
Chapter 1

"Cole", why are we here? It's 9:30 a.m. and I'm supposed to be in my class, Professor will abuse me if I got there late, in front of the whole class. Dad will throw fire towards us if he acknowledge this. " said Will.

"Okay", replied Cole.

"What okay? Are you going to tell me why are we here ?" Almost terrified by imagining her dad's look, his words, and his facial expressions always give her heart a pretty attack.

"My friend is on his way and he'll give us ride, I have to meet him. Have some patience ", said Cole.

After ten minutes a car stopped by, old version, grey color, M-7777..

"Hey, Hans, you're pretty late, meet my sister, "Will White", introduced Cole.

Will was cursing herself because she was sure her sister would ruin her whole day.

"Hello", greeted will.

"Hey, This is Hans, get in the car".

Cole was going for the front seat while Will sat behind her seat, buckling her seatbelt she glanced over her phone's screen. It's 10:00, her Prose's lecture would be over in fifteen minutes.

"We are going at MD Campus", announced Cole.

"I'm not willing", replied Will.

"You're not willing? But who asked whether you are willing or not ?", said Cole.

"Hey Cole, stop being so rude to your sister if she is not willing then it's okay, spare her", said Hans.

"Thank you, Hans, drop me right here, I'll manage ", said Will.

"Nope", said Cole, " Nobody will degrade your grades if you skip today's lecture, Right? "

"Fine", replied Will. She doesn't want to argue with her spoilt, brat sister. So she took out her earbuds from her backpack and turned on music, closed up her eyes she rested in the back seat.

Cole peeked backward through rear mirror and smiled.

''Everything is okay ?", Cole asked.

"Almost, Bow and Lack are there in the Campus, they'll manage. Good luck", said Hans.

An hour's ride brought them in MD Campus. The three of them got out of the car and went for canteen, seated themselves in orange chairs, they got cold coffee there.

Cole had the habit of bunking classes and she used to drag her sister along. Will was enjoying her cold coffee while Cole was worried about her plan. Will had no idea that from today onwards she wouldn't be able to go her home.

"I'll be here in a couple of minutes, enjoy you two ", said Cole.

Hans winked toward Cole and said,

"where are you going?"

"Lack is there in the Red Building and what sort of a girlfriend I would be if I don't go for him", and Cole gone.

Will released a long sigh and opened her novel that reads, " Meet me in Heaven "

Will was internally happy that she had a whole day to complete her novel because of her loving sister. Plus no homework.

" Would you like some snacks? ", asked Hans.

" No but thank you, I've had my breakfast and I have Salted-Rice in my lunchbox if you are willing to eat ", offered Will.

" Okay, give me", answered Hans.

Will handed her lunch box to him and looked down at page number sixty-seven .

After fifteen minutes, Hans handed down her lunch box to her with big smile and said,

"Thank you, Will, they were yummy and give my respect to your mother ( aside - if possible)."

"Okay ", said Will.

Cole returned after another ten minutes with her boyfriend "Lack Orange". They looked cheerful more than the sparrows on the trees around them.

"Good Morning, chaps ", greeted Lack with full smile.


"Hey Will, there is a Book Shop inside the Capmus. You should go there ", said Cole.

Will's eyes sparkled like sparkling butterflies, she loved buying novels. Anybody could persuade her on the name of Novels.

"Where is it ? ", asked Will.

" If you take right from here and there will be a board that reads F-Block , take another right from there and you will find - "The Old Shop "

"Thank you, I'm going there. It will take some time going through the titles. Are you fine until then? ", asked Will.

"Perfectly fine ", answered Cole.

Will stood up from her chair and headed towards the book shop.

She was gone. The rest three of them smiled at each other fondly.

When Will was on her way towards the shop she was thinking about her father but books are her weakness and her sister made her day.

There was no book shop where they live and she used to read Novels from e-books and PDFs.

Now she was greeted by the owner of the shop. He asked her what type of novel, which genre, she was looking for so that he could give her Aisle's direction.

"Fantasy ", replied Will.

She liked fantasy rather than reality because she wanted to escape from her reality, fear and wanted to live in an imaginary world. The owner of the shop showed her directions and then went back on his table.

Will went through titles after titles and then she bumped into someone. As she raised her both eyes, her eyes mets his, a boy of her own age, stood there with a book in his hand, he wore an orange coloured T-shirt, sleeves folded revealing his green veins of his hands, appearance strong, black hair, thick eyebrows, taller may be of height 5,9 - Beautiful....

" Are you done? ", he asked.

" What", replied Will.

" You were intently staring at me ", he said playfully.

