
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

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70 Chs

Chapter 67

Naruto thought about it for a moment before he finally replied. "Is your son at least chuunin level in stealth on his own?"

Shibi paused before nodding. "Yes. I believe he may even be a little above that if he tries hard and the conditions are right, he could even be considered high chuunin."

Naruto nodded before speaking again. "Very well. Now, if no one else has any questions then you may leave, make preparations to depart in seventeen days."

Hinata, Kurenai and Shibi bowed and began leaving, Kakashi granting the Hyuuga the time and place of where they would meet. After they had left Kakashi turned to Naruto.

"What is it Hatake?" Naruto said leaning back in his chair.

"You know…after you take Kiri, if you even get it, you can't just immediately go and attack another country."

"Do you take me for a fool Hatake?" Naruto scoffed. "I must first stabilize my power in Kiri, and then gain the adequate number of troops, supplies, funds and resources before I begin another campaign. Besides…" He looked out the balcony towards the marketplace where the people were going about their business. "I know that a normal Shinobi can only take so much combat before he finally snaps." He looked to the Sharingan wielders eye. 'Isnt that what you were going to say."

Kakashi leaned back in his own chair and sighed. "Yeah." He looked to Naruto again. "You say the words but you don't really understand them do you?"

Naruto was silent for a long while before he spoke again. "My entire life has been battle. I fought battle after battle until I was feared by all, as a devil in human form." He looked to Kakashi. "Even you, to some degree see me as a demon don't you Hatake?"

He smirked as Kakashi didn't answer. "No, Kakashi, I do not understand. But perhaps that will change some day." He mused silently before standing and leaving his office.

'Minato-sensei.' He mentally sighed. 'What have we done to your legacy.'

Meanwhile, in a dark lair, seven robed figures gathered together.

"Are you serious?" One voice, which belonged to a silver haired man with a three bladed scythe and a kumo forehead protector asked incredulously. "He actually beat the both of you?"

"While also defeating Itachi's Tsukiyomi." Another voice, this one coming from a very tall man with pupiless eyes a face mask and a bandana with the waterfall village symbol over his head.

"That is…disturbing." Another, one with a scorpion tail and hunched form spoke up.

"No, that's fucking hilarious yeah." Another voice, this one coming from a blond rock nin snickered.

Kisame growled. "You wana come down here and say that you clay using transvestite?" He said as he moved to grab Samaheda.

"You fish faced freak!" Deidara snarled moving his hand to one of his pouches.

"Enough, both of you." A female voice spoke up entering the room. She looked to the still silent leader. "I have treated him. He will hopefully awaken in a few days time."

The leader nodded and turned to one member which looked like a Venus flytrap. 'Zetsu. I want you to gather as much information as you can on the Kyuubi's jinchuriki. His strength is troubling, but nothing we cannot handle with the proper information."

Zetsu, bowed before speaking. "Of course." He seemed to fade away as the leader turned to the rest of the group.

"This changes nothing. We will continue with our plans accordingly. Do not approach the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki in open combat unless the odds are very favorable."

They each nodded before silently fading into the darkness.

The leader let his eyes travel to the giant statue of a bound humanoid figure in silent contemplation.

Uzumaki Naruto, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. Will you be the one I wonder?

Will you be the one that brings this world into ruin…

Tsunade was currently on her ninth bottle of Sake, drunk as hell. She was drinking for a number of reasons, one was the death of her sensei, another was simply for the situation that had fallen over her home. Jiraiya was yet another reason, she felt sort of betrayed by him. How could he side with someone like Naruto. He couldn't possibly believe that he would succeed in his ambition so there had to be another reason.

Another major reason was that girl, Akina. She reminded Tsunade a little of herself back when she had lost Dan and Nawaki. Throughout her entire story Tsunade felt the memories that she had long ago tried to bury resurface.

In a nut shell.

She could relate to the girl.

And she hated it.

Just as she was about to reach for the tenth bottle a hand firmly grasped her wrist.

"You know Hime. That's really bad for your health."

She looked at the silver haired man that stared at her with a neutral expression. "Jiraiya." She glared.




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