
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

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70 Chs

Chapter 47

Naruto moved again, this time extending his arm forward, catching a Hyuuga that had been approaching him with a clothesline, his forearm smashing into the man's throat. He then used that same arm to grab a kunai from his pouch as he fell.

He threw the projectile which hit another ninja that was making his way to the compound to call for back up, while using his sword to stab the Hyuuga on the floor.

He pivoted on his heel again, catching another charging ninja by the throat before tossing him to another approaching group knocking them all back as they tried to catch their comrade.

He turned again, ducking under a very inexperienced chuunin that had tried to leap onto him from a slightly elevated boulder. He took out a kunai and tossed it, catching the man between the eyes as he rolled and tried to recover his feet from the miss.

The man fell to the floor.

He rounded, delivering a brutal, sharp side kick to another mans face, hearing a satisfying crunch as he fell on his back.

Next, he delivered a quick, upwards slice to a foolish Hyuuga that had tried to take him head on with the sixty-four palms technique cutting diagonally from his left hip to his right shoulder. He pivoted again this time delivering a kick, catching again another ninja in the face, making him fall on his back.

When Naruto brought his foot down he brought it down on the mans throat, crushing his wind pipe with brutal ease.

He turned to face the group he had knocked over when he threw the ninja at them and unsheathed his other blade in seconds, one blade lit aflame and the other glowed faintly with tiny, unseen wind blades passing over it. 'Katon: Daitopa Shoha!" (Fire release: Great Breakthrough Shockwave)

Inside the Hyuuga compound it was complete pandemonium, no one knew where the enemy was, or how many there were, or who they had to attack, they were prepared to fight a group, not just one man, hence the confusion.

Hiashi tried to establish order amongst his remaining ninja, while Inoichi, Chouza, Shikato and Tsume gathered the all the gennin and civilians they could find.

The gennin, for their part were completely confused and terrified. All around them they could hear crashes, explosions, they could smell smoke and feel the heat of the fire on their skin. The screams of pain, the moans of the dying, the fear in the eyes of the ninja, it was utterly terrifying.

Tsume, for her part didn't know what to do with the children, or the civilians, They hadn't had the time to form a proper escape plan for the gennin or the civilians. This attack was much sooner than anticipated, they still needed at least a day or two more to have absolutely everything ready.

Still, that wasn't a luxury in any battle. She cursed, and grabbed her daughter's arm as she moved to rush past her.

"Mom what…" Hana began but was cut off as Tsume spoke over her. "Hana, take your brother and the gennin and head to…" She paused…where could they go? The forest was too dangerous, Danzo may be patrolling them, or any other foreign nation that had caught wind of this.

Grass and Ame wouldn't give asylum to anyone from Konoha since they were very close to Iwa. Iwa itself wold likely kill any leaf nin in its borders on sight as would Kumo, Kiri in its civil war would turn them away. So that only left their former ally of Suna…she bit her lip. Somehow she knew she had to get the civilians and children away from here, something told her that no one that stayed here would survive the night.

She had to get them away from this place!

She weighed the options and realized that Suna was really the only one available. Even if they survived this night, they would still have to leave. The village would be too weak military wise to continue defending itself.

"Head to Suna." She said resignedly.

Hana gaped at her mom. She was about to protest when Tsume looked at her dead on the eye and spoke. "Don't question me just do it!"

Inoichi who had heard the woman's yell, rushed up to the Inuzuka women and spoke. "What's going on?"

Hana looked to the blond man. "She's ordering me to take the gennin and civilians to Suna."

Inoichi stiffened and was about to speak up when another voice broke through the chaos. "Do as she says."

The three snapped their heads in the direction, catching sight of the scarred visage of one Nara Shikato as the man ran up to them. Inoichi was again about to protest when the man began speaking in his lazy, logical tone. "Inoichi listen, even though Suna did attack us, its common knowledge now that Orochimaru was impersonating their Kazekage, right now Suna is leaderless and I highly doubt they would risk retaliation from Konoha, even a weakened one should they harm our refugees. And do you really want Ino here for this?"

The blond man stiffened and turned to look down the hallway as a medic dragged in a bloodied corpse and another individual crashed through a wall, which was followed shortly after by a loud, screeching hiss of one of the snakes.

He turned just as Chouza limped through the door. He was panting and he had a nasty gash across his forehead. He looked up at them. "We managed to deal with the snakes over here!" He said dazedly.




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