

Shinning of lights was transparent out from the windows in the big mansion and different candles hanged around the compound of the mansion. The male workers were outside cleaning the entire place outside the mansion and decorating the place to make it beautiful and arranging chairs inside the small tadpoles made at different corners in the mansion compound for people.

That was how they uses to do every night before people started coming there to have fun. The mansion was the only entertainment place in that kingdom and it was rich people like chiefs and Kings that uses to come there to have fun, also visitors that were coming from traveling always uses to stop there to spend a night.

The mansion was own by Zhang Min's mother and she was the one that started the entertaining jobs and have many ladies that were working for her but not as man entertainers. She just uses to bring those that were homeless or orphans to that place, providing shelters for them, give them rooms to be living and also helping her to entertain her guest.

The woman that was running it now was Zhang Min's mother's step sister and whom was the elder sister, she was the one that turned everything other hand and started using the ladies as man entertainers. Zhang Min's grandmother was the one that was married to after the death of the first one.

Zhang Min's elder sister had showed up to be a wicked soul from start, so her and Zhang Min's mother didn't close at all. And that was why Zhang Min's mother didn't give Zhang Min to her after giving birth to her because she knows that the out come wouldn't good. So that was why she gave her to Li Jun whom was her friend, to be taking care of her because of Liu Wei whom was not in his normal senses could kill her.

All the ladies were in a very big and beautiful room dressing up for the night, wearing different beautiful Chinese gown and packing there hairs in different styles. Looking at small mirrors in their hands checking themselves, all of them grouped themselves to different corners as they closed to each other and helping each other with their dressings, it was all of them that wanted to look sweet.

"You are looking beautiful this night!" A young lady said sitting on the chair and adjusting her cloth, talking to the lady beside her. The lady was their head there.

"Stop saying that! I am always beautiful and everybody knows that, and there is nobody that is beautiful than me in this mansion even in this entire kingdom!" Said with boldness and looking at herself in mirror.

The lady was so proud of herself and always thinking that she was the most beautiful lady among them because she was. The lady a little far from her hisses and continued styling her hair, the lady was the second leader and two of them were rivals and they had groups that falls under them.

The young lady ignored the hissed by the second lady and continued looking at herself in the mirror. Adjusting her cloth and copping her long hair. The name of the two ladies were Dong Mei and Chang Ying.

Door opened and closed. One of the maids that were just normal domestic workers in that mansion entered with soju (Chinese local wine) inside different small cups and inside a big tray and brought it for them.

The second leader lady whom was Dong Mei called the lady closer as she entered, from the far distance that she was and the lady respected her as whom she was and going to her without saying a word.

"Eh girl! Come over here! Who do you suppose to serve first as you enter, I am their leader here so i deserve respect than others. Even if you want to respect her, you must come and serve me first before going to her!" Chang Yong said with loud voice.

"If you take a step back! You will be in a big trouble. I called you first right, so come here and give me the wine then you can go and answer who ever is calling you!" The lady just stayed at the spot that she was and looking.

"I hope you are not deaf right!" Dong Mei said with loud voice, the lady looked at Chang ying and going to Dong mei whom was the first person that called her and the place that Dong Mei was closed to her than Chang ying.

"She is close to me my lady! Let me give it to her first, am coming right now!" The maid said and going to Dong Mei. Chang ying stood up from where she was sitting and walking close to her.

"How dare you want to give her first! I am the first leader here and the most beautiful one among others, I deserve respect than others and others too knows that!"

"Off course now! She is the first leader!" Her friend said. The maid looked at them and wanted to give the wine to Dong Mei, Chang ying threw it away and the glass broke.

"Fantastic! And nobody will drink it today!" Dong Mei said with anger and threw the trey away from the maid's hand, hit on the floor loudly and all the glass broke.

Sound of the door opened and closed. The lady whom was Zhang Min's mother's elder sister entered the room, wearing their traditional gown.

"Girls! It's time to go out, guests have been arriving and they need you guys!" She looked down and saw broken cups on the floor and wine swimming on the floor.

"What the hell is going on here! What is all this?" Looked at all of them and looked at the two leaders looking at each other with angry face and the maid standing in the middle.

"Not need to be told at all! It's two of you again! You broke the cups and wasted my wine!" Two of them couldn't say anything just looking.

"You know what! Others leave now, go and entertain my guests, can't just be there bored. I will handle this and including you too!" Talking to the maid

The ladies passed the direction that there were not broken cups and going out, the maid too followed them and sound of the door closed.

"Two of you are not going out this night, that is your punishment for doing all this! What is wrong with you!" Looked at two of them and two of them looking down.

"Pack this broken cups and dry the floor for me by yourself, no maid is helping you out. And be in this room still next day, don't want to see you in your rooms!" Turned back after giving instructions and going out. Door opened and closed.

