
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

New and improved me

Six years later , I had just turned 27 ,matured and most of all I was on a plane headed back home to Jo'burg . This time I had a family waiting for me . I was away in the UK where I got help and dealt with all my issues . What I couldn't tell my therapist my mom was just as always there to listen .

My therapist had suggested that I do not go to Jo'burg until I completed my treatment ,because I might go back to square one . I got homesick sometimes , did not really have friends all my focus was on books . But every weekend there was that knock on the door ,and it was daddy dearest ,he was always there to check up on me ,he had really turned me to daddy's little girl . My brothers Musa and Lwandile came as often as they could and always got me into mischief ,they were always with Malik, Musa's best friend .

Musa and I finally got over everything and became the best of friends ,and he was the over protective big brother and Malik the annoying friend ,whilst Lwandile was still Lwandile . While on the air I couldn't wait to see my niece. Oh yes Lwandile had a two year old baby girl who he named after me but we all called LJ .I had my degree ,A law degree and already had a job offer .So when I got to Jo'burg I already had a plan . I was a different person ,a whole stronger , had escaped my past and was just simply starting all over again.

My plane landed and it was time to begin the next chapter of my life . I was serious about by starting over ,I had a new wardrobe ,and had my hair dyed grey and it matched well with my complexion ,I must say I also felt different and bold . When I got off that plane ,they brothers and Lj were there ,they were so hyped to see me . I ran to them and we did a group hug .

" So finally you arrive today we are going to party all night, plus the season has ended " Musa said that getting my bags . When we got home they only gave me a few hours to rest after that it was time to loosen up and have fun . I was scheduled to start work the next year so I got to enjoy my festive season . Musa ,Malik and Lwandile took me to some club and it was a little wild but not once did I freak out .

In just a couple of seconds Musa and Lwandile were on the dance floor dancing with some girls ." Is it always like this ?" I asked Malik as he looked as if somebody stole his milk ." Yes ...for some reason girls don't want me ,they intimidated by my good looks " when he said I just laughed in his face . " You joking right because you famous so girls should throw themselves at you " He just shook his head .

" One thing I learnt in varsity was to be a good wingman or wing lady ...so I will hook you up " he looked confused . To me he was like one of my brothers and I was looking out for him ,didn't know where it would lead to .A thin colored girl with really long legs walked by ,I jumped up to her " Hi I'm Lorna, I am mad about your shoes and this is my friend Malik ,his a rugby player " She was all smiles and Malik just couldn't believe it ." Hi I'm Tonya " ,and they went to the side to carry on chatting .

I went back to sit in the bar and nursed my drink .Lord I was so bored and felt like an unwanted step child . After some minutes ,Malik was back ." Oh God you were not kidding when you said they don't like you " He just smiled ." No I wanted to check up on you, you look bored " I just nodded . Someone put their cold hands over my head and when they turned me around it was Doctor Nate . I couldn't believe it ,he remembered me even after all those years ." Woman, you look amazing " He offered a hug and I was more than glad to have it . Malik looked weird and he just went back to Tonya .

I spent that the entire night getting to know Nate and catching up .He was really a phenomenal guy and his looks were not bad .He was quite funny ,a little nerdy but safe to be with . He immediately asked me out on a date ,I was skeptical at first but ,just went with the flow .He took me for a walk around the town ,admiring the stars and just made me crack up all the way .

I woke up the next morning with an awful hang over . When I got to the kitchen it looked like a florist . " Where do all these flowers come from " While was in the kitchen ,she just handed me a card they were from Nate .I just smiled ,at how thoughtful he was . I spent the whole day having to listen to my brother's story of how they enjoyed their nights with all those girls ,and that Malik hit it off with the girl from the club . I should have been proud for some reason it just didn't sit well with me .

Evening came and I got all ready for my date ,after six years of being alone .I wore a beautiful flowing black dress ,I was beautiful and formal .When the door Bell rang I ran up too open the door just to find Malik ,he laid one eye on me and began to drool . Well Malik was colored ,light complexion ,broad large shoulders and quite tall ,he had brown curly hair with big blue eyes, he looked like a great person to have children with . "You look nice " That's all what he had to say and let himself in the house .I may have had that crush on him but he considered me as one of the boys ,so Nate had to do .

Nate's car stopped in front of the door ,he got out and who was also wearing formal clothing ,he was a little skinny ,but his brains made up for all that .He took my hand led me to his car and drove off to begin out date . It was the usual date thingy .He took me out to an expensive restaurant and after that we went for a walk on the park . Even though it was the same predictable date ,he was good company ,he listened and understood . When the evening came to an end he sealed it with a kiss .