
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

Carl_One · Komik
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70 Chs

Chapter 7: Team introductions

Hatake Kakashi, was normally not easily intimidated. Years spent as the Anbu captain had given him a great number of immunities to almost any form of intimidation.

However, seeing as how he had the heir of the Hyuuga clan, the last remaining Uchiha and most importantly Konoha's most dangerous Anbu, the 'Demon' waiting for him he decided that he should arrive on time…

Which is why he currently found himself here…

In Ibiki's interrogation cell…

"Now for the last time, what have you done with Hatake Kakashi?" Ibiki asked in a dangerous tone.

"Ohh for fucks sake, I AM KAKASHI!" He yelled for what seemed like the hundredth time in twenty minutes.

"He's not cracking sir." A chuunin whispered in Ibiki's ear.

"I know." Ibiki whispered back. "But we have to keep at it."

Kakashi sighed it was going to be a long day.

Uchiha Sasuke scowled as he glared at the mysterious new arrival that had been placed on his gennin team. Iruka, was slightly taller than the boy, but even so, his ominous presence towered over the Chuunin teacher.

His other teammate was at least familiar.

Hyuuga Hinata was a member of the Hyuuga main house, and had all of her insecurities and shy feelings of hesitation furiously stomped out of her by years of living under the iron fist of her father. She was cold and calculative and had nearly taken the title of rookie of the year from him during one time they had sparred at practice. She was practically the only girl their age that did not fawn over him.

All in all, he counted himself lucky that he had gotten someone that was useful on his team.

The same however could not be said about their sensei. The man was approximately 20 minutes late and it was starting to grate on his nerves.

Hinata calmly sat at her desk, her eyes studying the strange new student that had arrived. She would never admit it never in a million years, but when she had seen him fight during the Taijutsu portion of the exam she had activated her Byakugan...

The sight had shocked her.

His body was literally a web of inner chakra coils, he had nearly double the normal number of tenketsu and his chakra had hints of red in it, all things that were almost entirely unheard of. It was not entirely unknown for someone with a great deal of chakra to have a few more Tenketsu than normal, the Yondaime himself was said to have possessed roughly thirty extra tenketsu.

But still to have so many at such a young age was staggering. His coils were also thicker than normal. She had no urges to face him. Even if it was just a friendly spar.

She had let none of her shock, or unease show on her features and remained as apathetic as possible.

Naruto meanwhile stood, staring out the window, still as a statue, he could feel and smell the unease radiating off of his two teammates from his presence. It was nothing new, infact, he was kind of impressed they were holding up so well. Anbu on missions with him had been radiating fear through their eye sockets. Then again, these children knew nothing of his reputation.

He watched the leaves fall in the wind, waiting for Kakashi to arrive, he knew the jounin would not show up for quite a while but his clients were here so he would remain here.

Five and a half hours later however, Naruto was seriously considering marching out of the classroom and personally dragging the one eyed, smut reading jounin back here personally.

All his thoughts of possibly disabling the copycat ended as he heard the door slide open revealing a very angry looking Kakashi with a vicious twitch of his eyebrow. "Meet. On. The. Roof." He ground out before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Sasuke and Hinata sent glares filled with barely contained rage as they each thought of various ways they could harm their new sensei.

Naruto said nothing as he slowly turned from the window and walked out the door to walk up to the roof in order to meet his old captain.

Kakashi's eye continued to twitch terribly and his face was set in a stone cold glare, directed just above his students heads as two of them sat there. There fury had been a cold breeze in comparison to his. It hadn't taken them long to realize that, so now they shifted a little nervously while the other just stared on impassively.

His mind continued to replay the events of his morning, that is officially the last time he was going to show up even remotely early. They had checked his eyes, his ears, took his blood, his fingerprints, his dental records, an X-ray and a sample of his bodily fluids.

But the worst of all had been the cavity search.

A thrice damned cavity search for crying out loud!

He didn't even know what could be used in a cavity search to identify someone!

He took a deep breath to calm himself down and was about to speak when the Uchiha spoke first. "Why were you late?"

Kakashi's eyes lit up with the most unholy fire from the very depths of hell and glared at Sasuke with such intensity even Naruto took a slight step back.

"Introduce yourselves." He practically snarled, "Start with your likes dislikes and dreams for the future." Naruto could have sworn that his normally black eye had flashed red in the form of the mangekyo for a brief moment.




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