"This is a big shit!" Chang ying said with anger, looked at Dong Mei with bad look and sat down on her chair back.


The ladies got down to the compound and going to where the guest were. Ten ladies went to a well decorated place that the chiefs were, sat down beside them and poring wine for them. First chief was there too, him too always use to come there to have fun.

Like five ladies were at the centre of the house, dancing for the guest there and that was they uses to do every night before taking as bed warmers by some guests.

Zhang Min's mother's elder sister had the hut that she uses to stay at night, and that was where Zhang Min's mother always uses to seat at night to be monitoring the movement of the ladies and collecting money.

One of the ladies that was with the chiefs entered the hut, told the woman that the First chief wanted to see her for something and she left. Zhang Min's mother's elder sister stood up and going to the room that they were.

"Greeting my First chief!" The woman said with smile.

"Well done my Lady! Where is Chang ying? I miss her here, call her out now!" First chief said.

"Not available tonight, tomorrow you will see her!?"

"Hope she fine? Including Dong Mei too?" Another chief asked, they were the most entertainer among them.

"No problem at all my chief! Just that they can't be available this night!" Said with smile and leaving the place.

"Well! Enjoyment goes on!" First chief said as he was drinking the wine pouring for him by a lady.

Zhang Min entered the mansion, looking at the place around and going to the hut. She and her mother's sister got there at the same time.

"Zhang Min! Be a long time?" The woman said and sat down.

"Huu! Just out of the kingdom for a while!" Said with unsmiling looks.

"Have a wine!" Gave a cup of wine to her but she rejected it, the woman drank it and pouring another one.

"This is not how my mother was running this place from the history, just helping the ladies to take care of their lifes not as men entertainers. Why are you using them for that kind of job, not as if you won't make the money more than that from normal entertaining. Just want to turn them to exactly how you be!" Said and didn't look at her.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" The woman said as she poured another wine.

"Where is Chang ying! Need the key of my mother's room from her!" The woman put the cup down and said.

"For what?" With loud voice.

"In my mother's house! I have right to it than anyone!" Facing her back at the woman, Zhang Min hate her so much.

"Be careful Zhang Min!" The woman said with loud voice and Zhang Min left the place going inside the house.

She asked a maid as she got to the staircase of the entrance and asked about Chang ying, the lady told her that she was in the dressing room and left. Zhang Min climbed the staircase and going inside.

Dong Mei and Chang ying had cleaned the floor and the broken cups, sitting on different chair far form each other and with angry faces. Chang ying was busy checking herself in the mirror and smiling.

Sound of the door opened and Zhang Min entered, left the door opened and going straight.

"Hi Zhang Min!" Dong Mei greeted with smile.

"Hi!, Chag I want to take a key. Where are the keys?"

"Please! Check that place and don't disturb me!" Transferring aggression to the Zhang Min.

"Are you stupid! Be careful!" Said with anger and checking the table that the keys were. Picked the one to her mother's room and leaving the place. Sound of the door closed.

"Your stupidity will never end!" Dong Mei said and talking to her, Chang ying looked at her and didn't said anything.

Zhang Min got to her mother's apartment, put the key into the door and it opened. She entered the room and looking at, she always uses to come there for remembering her mother as she was looking the paint her mother painted.

Her mother was good at painting so she painted her when she was a baby, her too and Li Jun as her man to be then. Zhang was looking at the paints and remembering everything that Li Jun told her about her mother and smiling. Li Jun too always uses to come to that mansion as the memorials place for him but not uses to close to that place.

Door opened and closed, Zhang Min's anty entered and looking at Zhang Min as she was looking at the paints.

"Stop coming to this place?" Said with loud voice.

"In a place that belongs to my mother! The place who give me memories about whom my mother was!"

"Stop coming here! Nothing belongs to your mother. Are trusting the man that brought you up and didn't know anything about our family!" Zhang Min laughed.

"I am not here to dialogue with anybody! Excuse me please!" Continue looking at the paints.

"Just be careful and don't dare me!" Said and left the room. Zhang Min looked at her still the door closed and laid on the bed there, looking at everywhere.

After resting on the bed for few minutes. Zhang Min stood up, left the room and locked the door. Going back to the room that Chang ying was. Door opened and closed, entered the room and dropped the key on the table and left the room without quarter a word.

She met her anty on the staircase, passed beside her and living the mansion. She face her right direction and wanted to be going home when she heard her father's voice behind her and face back with shocked.

"You have to be very careful! Walking alone at night?"

"Okay father! What are you doing here and you scared me!"

"You don't have! I can't just leave you, always have to be protecting you!" Zhang Min smiled.

"Thank you Father! I love you!" Said with smile and walking side him, going back home.