
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

The perfect stranger

I woke up from this comfortable couch .I instantly assumed I was at home . Before I opened my eyes I remembered the incident that caused me to collapse . I opened my eyes and to my surprise I was not at home . It looked like a hotel room .Cushy bed and a couch below .My heels were on the side ,and my coat . I was stretching my body and trying to figure out how I got there . " Don't worry you safe ,I wouldn't let harm come your way " it was my mom she popped up again . I jumped and fell off the bed " Mom seriously ,you should stop doing that ,it freaks me out !" I said that picking up myself from the ground .

She just laughed ,she did have one of the best laughs ." You know when you said you will be around ,I thought you meant in my heart " I said that analyzing the room . It was weird having my mom in that manner ,but it was awesome at the same time ,having that one person to talk to ,and seemed to understand . " I was never there for you ,but now for as long as you need me ,I'll be here and please take care of your brother for me " she said that with her serious voice .I was adjusting to having her around ,it made things better . The door creaked and a half naked man ,wearing only a towel walked in .

He looked relaxed having me around ,as he closed the door the towel got caught up on the door and there he was naked ,with his genitals . It was like my first time seeing a naked man in front of my eyes ,I had never been sexually active with a man ,except the rape . his upper body was amazing ,well-built and he was large with muscles and all . But my eyes did not move from his genitals . It was gross with large hairs ,I even forgot I was staring ." Honey you staring " my mom said that ,and I jumped ,I was startled and embarrassed . " seriously ! ..You should stop doing that " I remembered after I said those words that I was the only one who could see my mom .

The guy grabbed his towel ,and wrapped it around himself ,he looked at me funny " are you okay? Shall I call you a doctor ?" He asked me that and he had a smile on his face ,he probably thought I was insane ,and escaped from the mad house . " yes " I said those words faintly ," ummh who are you ,and how did I get here ?" I asked him that question as he instructed me to turn around so he could get dressed . " I found you unconscious at the cemetery so I brought you here !" Oh yes it all came back to me . Mom appeared and I went lights out .I actually laughed at the whole ordeal ." You can turn around ,I am Musa Sokhulu " he raised his hand for a handshake . " I am Lorna Mkhize ,and thank you for helping me, but I think I better get going " He just nodded " Nice meeting you ,I'll call you a cab " .

Walking out of that room I had mixed emotions .I felt guilty for meeting up with some strange man right after I buried my mom . I hadn't gotten used to my mom popping everywhere . Getting on that cab ,my mind was on Musa Sokhulu ,he looked familiar ,but maybe I was imagining things .When the cab came to a stop by the gate ,Lwandile was sitting in the entrance . I got out and ran to him " And now?" he looked so mad ,and he couldn't even speak . I just sat next to him " can we both move to Jo'burg ,we got that money and we can make things work ! " he said that trough his tears .I hugged him " what's up?" I asked him .

He told me about how the family had already started fighting over moms things forgot that we even existed ,and that we had just lost her . They fought over who will take her clothes ,who will take over the household and Joe . Yes my mom's family was backwards ,so one of her unmarried sisters had to take my mom's place. I was also not planning on staying there . So we told Joe we moving ,he was skeptical at first ,but agreed and ordered us to visit him as often as we can ,and call on him if we needed help .

We were all surprised to hear my mom had a will . She actually knew for some time about her cancer that is why she started planning all this . She was leaving the car to Lwandile and I ,she knew we could share . She had a trust fund for us ,not a lot of cash but it was something . All her prized possession, I was to keep them safe ,and gave her wedding ring to Lwandile so he could give it to someone special . Lwandile transferred from varsity in Durban ,to the one in Jo'burg . The plan was to graduate and I study it part time whilst working. Joe was paying Lwandile's fees ,so we could afford to get ourselves a home .