

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasi
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32 Chs


Landed on The planet called the rule of god.

Yeah!!We reached safe and sound here said Valerie. Fine of your saying so first let's complete the work and go said Lucas. Ok fine said Valerie. They both showed different directions and said let's go this way. Lucas trust me this way is a good one I hope we can find the diamond in this route said Valerie. No just follow and I will lead you to diamond said Lucas. Wait Here is a another way look in front we can go in this direction said Oliver. Hello from where you came and firstly don't involve in our matter ok said Lucas. Lucas wait hi Oliver from where you came it's a sudden surprise I think so said Valerie. Yes Valerie it is I came from magix said Oliver. I know it you boy but I am asking you why in here said Valerie. Because I am an butterfly said Oliver. Oh your a butterfly that's it ah wait, what??? Asked Valerie. Oh I mean that the queen of magix gave me a work to check on all planets in our solar system said Oliver. Enough of your friendship and nonsense we don't have time Valerie do it fast said Lucas. Is he always like this Valerie being like a emotionless stone asked Oliver. Yes Oliver Lucas will be always like that ok first say me that in which direction should we go to reach the diamond of god asked Valerie. What for that you came I too don't know how to go said Oliver. I said speaking with him is a nonsense said Lucas. You spoke too fast Lucas look I have a map to go to that place , it says that first we need to go to the mountain royola said Oliver. Ok then let's go there said Valerie. Ok then said Oliver.

In the mountain royola

Now what asked Lucas. Give me that map Oliver said Valerie. Take it said Oliver. I think so there should be a flower, which is big in size near the front door of mountain said Valerie. There it is said Lucas. You founded very easily said Oliver. No need of compliments now first see how to open the door said Lucas. Wait said Valerie and plucked the flower then a door of a cave opened. You are kinda smart Valerie said Oliver. Let us talk about it later we should not even waste a single minute as Liam and Catherine may come at any moment said Valerie. Oh the boy your thinking about the other day said Oliver. Ah yes that person said Valerie. Now you need to discuss about that person ah asked Lucas. I think so he is feeling jealous said Oliver. Yes I too feel the same said Valerie.I said stop the thing said Lucas


What language do you think is this asked Oliver. Lucas are you ready asked Valerie. Yes said Lucas. THEY BOTH TRIED TO COMBINE THEIR POWERS BUT THAT DINT TOOK PLACE

again failed said Lucas. No problem Lucas leave it said Valerie. It is because of you, you haven't tried full fledged that's why we dint make it said Lucas. Giving or showing sympathy is only big thing to you but again your blaming me asked Valerie. Stop it guys listen I know how to read those inscriptions but don't know the name of the language that's why I asked you said Oliver. Oh god ok then continue said Valerie. It says that, welcome to the dome of dragon I feel so proud that you all came up to here so in order to get the diamond you need to pass in some tests so first one starts when you give some like a spark of Ice power, said Oliver. Ok then I will the spark from my body come here said Lucas


I think so we need to jump and jump and go there to another end said Valerie. Yes Valerie that only said Oliver. Ok let's go

In the middle of game

Valerie move what are you seeing there that much frightening asked Oliver. It is a shark said Valerie. Then what go Valerie said Lucas. No I can't I am afraid of sharks said Valerie. At least move Valerie said Lucas. What you want me to become a prey to shark asked Valerie. Valerie listen up carefully , just close your eyes and move as I say I hope you believe me right if yes means close your eyes said Oliver. Ok ok fine said Valerie and closes her eyes and did as Oliver said. Wow we did it said Valerie. Not yet see here I can't even open this transparent glass that is protecting the diamond Oliver. Let me try said Lucas and tried but nothing worked. Then let's try opening by using our powers said Valerie. Ok then let's try said Oliver and Lucas. Let me first said Valerie but no use the glass dint opened. What is the problem with this glass said Lucas. Let's try combined powers said Valerie. AS VALERIE SAID THEY COMBINED THE POWERS

Eureka!!! It worked said Valerie. Ok then let's take diamond and leave the place as soon as possible said Lucas

Why so hurry asked Oliver. Miss Valerie and you boy I think so you dint saw the place so see now properly as it will break the second we remove the diamond ok said Lucas. Oh yes all the rocks are connected to the glass of diamond,then we should remove the diamond first and then leave fast said Valerie . Yes Valerie your right said Oliver. THEY REMOVED THE DIAMOND WITHOUT THINKING AND SOONLY ALL THE ROCKS CAME UPON THEM

oh no no it's not a good thing said Valerie. Listening to you is this said Lucas. Why you always blame me for everything said Valerie. Guys leave it first think how to escape from here said Oliver. How I have an idea ,you took the diamond right then leave the cave as fast as possible said Lucas. But you ,asked Valerie. I will come said Lucas. Come Valerie said Oliver. LUCAS USED HIS ICE POWERS TO STOP THE ROCKS FROM FALLING DOWN

