
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


I drifted into a restless slumber beneath the blanket of stars, my belly full and my mind heavy with the day's exertions. The forest around me hummed with nocturnal life, the air thick with the scent of earth and foliage. Yet amidst the tranquil symphony of the night, danger slithered silently towards me.

Unbeknownst to me, a monstrous serpent-like creature, its scales shimmering in the moonlight, had been stalking me since dusk. Its eyes, glowing with a malevolent gleam, fixated on my slumbering form. With a sinuous grace, it coiled closer, its massive body moving silently through the underbrush.

I stirred uneasily as a chill crept down my spine, a primal warning that pierced through the haze of sleep. In an instant, the serpent struck, its muscular coils wrapping around me like a vice. I gasped in shock and fear, the constriction stealing the very breath from my lungs.

Panic surged within me as I struggled against the serpent's crushing grip. Its scales were cold and unyielding against my own, its strength far surpassing anything I had encountered before. Each tightening coil threatened to crush my ribs, to squeeze the life from my young body.

With desperate determination, I summoned every ounce of strength. My claws raked against the serpent's smooth scales, seeking purchase. I thrashed and twisted, my wings fluttering uselessly against the ground. But the serpent's grip was relentless, its coils tightening with each futile struggle.

Summoning the last reserves of my strength, I thrashed wildly, desperate to break free from the serpent's suffocating embrace. My vision blurred with the lack of air, my struggles becoming weaker as my energy waned. The forest around me seemed to blur into a haze of green and shadows as I fought against the relentless grip.

In a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, I remembered my mother's teachings. She had warned me of the dangers lurking in the darkness, of creatures far stronger and more cunning than myself. This serpent was one such predator, seeking to snuff out the life of a young dragon foolish enough to sleep unprotected under the stars.

'How stupid! To make such a basic mistake...' I curse at myself.

Summoning a surge of primal fury, I focused my entire existence on a single thought: survival. With renewed determination, I mustered all my remaining strength and pushed against the serpent's coils with a burst of draconic might. My claws found purchase in its scales, tearing and rending as I clawed my way upwards.

The serpent hissed in surprise and pain, loosening its grip for a fleeting moment. It was all the opportunity I needed. With a final surge of adrenaline, I wriggled free from its constricting embrace. Gasping for breath, I stumbled away from the serpent, my heart pounding in my chest.

I turned to face my would-be assailant, my eyes narrowing with defiance and newfound respect for the dangers of the night. The serpent reared back, its eyes narrowed into slits of hatred and frustration. It had underestimated me, a mistake it wouldn't make again.

With a defiant roar that echoed through the forest, I spread my wings and took flight. I found myself perched high amidst the swaying boughs of an ancient oak, my heart still racing from the near-fatal encounter with the monstrous serpent. The adrenaline that had fueled my escape now simmered into a cold determination, a resolve to turn the tables on the predator that had dared to strike at me. Sadly my small stubby newborn wings didn't allow me to fly continuously, only for a quick burst to gain elevation and then glide for a while, thus I was forced to land on a tree branch nearby. 

Below, amidst the shadows cast by the first light of dawn, the serpent slithered cautiously through the underbrush. Its sinuous form moved with an uneasy grace, betraying hints of the damage I had inflicted upon it. Blood seeped from wounds where my claws had torn through its scales, marking it with the crimson stain of its own folly. I examined the monster, it was exceedingly large, clearly beyond the size of a serpentine animal. It was approximately 8 times longer and two times wider than me.

I watched from my lofty vantage point, my eyes narrowed with focused intensity. The serpent, bleeding and wary, evaded the gaze of night predators that prowled hungrily in the darkness. It retreated to the sanctuary of its cave, seeking solace from the hunger gnawing at its gut—a hunger born of an unsuccessful night hunt. It seemed completely unaware of my presence, probably assuming that I ran with my tail between my legs. It was wrong.

Hours passed like fleeting shadows across the forest floor, but I remained steadfast in my vigil. Patience became my ally as I waited for the sun to ascend higher into the sky, casting its warm embrace over the waking world. The serpent, a night hunter, lulled into a false sense of security by the daylight, should succumb to exhaustion and curl into a tight coil within the depths of its lair.

Before I made my risky move, I decided to bathe myself in the muddy puddle I've found nearby during my previous explorations to mask my scent to the best of my ability. Once I was done, I sneaked towards the cave with utmost care, at this moment my entire existence was focused on remaining undetected.

I soon saw the coiled sleeping giant serpent monster at the end of the cave. My form ready to pounce, I lunged forward, my claws slashing through the air. With unerring precision, I targeted the serpent's eyes—two closed sliths that I identified as the easiest to utilize weak points.

The serpent awoke with a startled hiss, its serpentine body thrashing in panic and pain. Blood sprayed from its ruined eyes as it recoiled, blinded by my retaliatory strike. A guttural roar escaped my throat, a primal declaration of victory and retribution. 

The serpent writhed and wriggled, its once-proud coils unraveling in disarray. It struck out blindly, its fangs gnashing against the air in a desperate bid to defend itself. But the damage had been done. It was wounded and vulnerable. Even without its gaze I didn't dare underestimate my mighty foe. A single blind thrashing of its muscular tail could lead to my untimely demise. I was patient, dancing around the wriggling monster. I claw swipe there, a tail thrust here, I slowly accumulated its injuries. We played this game for over an hour. The monster's vitality was an eye opener for me, this entity was way beyond the capabilities of the puny tiger I was so proud to best before.

With a final surge of primal fury, I seized the serpent's throat in my jaws and clamped down with all my strength. Its struggles grew weaker with each passing moment, until finally, with a shudder that rippled through its dying body, the serpent fell still.

[You've slain Strangling Giant Serpent]

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