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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: That boy, he looks...

Ashevilles' years passed by full of resentment, emptiness, and regrets. Its been five years since that accident occur, but even now, she still regretted her actions, if she didn't leave him there, would they have been separated, like today? Or If she didn't escape in the beginning, would she lose him? Haa, there's no use thinking about it now, if she can't take back her past actions, then she'll just go ahead and do her best to find her son, she wont give up, because she couldn't and she mustn't. I mean, how could she, after all she's done. She did her best in everything she do, when it comes to finding her son, She travel from country to country, city to city, and school to school, disguised as a teacher hoping that it she did this, she'd be able to find him sooner, but as expected, life really is harsh, she couldn't even get a single clue, what's more to finding him? This is already her 25th school, and really hope she'll be able to find clues this time. Asheville was lost in her own thoughts, when a little girl suddenly tugged the hem of her skirt. "A-awe you lost? I cwould tweach you thwe way, if you want?" She shyly asked "Oh no, sweety, im fine, thank you" Asheville sweetly responded "Awe you suwe? I know the way awound hewe, I cwould shwow you? " "Oh no baby, I'm good, but how about you, don't you have classes to attend to? I think you better run along now, I mean you wouldn't want to be scolded by the teacher would you?" Asheville teases her. "Uhhhh, I dwon't want to be scowded" the little girl murmured, she really is cute. "Then you better hurry now" The girl wave her hand, and turn to run away. "Kids really is energetic" she muttered 'I think she's around four or five, If my child is here, he'd be the same age' she thought. ________________ The students gazes makes Asheville feel awkward, as she walked down the hallway. But she continues to smile, despite their uncomfortable stares. And at long last she finally arrived at the room she's in charged with. 'Woah, never thought childrens' room would be so clean, as expected of the most prestigious school for the elite.' She thought. "Good Morning, Im teacher Ash, your new teacher nice to meet you" she energetically bid them. All of the children bid her back, except for the little boy who has his face down on the table, he was sleeping Ash walked towards his table "E-ehem, good morning" she sweetly whispered to him The boy slowly got up and rubbed his half closed eye, and Ash was shocked when she saw his face. "Y-you, you look..."

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