

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasi
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32 Chs

The Togetherness

Hello, excuse me once see you didn't went down but you started to shout Said why.

Oh god what are you doing it's like your playing with us Said Valerie.

Sorry now here you go said why and opened the door to extravagance planet.

The door opened Valerie, Liam and Amelia went in and saw nothing like there is no light too much darkness to handle.

It's so dark I can't see anything Said Amelia.

Yes, so now what can we do means the plan asked Liam.

As there would be no Mon…. Wait are you able to hear the voice asked Valerie.

What voice no I can't hear what about you Liam. No Said Liam

It's the voice of Jack Said Valerie.

Jack's voice then remaining must be some where hear Said Amelia.

How dare you to come and stand on this planet came a loud and deep voice.

Hello is anyone there asked Valerie.

It is more creeper than seeing Lucas at night Said Amelia.

Suddenly a large hand came and took all the three members and squeezed them.

They shouting like crazy soon they felt unconscious.

In a place where there is a partial light

Hmm where am I asked Amelia to her self and woke up then she started to panic about the situation.

Valerie, Liam wake up it's no time to sleep firstly Liam wake up and move your hands from the plant it is dying .

Due to her loud noises Valerie and Liam woke up .

A loud thud came , Valerie and remaining stood.

The monster which grabbed the three also came who was fully covered with black hair.

Who are you asked Liam.

Shh said a voice which was familiar.

A big throne where a man of sitting he was guarded by at least 100 people

He ordered to guards to tie the three members hands to the big wooden sticks. And they there started to ask and shoot who is he and where are their friends.

The guards took a cloth and tied their mouths

The man who sat on the throne lighted a matchstick and brought it close to his face and then he ordered the monster to go out of the place and asked the guards to light all the lamps at the place.

Due to sudden light the three members closed their eyes and when they opened their eyes they got shock of their life.

Valerie and Amelia eyes widened

He ordered guards to remove the cloth from Valerie's mouth then she spoke

You!!! How come it is not possible you are a friend but now how is it possible you left and now you came again but like this it is not imaginable victor said Valerie .

Hmm Valerie you still remembered me. I thought you would forgot me as you did to your friends but you remembered nice good job Said victor.

What are you speaking where are remaining where is everyone asked Valerie.

Chill and relax forgot Said victor.

Forgot what did I done asked Valerie.

Hmm Valerie use your power and find me a person then I will give your friends Said victor.

First show me them victor later I will do as you say said Valerie.

Victor then snapped his fingers then in a cage Jack, Catherine, Luna and Lucas are there.

Now ok will you do as I say asked victor to Valerie. But said Valerie.

Victor even made to remove the cloths from Liam and Amelia's mouth

Liam then said don't do it. Victor then said oh your Liam right I know you your the guy who helped your mother to defeat Marvina queen right. Stop it Said Liam

Valerie thought about her friends and said that she would do as victor says.

Nice girl see the task is simple find where is Martin that's it using your powers.

Simple Said Valerie and using her fingers she created a virtual circle where she used her spells and found where is Martin and said Martin is in Dritix.

Jack said Valerie why did you do it asked and started to panic.

What happened asked Amelia.

Victor laughed very loudly and jumped so that within one step he came and stood in front of Valerie.

He even ordered guards to remove her ties and started to say see you found a person's location.

Yes now what asked Valerie. Miss Valerie because of your mistake I am here in this planet.

Victor now I understood you are just misunderstanding I searched for you.

Where in your dreams you even dint thought about my sister said victor.

Lucinda!!! Said Valerie in a shock.

Now you remembered about her after knowing that she is no more Said victor. Don't say it victor Lucinda will be there somewhere.

No you betrayer she went to tritix again to search but some force took her away and she is no more she even sent her dragon for your help but you stayed as a rock and did nothing everything is because of you only and in here I got nothing to eat drink but using my powers I got everything I want and now I became the king of extravagance Said victor and laughed horribly.

Victor listen it is not you please calm and I am sorry for everything but even think from my side also but sorry victor.

No sorry just fight Valerie now I need the life you took Said victor

How can I asked Valerie so then he asked to give her life like if Valerie defeat him he will give all her friends but if victor win she need to give her life.

What!! No no Said Lucas . I am ready for it Said Valerie. No Valerie he became strong than ever don't try defeat him all by your self said Luna. No ,victor I am ready you took my friends as a revenge now it's my turn to teach you a lesson and opened a sword using her powers.

