

Enjoy your day guys!!

"Get in! Get in!!" A guard said loudly as he and the two other guard pushed Chameleon and Young-Soon inside the cell and two of them sat down on the grass putting on the floor in the cell and just looking. They had brought them to the palace and it was the cell there they brought them to.

Close the door the first guard said, the second guy draw the door closer to himself and locked them with each other when he second guy used chain to tie the handle of the door and before padlocking the door.

Three of them faced back and leaving the cell.

Young-Soon stood up from the floor, walked to the back at the wall and sat down resting his back at the wall, stretching his left leg on the floor and folding the right leg with his right hand on it and thinking. Chameleon too was just looking because none of them had known where this would get to.

Head of the armies was walking along the corridor to the Kings living room with his sword in his hand and wearing pure white cloth flying with him from behind and walking very fast like someone on a horse. The guards at the entrance of the Kings living room greeted with honor and opening the door from the two side for him, he looked at them and going inside.

Li Wie was in the living room sitting on his iron chair with his crown on his head, the demon was not in him it was the really him and few of the chiefs were with him like the First chief and some. They came to the palace as what happen at hall happened, so they came to discuss it and know what to do.

"I greet you my King and the chiefs"Head of the armies greeted as he got there and bow for the king.

"What do you really have to say?" Li Wie asked with low voice, the head of the armies was putting his hands behind him and standing straight at the front of the King.

"I want to say that all those guys are not the one that killed the fourth chief, its Li Jun that did it because from what we heard they said a smoke encircled everywhere for few minutes before it goes down and that its Li Juns sign" He said with low voice.

"Talking about Li Jun! How did you even know he is the one because Li Jun is dead" A chief said.

"My chief who else can have the King of the demons fighter sword or who else can have a dragon. Also no prove that he is dead because we couldn't finds his body then"

"Is it all those that dead then that you finds their bodies, so what are you saying" Another chief said and which was among the red clothed chiefs, he was the only one there.

“What if he escaped and makes us to think that him too had dead and now he is there killing people"

"If he survived why wont him return back to the palace and why could he be killing chiefs" The man said, him didnt know anything that happened in the past because he was not there then.

"Who is that Li Jun? And which war are you talking about?" The King asked and all of them looks at each other and didnt say anything.

"My King! You can't know him just assuring you that all those boys didnt know anything about the crime"

"When you said now that they didnt know anything about it, what did they went there to do? Also the first guy what did he went to do at where the chief and his daughters husband are?" Second chief asked.

"That is what I dont know. But with what happened, Li Jun himself came to that place and its how he did it within that few minutes that I cant say" Head of the armies said.

"Should we now say that maybe all those boys are working for him" First chief said.

"All those maybe working for him and they will surely know about it, the same way he came to judgment ground to release a chief thought that he saved him but later finds him dead, same way to the late chiefs house and now same way to this too. Those guys may know about it" Another chief said.

“Does this has been happening before?" Li Wei asked, he didnt remember anything except of what they keeps remembering him.

"Yes my King even three chiefs had dead now, but I promising you my King. I will finds that Li Jun and bring him to the palace for judgment for all his crime did" it was act of jealous that Head of Armies was saying this, from young him and Li Jun had never been in good teams.

"Then why dont you let me hear about it?" Li Wie asked with loud voice.

"You know about everything from start just that you dont remember again" He replied with low voice.

"My King dont brother yourself about it, everything will be treated" Second chief said.

"Make sure you finds him and bring him here dead or alive" First chief said with loud voice.

“I will surely do that My Chief" None of them really care about the King because that was why they decided to put him on the throne, they know that on the normal day if he was in his right sense he could never allow them to hurt his brother or wants him killed but now he didnt know him or remember him at all.

"I will take my leave now my King, to go and join my men in the kingdom" He bow, using his back to walkout and faced back front after walking a little far and going out. Sound of the opened for him and closed back after he came out.


"Chameleon! Chameleon!! This is Immortal sorcerer" it had been in the night, everywhere had been dark including the cell, it was a big candle light that makes the place bright.

Chameleon and Young-Soon didnt sleep just looking outside and didnt talk to each other just so sad.

"I have already know its you Immortal Sorcerer" it was not by sleeping that Immortal Sorcerer uses to come to Chameleon, he had known him very well he had been hearing his voice constantly.

"Dont be thinking of anything, nothing is going to happen to you. Very soon your others will come to the palace to carry out a task and the teams cant complete without you so they will surely know how to release you from this place" It was only Chameleon that was hearing Immortal Sorcerer's voice but his friend had uses to it, he had known anytime that Chameleon had been talking alone it was him he was talking to.

"You and your friend should calm down, no problem"

"Alright Immortal Sorcerer. But who did this, who killed the chief?"

"The second King of the demon fighter" Young-Soon was looking at him.

Why would he do that? Now just put I and my friend in trouble Said with loud voice and anger.

"When you see him you must apologies to him and makes sure he accept"

"Apologies for what? See what he put me in and even I dont know him. Why will I?"

"Because you are so rude and stupid" Chameleon and Young-Soon heard a voice talked loudly and a man shows up from an unknown place and walking close to their cell and he was Li Jun.

Two of them were looking at him wearing black cloth and thinking of could be, Young-soon walked to the front, sat down beside Chameleon and looking at him.

"Who are you?" Two of them asked in chorus.

“That is your second King, you have to have manner of speech and that is what put you here. Two of you should talk, I am going" Immortal sorcerer said and he didnt heard his voice again.

"I intentionally want to punish you for be rude and that is why I killed the man there and before you gone far to implicate you doing such, I could have taken him to somewhere that nobody will knows and killed him there but I want to punish you" Li Jun said.

"Ah! Why?" Young-Soon shouted, Chameleon was just looking and didnt know what he did again.

"I came to meet you to stop using your power for money, you said what is my own business, that I should get a job for you". Said all those stupid words and still continue with it”

"Are you giving the power so that you can be using it to make money? You still now have the gut to talk in rude manner to me and disrespectful" Said with anger.

"I am so sorry! I dont know its you and I am ready to serve my punishment" Chameleon got up from the floor, knelt down on the floor and bow looking down.

"Please! Punish me my King" He said loudly and apologies.

"This is where you will are still your co get themselves together and start a task by then you will be needed so they will know how to release you out and then your punishment will be over" Chameleon raised his face up but still kneeling down.

"Young-Soon! You will be set free and come with me, he is the only one that will serves his punishment for be rude and using power for money" Li Jun brought a key out from his pocket and opening the padlock, he removed the padlock and the chain and opened the door widely.

"Come out Young-Soon and come with me" Young-Soon looked at Chameleon.

"Leave! Go let me serve my punishment alone" Chameleon said with low voice.

"No! I cant leave you here, you go and I am not leaving him" Young-Soon said with loud voice.

"Young-Soon go, this is my punishment let me serve it. Go!" Chameleon said with loud voice, Young-Soon knelt down on the floor with Chameleon and hugged each other.

They heard some voice of an armies talking and the voices had been moving closer to them like it was the cell they were coming to, to guard it for and check everywhere.

"Young-Soon! Go, go brother" Chameleon pushed him out, turns back and facing the wall. Young-Soon started living the cell and the door closed back at it was before with the chain and padlock.

Young-Soon and Li Jun got to a corridor in the palace, met the dragon there lying big on the floor. Two of them climbed on it and the dragon flying them up to the sky leaving the palace.