

V, a mysterious and enigmatic figure known only by a single letter, is tasked with the perilous mission of eliminating the last of the five Nobles.

Emica_Dolion · Fantasi
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5 Chs

V and Christian?!

A man, who looks to be in his mid-twenties, rises out of bed, tying his long black hair in a simple ponytail. He wanders into his bathroom, leaving behind a pale, blood-drain corpse; he washes his face in the sink, sliding a robe on and bothering to tie it around his waist loosely. He exits his room, and the maids on stand-by rush in; they begin removing the corpse. He goes to his library, sitting in the armchair beside the chimney. Gideon looks out the window as a maid brings him a wine glass filled with blood before scurrying off. He sips it, looking out the window; the butler knocks on the door before entering, carrying a letter on a small gold platter. He bows, holding the letter out for Gideon; Gideon looks over, taking the letter and skimming it over:

"Count Grives has been murdered, torn to pieces; villager reports seeing a young man on horse racing to the count's castle." Gideon carelessly tosses the letter, shooing away the butler. He stood walking over to the window in thought.

V enters the town near his next destination, Countess Brigitt, who is vacationing in her summer home. V wanders into the inn; he is inside; he gently slides his finger off the counter and waits for a moment. When he realized the counter was unattended, he pressed the bell and calmly waited. He stood there for another three minutes before giving the bell a bit of a harder tap; once again, there was no response. V stands in silence, listening to his surroundings; he gives the air a quick whiff, but nothing. He gives a gentle sign as he walks out, heading into town. He leaves his horse tied to the post and adjusts his hood, ensuring his face is well hidden. He walks down the side of the street; he enters a local tavern, sneaking through the door unnoticed and sitting in the corner, silently listening to those around him in thought.

A group of hunters comes barging into the bar in a rather festive mood, a young man with short red hair and tanned skin, wearing armor made from a combination of metal and leather. As he set down a pouch of coins, he calls out "Barkeep, I would like four of your finest meals for me and my colleagues. And also, everyone's drink would be on me tonight!' He is quite ecstatic.

He and his buddies sat down at the table, and when their food was brought, they tore into their food. Another waitress brings them their pint of beer; she smiles curiously, asking, "What calls for tonight's celebration?

The young man with short, wild red hair turns to her with a smile. "We were hired to get rid of one of the countess's beasts, that was harassing a neighboring town. Though it was quite grueling, we managed to get the upper hand."

The night was rather peaceful but loud from the celebration, V after listening to every conversation about Countess Brigitts's and her beasts. He stands swiftly, wavering through the crowds of drunks , his nostril flaring, catching a strong scent of iron; he follows a scent to a wagon. He reaches out gently, feeling about, his finger grazing a tarp; he grabs the tarp, throwing it to the ground. He reached feeling the head of the beast that lay in the back of the wagon:

"Pretty cool, huh? We already sold the body, I had the head preserved,"

V stopped letting go of his head, turning to the source of the voice, that of the young man from earlier. "Forgive my manners; my name is Christian."

V with ASL Letter for V, Christian takes a closer look :

"Oh, V, well it's nice to meet you, I didn't notice you in the bar until I saw you slipping out of the front door"

 V points to Christian, another ASL letter for V, with his palm facing his body, keeping the *V* he keeps the fingertips just under the eyes. His hand swings forward, moving his hand straight out with turning around. Then points to himself. "You see me?"

"Yeah, I have quite an eye ' ' he says, his cheek slightly red from the alcohol. Christian leans against the wagon, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"So V, what brings you into our small town?"

V takes the non-dominant hand and, drawing it into a fist lays it horizontally in front of his body. Then takes his dominant hand, forms the ASL letter B sign with his palm facing forward, and moves it side to side a couple of times


Christian eyes examine the young man from head to toe. " It appears that you are a hunter."

V carries on; he stops, making an ASL Letter Y, which is downturned right is placed on an upturned left palm. His fingertips touch his chest. His fingers stay straight. Then his hands pivot inward toward each other twice. V takes both hands, held in a modified "5" position, palms out, and moves toward each other. His thumbs and index fingers of both hands connect. V takes his right hand makes the ASL letter for 'A' then uses the thumb of the 'A' to move down along the right jaw, from ear to almost the chin. V extends his right index finger moves forward and rests on the tip of his extended, upturned left index finger. Then his right-hand turns into a five with the thumb tip contact with the lower cheek, his palm facing left, and places it on his chest with his other finger pointing up. Pivoted at his thumb, the hand swings down a bit so that his other fingers are now pointing somewhat out. V uses ASL letters to spell Brigitt, He turns his right hand into a"5" with his palm facing his body, and his fingers facing left. Then moves left to right, while closing his finger until all his fingers are around his thumb. He points to himself and then his head. V takes his right index finger, holds it above the left index finger, he brings it down rather forcefully so that the bottom of his right hand comes to rest on top of his left thumb joint. He turns his right hand back into an "A" sliding it down long his right side jaw from ear to almost the end of his chin. His right index finger points to an imaginary Brigitt. V forums another five with his finger pointing left, each finger slightly bent and spread out. As he moves his hand from the potion of his nose down to his chest. Then repeat the signing for creature.