Victor too opened his sword they both fought with swords like a cat and a cat

No one is backing off they are fighting like crazy.

Lastly they drained their energy fully Valerie spoke stop it victor it's enough .

Don't you dare Said victor and used the lighting swords beam to stop her to move .Valerie created a shield and used her power , and send flying him in the sky by creating a lava from below him and kept splashing the fire and soon victor can't move so Valerie released Liam and asked to cover him like a cocoon using his dark power.

Everything happened like a beam of light Valerie then signed and fallen back. Liam released Amelia and remaining his friends.

Jack and remaining came running to Valerie and woke her up thinking she was dead.

Valerie then woke up and sat on the ground and shook her head and hugged the person in front without thinking. Suddenly there is an awkward silence Valerie opened her eyes and saw whom she hugged that is Lucas. Hmm sorry Said Valerie and hugged Jack and started to tear up. While everyone is happy tearing up Liam and Catherine shook her hands and said you did it .

All of them saw the view of Liam and Catherine with silence and kept staring at them.

Liam then realised and asked them what happen? Nothing but sawn a different creatures Said Lucas.

Hey how can you said Catherine. Nah I am just kidding Said Lucas.

Amelia and Luna hugged each her happily.

Now Valerie I think so you know what to do Said Jack. About her only right Jack.

Yes. Valerie again used her powers to find where is Lucinda and found that she is in plack.

What is plack asked Luna.

It is a planet where the jewellery is made Said Valerie.

Then let's go there Said Amelia.

Still there is something to do Said Lucas and Valerie.

What asked everyone.

You say Lucas said Valerie. No you say it said Lucas. Fine we still did nothing to the monster said Valerie. No I am saying about victor like we need to send him to magix Said Lucas.

Everyone laughed at the innocent faces.

When Liam tried to open the the hardcore Fiber dark he made around victor it burst open.

You think I loose you are too cowards to think like that I am king you can't do nothing I will come back sooner or later and for your info your really a cowards for believing Shang Said victor and disappeared.

Oh god what is wrong with him asked Catherine.

I hope let's first move away from this planet we can discuss everything later at our space ship.

Ok but what about monster. Let's leave here Said Jack. Jack but said Valerie. Valerie that monster is none other a cat ok it has only hands that too which are big Said Jack and they left to the spaceship

In the space ship.

After 2 hours

Everyone got fresh up and sat on a place to discuss about the next plan there they found a letter from Mr quack sir.

Luna read it a loud saying

Hi, everyone I hope you all are there together by now by Valerie, Liam and Amelia's grace I am Mr quack sir writing a letter saying that I am going on an important mission so your next course of task consists of three tasks

1) aster from plack planet

2) meet harmony bird in library of wisdom and find a book called the magic of aster

3)and get the magic essence of purple lake.

All the tasks takes place in a single planet that is plack. I order you to do the tasks within one day and return to magix

For the first task Liam, Luna and Catherine

For second task Valerie and Lucas

For third task Amelia and Jack.

Begin your course from tomorrow and all the best

Congratulations on bringing the aster of blue.

Everyone remember that your our last hope James will be on his way and now he have 2 aster but you know how many you have.thank you. Yours loveable teacher quack.

Ah said Amelia.

Nice Said Jack. Yes we should even save Lucinda also Said Luna.

Yeah let's go team Said Catherine and they all said yes let's go.

Can you again say the teams Said Amelia

So Luna again read out the names and the tasks.

Oh god I am again being paired with Valerie.

Hm what is problem with me being with you if you have any problem then you don't speak all the and I to don't ok and now Jack you have the map of plack planet right.

Yes Valerie I found that from each destination there is a distance of 700 kms.

What Said Luna. Yes said Jack.

That means we need to call our dragons for it Said Amelia.

Yes said Lucas. Lucas you don't speak properly with your dragon but if wouldn't be there means today we wouldn't either would have found you all at lest tomorrow speak with her properly Said Valerie. I know what to do Said Lucas. See what an arrogance Said Liam. Hey you don't say it said Lucas. See Valerie he is just as arrogant as you right. Hey wait your even teasing Me aaah said Valerie and gave a death stare so Liam and Lucas went back to their rooms . Q

Oh god we can't with them Said Jack. Again coming back Lucas and Liam said even we can't work an old man like you and ran. Jack followed them.

Remaining saw them and laughed at their sudden alter in their behaviour

It's at least peaceful Said Amelia.

Yes it's nice to see them when they come out of the savage character Said Luna..

Hmm yes Said Valerie and chuckles.