"Fuck off ", said Will and moved straight from there.

An hour later, Will left the shop with Four Novels written by different Authors. She carried them in her hands rather than in her backpack. Her phone rang and appeared Cole's name.

"Hey, Cole, I got four fantastic novels, thank you ", said Will.

"Great", replied Cole. "Actually I just called Dad and asked him if he could give us permission to visit the Lake and he said Okay, have fun",

"Isn't it great? "

"Yes, but how could he..... "

"Shut up, we are going there with Lack, come towards the Main Gate", said Cole.

"Okay ", replied Will. She had to ask three students for the way of the Main Gate.

"Let's go ", said Lack.

Hans left when she was in Book shop. Lack and Cole seated in back seats. Will glanced through Driver's seat before climbing and she freezed there - There was he, thick eyebrows, black hair_ Beautiful.

She stood outside the car waiting for her sister to come out and explain what was going on.

Cole peeked through her window pane and said get in but her sister was as stubborn as a stray dog. Cole had to climbed off the car.

"Who is he?", demanded Will.

Now she felt exhausted by her sister's decisions and her looks, all she wanted to go home as soon as possible.

"His name is Bow Orange and he is Lack's brother, now get in", replied Cole.

Cole smiled at Will, an apologetic smile and said, " trust me, let's go from here."

Then the car started towards its destination not toward the rough lake.

Still Will doesn't understood what was going on. Cole asked for Will's phone, she said her own phone was out of battery and Will handed her, her phone and opened one of her new novel, completely ignoring Bow who was driving and then she lost in her book.

Another half hour passed now she felt strange, fear crept in her mind when she looked outside the window and saw a clock that shows 1:30p.m.

She screamed at Cole, "Where are we going?

Give me my phone. I have to make a call to Dad.

We are already late for home." Then she cried with silent tears.

"Sorry, Will." Said Cole

"We..... just....We ... have to.. ran away from home. I texted dad that I'm going to marry to Lack and you are going with me."

"Shut up ", said Will.

"You just can't live there without me and that's final. We'll reach at the Court in another twenty minutes and I'll become Lack's official wife. And I can't leave you there alone. You are my sister. "

"Shit, Shut up, Cole ", shouted Will. "Have you any fair idea what you did? Mom is there, she will have to suffer because of us. Because of your nonsense. Dad will make her life pretty Hell." tears and more tears.

"Mom knows everything ", replied Cole. "It's her decision , Will. Bow and Lack had a meeting with her three days ago and she is happy that I'm going to marry a person who loves me, with whom I'm in love. Plus She doesn't want us to end up our lives like her, with a person who doesn't know the very definition of respect and love."

"She knows " ...mummered Will.

More tears sprang from her eyes. Now she turned her face toward side window, crying, remembering her dad. No matter how her dad behaves with them but he doesn't deserve this. She loved her Dad most.

Car halted then fully stopped in front of a Office and they all climbed off the car. Cole reached for Will and hugged her tightly. Her mom seated ahead of them on a bench, smiling fondly.

Will ran towards her and spread her arms around her. She wiped her daughter's cheek and kissed her on forehead and said, -

"It's okay , it's my decision. That home is not home for you anymore. Your dad is going to marry you both, for his business purpose, to his Partners. And that's not right."

"No, he can't do this ", said Will. More fresh tears.

"He is up to, and I want you to marry to Bow, he is a suitable match for you and I don't have time, I have to go back. I can't leave your father alone, I'm his wife. Come inside and sign the papers if you have any respect for your mother", said her mother.

"No, I'll marry anybody but in father's presence, I'm not going to betray him, I love my father most and you know that", said Will.

"I know but you have to do this for your mother, please. Come on cole ", said her mother.

Cole, Lack and their mother gone inside.

Will looked at them as if they are strangers. Such a long day of her life.

"Sorry ", said Bow.

She looked at him in the eye.

"I know it's not the right time to say this but your mom find me right for you. I'll be fine with you and you have my promise, I'll never do anything that will make you upset. You will have to live there as you lived here", said Bow.

Then he went inside the building leaving her alone there to come up with a decision

Now if she went home, how would she explain her father of being late, what type of excuse would help her. Nothing. He had seen Cole's message and he would be furious at her.

He would not accept her despite her innocence, he never believed her if she would say that it was not her plan to ran away. She cried. And then said, " I love you Dad"

Her mom came out of the building and said, "I don't have much time", then she disappeared again in the building. She followed her mother's footsteps inside the building. There they signed the papers. Her mother left after a while giving them her blessings. Cole and Lack were going to Lack's rental home because Lack was working there.

And there left Will and Bow.