
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

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70 Chs

Chapter 11: Mission to wave

It had been several weeks since the formation of team seven. Though if one were to look at them it would appear as though the team had been set up just a few hours prior to receiving their mission.

Sasuke, barely tolerated his teammates, and while Hinata had on occasion tried to start conversation with the last Uchiha there was only so much she would tolerate from the prideful gennin. Add to that the age old Uchiha/Hyuuga rivalry and you have two people that barely tolerate eachother mutually.

Then we have the final teammate. Though not particularly rude, the strongest of the group held his silence as if his life depended on it. Never speaking more than a few words and even then it was only when it was necessary. Hinata continued her subtle attempts at uncovering the source of the boys strength through conversation but she could never get much of anything other than a few clipped sentences.

Both the Uchiha and the Hyuuga had tried to follow the boy on several occasions but the masked 'genin' always eluded them.

And poor poor Kakashi was caught in the middle of this chaos.

The slightly dysfunctional team were now standing in the Hokage tower. They had just captured the Daimio's cat, the orange fur ball scratching at Naruto's arm with useless futility as the blond held him by the scruff of his neck.

Each of the team members had different yet slightly similar thoughts.

'This is such a waste of my time. I should be training instead of doing this crap.

'Such stupid missions. I would have thought that Konoha would know how to handle their resources beter.'

'Ahhh, finally, Ryoko and Karu are going to get lai-'

'Just a flick of the wrist to the right and this worthless neko's neck snaps. A flick to the left and up and her spine is crushed. Which way would be best to kill this foolish cat without anyone noticing?'

Before the blond could carry out his killing desire the Daimio's wife showed up and took the cat. Naruto had to smirk as he saw the woman hug the feline to her breasts he was glad he hadn't killed the feline, this woman's method for doing it was much much more enjoyable to watch. Especially as he heard the cats spine cracking and giving off minor snaps. Yes the little cats death would be slow and painful. He would have to pay the woman for her services.

The Hokage clearing his throat brought him out of his thoughts. "Now then, a new mission for team seven, we have walking the Inuzuka dogs, painting the east wing of the hospital, cleaning out the horse stables mowing the…"

His listing was cut off as Naruto spoke up, surprising his teammates and nearly making Sarutobi have a heart attack. "Hokage-sama." His hollow voice rang out, which had a severe undertone of annoyance in it. "I humbly request a higher ranking… 'mission' that these D ranks." As the words slipped out, he was half surprised himself.

But his patience was frayed, his skills were dulling, and if he had to deal with one more of these...chores there was going to be an unauthorized death. Very soon.

Sarutobi smirked. That had been the first kind of emotion Naruto had displayed to him in years. Even if it was just simple annoyance, progress is still progress.

He contemplated weather or not he should deny the request just to annoy him further, but then thought against it. That might do more harm than good. He slowly nodded and shifted through his desk. "Yes well, we have a C rank escort mission to the land of waves. Should you choose to accept you'll be guarding a man named Tazuna while he completes his bridge."

Kakashi opened his mouth to try to warn his two gennin students of the slight danger this mission could bring, just so they would know what they were getting into when a concentrated level of killing intent washed over him. He slowly turned and saw Naruto glaring at him, apparently, the blond didn't want to take the risk that the two gennin would back down.

In truth, Kakashi knew this form of restlessness, he had a case of it when he quit the Anbu. Having constantly lived on the brink of life and death to then just suddenly be a jounin, who didn't take nearly as many dangerous missions. For Naruto, who had known the bloodlust and battle high his entire life, to suddenly be on these slow laid back D rank missions must find it to be completely nerve wracking.

When there were no protests from Hinata or Sasuke Sarutobi ordered for them to go get Tazuna.

A few minutes later an old man with a straw hat and a Sake bottle walked in. "Wha? I paid good money and all you idiots do is give me these three brats? They look like they'll be killed five minutes into the fight."

Hinata and Sasuke, glowered at the bridge builder. Hinata's eyes narrowed while Sasuke's fists clenched. Naruto however once again remained completely apathetic.

Kakashi, seeing two of his students were likely going to kill their client before the mission even started decided to step in. He cleared his throat. "Don't worry, these are the best gennins in all of Konoha and you also have me. I'm a jounin." 'And if I cant handle it then Naruto most definitely can.' He added silently.

Tazuna hmphed and took a swig of his sake, muttering something like 'whatever' under his breath.

Kakashi turned to his team. "Alright then…meet at the east gate in two hours."

That said, the team filed out of the room to gather their equipment for the mission.




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