weight of his existence hanging in the balance, he awaited the first riddle, fully aware that his answers would determine not only his future but also the fate of Jotunheim itself.Gregory squared his shoulders, focusing all his attention on the riddle guardians before him. Each towering figure posed a unique challenge, their voices carrying an otherworldly resonance. The first riddle guardian, with eyes burning like smoldering coals, spoke with a voice that rumbled through the chamber. "I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?" it intoned. Gregory pondered for a moment, contemplating the various possibilities. Then, a spark of realization ignited in his mind. "The answer is a joke," he declared confidently, a glimmer of triumph in his eyes. The riddle guardian's eyes flickered with approval, and it nodded solemnly. "Correct," it acknowledged, stepping back into the shadows. As the second riddle guardian emerged, its voice floated with an eerie serenity. "In darkness, I am found without being fetched. In light, I am lost without being stolen. What am I?" it questioned. Gregory's mind raced, searching for the elusive answer. He thought of objects that dwelled in both darkness and light, before a sudden epiphany struck him. "The answer is a shadow," he proclaimed, his voice resolute.Once again, the riddle guardian inclined its head, acknowledging his correct response. With a graceful movement, it retreated into the darkness, leaving only one challenge remaining. The final riddle guardian emerged, its figure shrouded in an aura of enigma. Its voice echoed with a sense of foreboding. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" Gregory's brows furrowed as he grappled with the complexity of the riddle. Time seemed to accelerate, the final moments slipping through his fingers. One incorrect answer could seal his fate. But then, amidst the mounting pressure, a glimmer of insight emerged. "The answer is an echo," he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and hope. For a fleeting moment, silence hung heavy in the air, as the riddle guardian stared intently at Gregory. Then, as a smile curled upon its hidden face, the riddle guardian nodded in acknowledgement. "Correct," it whispered, fading back into the depths of the chamber. Relief surged through Gregory's veins, washing away the tension that had gripped him. The weight of the moment lifted, and he stood there, triumphant amidst the echoes of his victory. Loki, though visibly annoyed by Gregory's success, could not deny the resilience and intelligence he had displayed. With a begrudging respect, he gestured for Gregory to approach."You have passed the test," Loki muttered, his voice laced with a resentful admiration. "You have proven yourself worthy of existence, at least for now." As Gregory absorbed Loki's begrudging approval, a new path began to unfold. His journey in Jotunheim was far from over, and he now carried the weight of his newfound purpose. The riddles had offered him a reprieve, an opportunity to continue his exploration of this ancient realm, for there were tales yet to be untold and destinies yet to be revealed in the land of frost and giants. Gregory's heart raced as he stood before the mischievous Loki, the god of mischief himself. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, and paranoia consumed his every thought. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he tried to maintain a facade of calmness, hiding the fear that gripped his core. Gregory knew all too well the tales of Loki's hatred for Asgard and its inhabitants. The god's cunning nature was infamous, and his ability to shape-shift and manipulate situations was legendary. Loki's disdain for Asgardians was almost palpable, and Gregory could feel the intensity of his icy stare. He understood the implications of choosing the door that led to Asgard, and the grave danger that awaited him if he made the wrong choice.However, Gregory's journey had not been in vain; he had passed all the challenges presented by Loki, showcasing his resilience and determination. The moment of truth had arrived, and he had to trust his instincts, despite the lingering paranoia. As Loki swung open the nine doors, revealing the vast expanse of the realms, Gregory couldn't help but feel a profound sense of unease. He observed each door carefully, his mind spinning with possibilities, unsure of which path to take. It was as if fate itself held its breath, waiting for his choice. For a fleeting moment, Gregory's gaze met Loki's twisted smile, and he could detect a subtle hint of disdain. It was clear that his decision displeased the trickster god, as though selecting any realm other than Asgard was a betrayal in Loki's eyes. Guided by instinct and driven by self-preservation, Gregory's eyes fixated on door number three. The door stood tall, its intricate patterns weaving a captivating story of its own, whispering ancient secrets to those who dared listen. While his mind was engulfed in swirling doubts, his gut told him that this was the path he must tread.With a deep breath, Gregory mustered his courage and took the first tentative step toward the chosen door. As his foot crossed the threshold, the world around him shifted violently, the reality warping and twisting into something new. It was as if he had traversed into another dimension entirely, leaving behind the weight of Loki's wary gaze. Loki's eyes narrowed at Gregory's choice, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity reflecting in his gaze. He had expected the mortal to succumb to fear and make a more predictable choice. But now, he found himself intrigued by the unexpected resilience displayed by Gregory. With a wicked grin spreading across his face, Loki closed the doors with an echoing thud, leaving only Gregory and his chosen path. As Gregory ventured further into the unknown realm behind door number three, the mysteries and challenges that awaited him remained uncertain. But one thing was now certain – he had chosen this door of his own accord, a new chapter had begun, and Gregory would prove his worth in ways he couldn't have imagined.