
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · perkotaan
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92 Chs

Chapter 37: Announcement

After hours of observation and gathering valuable insights into Jasper's behavior and social circle, Reese decided to conclude his surveillance of Jasper for the night. "Alright, time to wrap up for the night. Jasper seems safe for now." With a sense of relief, knowing Jasper was safe for the moment, Reese watched as Jasper and his friends left the club, their laughter fading into the early dawn as they piled into their respective cars.


Determined to stay close to Jasper, Reese called for a taxi and instructed the driver to follow discreetly behind and keep a safe distance to avoid detection. The driver was baffled as to why the passenger wanted to follow the cars, but he did not want to pry into others business.


The journey led them to the Ramirez Residence. After ensuring Jasper was safely home, Reese instructed the driver of the taxi to go to Guadalupe. When he returned to his rented home, he entered the Amethyst Orb for restorative sleep.


As day broke, Reese emerged from the Amethyst Orb, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. After attending to his morning routine of bathing and preparing breakfast, his mind focused on his next course of action.


"First, I need a fake ID," Reese said as he headed to the Ramirez Residence with a determined stride. He knew that Mr. Lopez would be his best bet for acquiring a fake ID, given his connections and resources. 




When Reese entered the Ramirez residence, Mr. Lopez greeted him with a warm smile, curious about his unexpected visit. "Reese, good to see you again. What brings you here today?"


"Mr. Lopez, I need your assistance with something important," Reese said shyly.


Mr. Lopez's eyebrows lifted in mild curiosity, sensing the seriousness in Reese's tone. "Of course, Reese. What do you need?" 


Reese took a deep breath, steeling himself for the request he was about to make. "I need a fake ID. I've been keeping an eye on Jasper, and I've realized that I need to be able to enter the clubs he frequents to ensure his safety." 


Mr. Lopez's expression shifted, his features taking on a thoughtful look as he considered Reese's request. "I understand, Reese. But obtaining a fake ID isn't as simple as it sounds. It requires time and discretion." 


Reese's heart sank slightly at the realization that it might not be as easy as he had hoped. "I see. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process?" 


Mr. Lopez thought for a second, then shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, no. These things take time. I'll need until Monday to arrange it for you." 


Reese nodded in understanding, grateful for Mr. Lopez's willingness to help despite the delay. "Thank you, Mr. Lopez. I appreciate your assistance." 


With a reassuring smile, Mr. Lopez patted Reese on the shoulder. "Don't mention it, Reese. I'll make sure to have it ready for you by Monday." 


Mr. Lopez did not ask Reese about his background; he already knew it when he investigated Reese before. 


Reese thanked Mr. Lopez once more before heading home, knowing that he would have to be patient in his quest to ensure Jasper's safety. 


As the night fell, casting a blanket of darkness over the city, Reese found himself once again receiving a call from Dwight. With a heavy sigh, he knew what it meant—Jasper was out again. 


Quickly grabbing his essentials, Reese dashed out of his home, his mind already racing with thoughts of Jasper's safety. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, especially now that he had a clearer understanding of Jasper's routines and the potential risks involved. 


Just like that, three days passed in a blur, each one blending seamlessly into the next, following the same monotonous routine. Sleep, eat, observe Jasper, and follow him home. Rinse and repeat. It was a cycle Reese had grown all too familiar with, and with each passing day, his frustration mounted. "Do these people even get tired?" Reese was bewildered by how they have the energy to go out four straight nights.


As he watched Jasper's every move, Reese couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a never-ending loop. Despite his best efforts, he felt like he was getting nowhere, stuck in a perpetual cycle of surveillance with no end in sight.


The monotony of it all grated on his nerves, wearing down his patience bit by bit. He longed for a break in the routine, a glimmer of hope to break through the tedium of his days. But with each passing hour, that hope seemed to slip further and further away.


Frustration simmered beneath the surface, a constant presence in the back of Reese's mind. He yearned for a chance to make a real difference, to protect Jasper in a meaningful way beyond simply shadowing his every move.


Yet, despite his frustration, Reese knew he couldn't afford to let it consume him. Jasper's safety remained his top priority, and he would continue to do whatever it took to ensure it, even if it meant enduring the endless repetition of his current routine.


"Monday can't come fast enough," Reese said in frustration as he watched Jasper on the rooftop.



With the promise of a fake ID on the horizon, Reese clung to the hope that this tool would break the cycle.



In the past three days, Reese couldn't help but notice a troubling pattern emerge. It became increasingly evident that Jasper's circle wasn't as welcoming as it initially seemed. Instead of open arms, Reese sensed an air of exclusivity, a barrier that seemed impenetrable to outsiders.


Reese realized that Jasper's friends were a tight-knit group, bound together not just by friendship but also by privilege and status. They moved with an air of entitlement, their interactions laced with subtle cues that hinted at their elite social standing. 


"Welp, there goes my plan of befriending one of Jasper's friends," Reese said dejectedly.



As Reese reflected on the dynamics he had observed within Jasper's social circle, he realized that trying to force his way into their world might not be the best approach. Instead, he decided to adopt a more patient and genuine strategy.


Rather than rushing to infiltrate Jasper's group by artificial means, Reese resolved to wait for the fake ID Mr. Lopez promised him. In the meantime, he would focus on building a genuine connection with Jasper and his friends, letting things unfold naturally.


This decision brought a sense of relief to Reese. He understood that genuine friendships couldn't be forced or fabricated. By waiting for the right moment and allowing things to develop organically, Reese believed he could establish a bond with Jasper that was built on trust and authenticity. 


Reese's focus was momentarily broken by the unexpected call from Mr. Lopez. As he listened to the urgency in Mr. Lopez's voice, Reese's mind quickly processed the information. Mr. Ramirez, Jasper's father, was planning to announce his candidacy tomorrow at 1 p.m. at Robinson Galleria, and Reese was specifically invited to attend the event.


The timing couldn't have been more coincidental, happening right in the midst of Reese's observation of Jasper. It was as if fate was aligning the pieces of the puzzle, urging Reese to take action.


"Thank you, Mr. Lopez," Reese replied, his tone filled with determination. "I'll be there tomorrow."


Ending the call. Reese thought that this was his chance to not only support Jasper's family but also to potentially gain further insight into Jasper's world. It was an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.


After the call from Mr. Lopez, Reese continued to scan the club; his keen eyesight didn't miss a beat. He noticed Jasper's departure, a detail that stood out amidst the swirling chaos of the club. It struck him as unusual that Jasper was leaving earlier than usual, especially considering their routine of late-night revelry. 


"I guess his father wants him home early for tomorrow's event," Reese said as he smirked.