Lucas!! Lucas shouted Valerie. Wait Valerie said Oliver. What have you done Oliver you took me that's why I came see now Lucas is not coming said Valerie. Why that much tension Valerie asked Lucas. Lucas you came ah fine then said Valerie. Oh my god Lucas if your coming is a little delay means Valerie would have done something to me said Oliver. THEY 3 LAUGHED

Ok then let's go said Valerie. Why soo fast leaving , said Catherine from the sky. I thought you missed me Valerie that's why I came here to take that diamond said Liam. Missing you yuck said Oliver. I think so we had missed some part of the drama who is he Valerie asked Liam. I am Oliver so what asked Oliver. Enough of chatting so first give us that diamond said Catherine. No we won't said Lucas. Then we will said Catherine and Said the piece of eternity come to me with the bright light. Then Liam said dark power make the sky dark so that they can't see any thing.


Oliver where are you said Valerie. Here, here said Oliver. May the sky brighten with the power of flames said Valerie


Oh no how you came here asked Valerie to Liam. Gotcha ,,Lucas now give the diamond and take Valerie. You did wrong Liam by touching me, fire of dragon burn him with your flames said Valerie. LIAM THEN REMOVED THE JACKET HE IS WEARING

Lucas it's your last chance give that diamond to Catherine said Liam. Oliver then said Lucas give it. You all stop it Lucas don't give it said Valerie.


Lucas , no no why you did it said Valerie. First you come this side said Lucas. Catherine then gave that diamond to her brother Liam. LIAM THROWN THAT DIAMOND TO THE GROUND IT TURNED INTO PIECES

Liam what have you done boy, it is very important one but you thrown like that said Catherine. Stop the nonsense Lucas don't dare to see me real said Liam. I thought your dumb but good you found very easily said Lucas. Ah now I understood Lucas with your ice powers you made another diamond right said Oliver. Yes said Lucas. Oh Lucas great said Valerie. Stoppppp!!! Give that diamond back said Liam with base voice all around him we can clearly see the dark energy. I don't give you ,said Lucas. Dark power show your trueness by pouring the acid black rain said Liam. SUDDENLY ACID BLACK RAIN STARTED TO POUR

fire stop it by the defence said Valerie and created a shield to protect them. Valerie your getting to my nerve, see the power of mine dark energy may spread, like the web of spider make those miserable said Liam. Hold it Oliver said Lucas. THEY ARE UNABLE TO MOVE AS THEY ARE TIED WITH WEBS AND SOONLY THE SHEILD MADE BY VALERIE IS GOING TO BREAK

What a situation, oh wait go back.. said Oliver. What trying to go back in time, it is not possible when I am here said Catherine. Catherine bring that diamond said Liam. Don't you dare to get it said Valerie and untied the webs she had, fire spread all around and make a move. Alo si mari said Valerie. No use Valerie you are still a small kid my mother only overthought about you, I think so it takes soo many years for you to defeat me said Liam and laughed. THE SHIELD BROKE THE RAIN IS ABOUT TO TOUCH THE FRIENDS THEN...…

Cover them with your veins of fire dragon said someone. Oh wait you, how you came here said the twins and vanished. Valerie, Valerie are you okay asked someone but Valerie blacked out. OLIVER… you witch said one of those and left

AFTER 2 hours

Lucas , Valerie wake up you guys said Oliver. What happened, asked Valerie. Where is the diamond asked Lucas. See it's here said Oliver. Oh god what a day right said Valerie. Yes , but who saved us asked Lucas and Valerie. Don't know guys just now I woke up on these field of flowers said Oliver. Ok Oliver no time to speak I think so the diamond is not safe to be in here so take it with you and give it Shang sir ok said Valerie. Valerie are you going to give that diamond to an unknown person asked Lucas. Lucas respect , he helped us today so we can believe in him said Valerie. Ok Valerie I don't break your trust ok then bye I will leave now said Oliver and left the place. I think so for us still some time is left in this planet said Valerie. Valerie have you heard a voice before you fainted like Oliver you witch asked Lucas. Yes Lucas I heard that, some girl's voice I think so said Valerie. From now on we should concentrate more on our powers I feel said Lucas. Feeling same here Lucas we are not at all strong enough to defeat that Liam and Catherine, said Valerie. Yes said Lucas. I feel we became close friends after this day said Valerie. Sorry Valerie for everything I did, I dint been fair to you because your Quinn's rival so , now also I am not full trusty on you Valerie because of you may also change colours like your parents said Lucas. Wait again you started said Valerie. Sorry I dint meant what I said to you now Valerie said Lucas. Lucas i am also sorry for everything now make me promise that you won't leave me and fight with me again , I don't like to fight with my own friends said Valerie. THEY BOTH PROMISED. Oh the snow fall said Valerie. Yes see even on your head there is a snow flake said Lucas.See we became friends so the snowfall started to fall said Valerie. That means it is Christmas said Valerie and Lucas. Then merry Christmas said Valerie and Lucas to each other and shook their hands. May the year be a wonderful year with lots of joy and learning said Valerie and Lucas