("This creature belongs to Lady Brigitt, and if I remember correctly, she is fond of her beasts")

Christian looks down at the head, "Indeed she is." Christian looks at V, "That's why I approached you. I like to hire you"

V shakes his head as he walks over to his horse, mounts it, and rides off.

Christian stands watching the man fade into the night; he continues celebrating, moving the others into the bar. V halfway out of town stops his horse, stopping under the tree's shadow.

"You are a fast motherfucker" Christian says gasping for air, "I have run fast before, but this a first for a new speed.".

V glares at him from the shadows

"I want to hire you, please. It's about Count Abaddon."

V points to himself, his right hand is drawn slowly over the back of his downturned left hand from his fingertip to his wrist. V then turns his right hand into an "S", his palm facing left and is placed on top of its left counterpart, whose palm faces face right. His hands are twisted back and forth, striking each other slightly after each twist. he point to himself once again. Then both his hands, have palms facing and fingers together and extended straight out. He moves his hand in unison away from the body in a winding manner.

("I'm slowly making my way to him.")

"You are, then can I join?" Christin asks excitedly, V shakes his head.

"Look, I'm a hunter. I learned different ways to hunt different creatures!", Christian says in a more business tone, "I want to learn how to kill a noble." he says, standing straight," I know there are not as many counts and countesses, such as Count Grives and Countess Brigitt ." V shakes his head again.

"I can protect myself."

"Can I get a ride from you until we get to the next town? Knowing you, that won't take long."

V looks at him, then away, waiting . Christian hops onto the horse, "Thanks." The horse took off the second Christian got on the horse. The ride to the nearest town of Grey Bones. Christian hopped right off the horse when the horse stopped, "Thanks." V rides his horse to the nearest motel l; he comes out and guides his horse into the stalls. Christen catches up and goes there. He goes to his room, showers, sits on his bed, pulls out a still-hot, cooked duck, and begins eating, ripping the meat off the bone.

Christian asked the owner if they would be selling any horses, and they nodded, saying they were willing to sell one of the horses. They cleaned up the dining table and told him to look at one of the four horses in the stable. Christian came to find V sleeping in the hay with his horse; he was caught off guard. V stands up in the blink of an eye; he looks at Christian:

 v right index finger passes over the fingers of his upturned left hand that was held as a "5" starting from the index to his little finger. His hand goes into the ASL letter for R, with his palm facing left, holding it to his lips, and the hand moves straight out and away from the lips. Then both hands open, his palms down, and are swung right to left before his chest. both of his hands suddenly take an "A". The position is held knuckles to knuckles. his right-hand moves back, describing a small arc, and comes to rest against the left wrist. He then points down to the ground.

("What are you doing back here?")

"The owners said I could buy one of their four horses." he stretched, "So I came to take a look."

 V shakes his head and starts pulling his horse out of the stable, he hops on his horse and gently pats the space behind him.

"Ok? Then what would I do?"

Christian gets on, "Ready to go," 

V gets on his horse, and Christian silently follows after, once on. The horse takes off, and after a while of riding Christian looks a V's hoodie head:

"Why did you sleep in the stables?"

 V points at the side of his forehead with the tip of an "R" hand. Draw a couple of little circles in the air as if to show wheels turning.

(" Reasons.")

"Like what, for an example?

V uses the ASL for "S" on both hands, their palms held down. His right-hand strikes against the back of his left several times.


"Work?" thinks for a moment, "Like what ?"

V stopped his horse a few yards away. He dismounts his horse. V sticks his hand out motions the other to wait.

"yes, sir!"

V disappears into the trees; Christian stands momentarily and thinks," Wait, that means I can't watch?!" Christian starts making his way to the white castle, "Shit"

Christian stops, "But he must have a plan for the Countess. I must stay here."

He sits on the ground next to the horse and reaches out to pet it. The horse casually voids his touch. The horse crosses the path and starts eating some grass.

V silently approaches one of the countess's beasts, A basilisk.

The beast has an odor of rotting flesh and several oozing boils on it. V within 0sec, slice the creature in half, even though the heart. V carried on, and after a while, a large thud could be heard behind V, and yet another beast slayed(a giant pelican spider). V enters the front door, and heads to the basement. It was silent; he looked around. It looked like a storeroom for the nobles. V stops, standing, he then turns his head in the North-West direction, looking at the countess.

"Oh, well, this is embarrassing. You caught me?!"

V was just standing there like a statue. The countess smiles as she looks at him, But her smile fades. " She sees her humanoid maid dead behind V. Suddenly, around her neck, there was a chain as faint and thin as hair. Then she realizes she is on the ground, no her head. V returns to his horse.

Christian notices V has an odd-looking bag tied to his side. That a size that fits a decapitated head, his eyes widen:

"Is that what I think it is?"

"I made it short"

"What?" Christian looked where the other was standing, and he looked about seeing V on the horse, "Oh." 

Christian got on the horse and was silent on the journey to where they went next. When he noticed there were other bags, the same as the bag. He looks at V. In the stories he heard, the nobles would turn into sand and disappear in the sun if they were hit by its sunlight. sun headlight has learned that for centuries, people tried to keep the head of a vampire. But all failed to do so. He closes his eyes, staying silent as they travel.