

Inside the safe room where the Luna was busy trying to calm the anxious women and kids. Mothers covered their children's mouths from crying out loud and scolded the ones who ran around the room playing.

It was a very tense moment for them all as they all prayed their men will come out of the battle victorious. They were also very worried for themselves and their children, it was no secret what happens to fatherless children and widows of a lost battle.

Jessica who hasn't seen either of her friends became worried and moved closer to the Luna, with much modesty "Luna, I haven't seen Antonella and Lillian." She was worried for them. They had all been gathered around playing before the news of the attack on their pack came. She had run off to her family and thought they will meet again here but after looking around, she realized neither of her friends had made it here.

Murmuring erupted around the room after her question. 'Where is the Alpha's daughter?' A lot of people murmured such questions among themselves.

"Shhhh" the Luna's voice quickly stopped every noise in the room. "If you all are so agitated, won't you just be distracting your mates on the battlefield? As to your question, I believe they are safe, No, I know they are safe. I expected them to have come down here before the door was closed shut but since they are not here, I can only hope they will remain safe wherever they are." She lied. Of course, she knew where her daughter was, her husband had wanted her to go with their daughter but that will be too much. She is still the pack's Luna, a mother figure to about five hundred Weres. Leaving them to run for her life will not only be her neglecting the pack and people she swore to lead and protect, but it would also leave her guilty for the rest of her life. That was a burden she cannot bear to carry, and besides knowing her daughter will be safe among the humans had her anxious heart calmed down.

"Weren't you together with them?" The beta female asked. When they had come to the conclusion to hide the girls away, Jessica should have been with them too. She knew how close the trio was and they had hoped that by being together, they will be able to go through any obstacle easily.

"I was with them, but I had left to go meet my family. I am sorry Luna, beta female, I should have made sure they came here with me." Jessica did feel bad but she was also thankful she had left. If she had continued staying there in the room, she too would have been separated from her mother and sister at a time like this.

"They will be f..." the Luna's word was cut short by the agony wail of some women including the gamma female.

More and more women joined as they cried, the hurt, the pain, what they were going through is something they can't explain. The kids seeing so many people screaming, holding unto their chest, and hitting themselves also began to cry.

The Luna tried to pacify but stopped, how many is she going to pacify? She knew what this meant, the pack has lost their men and gamma. While some of these women mourned their mates, some mourned their children, and some mourned both. It truly was a heartbreaking scene for them and a memory they will remember for a very long time.

"I am so sorry." Beth said as she kneeled next to her gamma female. While still pacifying her, she felt it, they all felt it. The coldness that etched on their heart, the feeling of loneliness, of fear, of being deserted. The cold feeling of loss.

"No!!!" Beth wailed. Her mate was dead.

No one could go to her, they also had lost their mates, their leader, their Alpha, and their pack.

How can they console her, what can they even tell her? How would they even start? No one had any idea of what to do, their Luna, beta Female, and the gamma Female were all crying, so is everyone. They have all lost a person from this battle, so what can they do than to just watch themselves cry?

Beth who had thought she couldn't feel any more hurt than what she was feeling right now, suddenly felt another cold ruthless pain squeezing her heart, choking the life out of her. She cried, cried until she lost her voice. Her son too had fallen...

The beta female who should have pacified her was worse than the Luna. She had lost her two sons and her mate in this battle. She has lost her whole life within a few hours.

They had all forgotten they should be staying as quiet as possible. Although the materials used to build this place were of good quality, it wasn't the best still. Any werewolf that comes at a close range to them will be able to hear their voices.

"I am sorry" the Luna suddenly whispered. No one knew whom the apology was meant for, as she bit her veins and drank the poison she had hidden on her. They all watched in horror as their Luna bled to her death. More cries followed as some women killed their little toddlers and themselves too.

Everyone knew the next thing that will happen is to be captured by the villain and turned into slaves. They will rather die as a member of the Frost pack than to allow themselves turn into slaves meant to pleasure those bastards.

This was surprisingly what they all thought and killed themselves in the most ruthless manner possible.

While the Lunatic was laughing loudly at the several corpses laid down and having claimed such a large area for himself, he waited for his men to be drag the pack's women to him. As usual, he planned to abuse the Luna in the presence of her pack.

"Kill anyone who still has life." He had never let any male from the packs he conquered live. They will surely betray him when they get powerful but the women, they can be thrown away when they become useless to him and his men.

Two soldiers ran over to him and instantly went down to their knees. "They died Your leadership" the Lunatic was called such by his men as he refused to be called an Alpha.

The name comes with a responsibility, and he refuses to be tied by anything. Not even a name! That title is the reason why many Alpha's have fallen under his reign. The title which had stopped them from running away and abandoning the pack to save their lives. Why would he allow such a weakness to himself?

He is a leader, one who must be addressed as such by those following him!

"Died? Who killed them?" He furrowed his brows wondering why they will be dead. He knew these idiots will not kill them, they love using women too much to do such a foolish thing.

"Suicide Your Leadership. They all seem to have taken their lives. No one survived, we confirmed it." the Lunatic laughed out so loud before he walked towards the secret room. 'How dare they?! How dare they deprive him of the pleasure he can have from them?!'

Entering the room, he watched the countless bodies spread down without emotions. "Is there no survival?" He asked again and his men hastily responded with a no. They had checked them all.

"I heard the Alpha's daughter is a beauty, shame it was only a rumor." Jessica who in hopes that her friends might have been able to escape had laid next to the Luna before killing herself. She wanted them to think of her as Antonella. That way he won't go searching for her, and that way she can buy them more time to escape from here. Hopefully, her sacrifice of not resting next to her family won't be for nothing.

The Lunatic glared at the room as he ordered for them to be burnt.

Antonella and Lillian have also felt the loss of their families too. The two sat in a corner in the room as they cried, mourning their loss.

"What am I supposed to do father?" Antonella asked as she got into a new fit of cry.

The family she had breakfast with just this morning, the same father who had promised her the world for her upcoming nineteenth birthday, the mother who couldn't wait for her twentieth birthday when she will be finally able to sense her mate, her brother who threatened to drive away any man who comes close to her, the family that vowed to protect her was all gone. They all were dead.

She is now all alone in the world. An orphan with no one to call her family.