

Enjoy your day guys!!

A hand held the handle of a door, pressed it down and the door opened. The ladies that were in the room with the bride faced front as they saw the door opened, waiting for whom wanted to enter. They saw the husband entering into the room but it was not him, it was Chameleon.

"Follow me now!" He held the brides hand with strong power, behaving exactly like the man. After taken over their image, it was all their behaviors that he uses to have as well.

"Follow you to where now? Even why did you change your cloth?" the bride said with low voice, others ladies in the room were unable to say anything just looking at them.

"Are you going to be questioning me now, come with me!" He pull her up with force that he didnt care if she could injured and taking her out from the rom. Sound of the door closed loudly and the ladies looking at each other and none of them understand what was going on.

Chameleon's friend got to the corridor of the apartment that the room was, looking at his left and right hand side thinking of which side to take when he saw Chameleon holding the lady's hand very tight and taking her out from his right hand side. Turned and started running to them and calling him loudly.

"Chameleon stop----------p" Chameleon stopped walking as he shouted and face back, the bride was so surprised as she heard the name he just called him and didnt understand what was really going on again. Chameleons friend called him separately as he got there.

"The chief is dead! The father of the bride is dead" He with low voice for the lady not to hear.

"How! Is it after the smoke gone or how because I dont understand" Chameleon said.

"As the smoke gone that was when the husband announced that the chief had been killed, now you are the suspect and that is why I am here that you should quickly finds your way out from this place"

"Suspect how! I didnt killed him just went there to take the husband's image!"

"The man has ordered the guards to close the doors that he must fish you out because you are the only person that came there for reason and it was as you left that smokes encircled everywhere and the chief been killed"

“This is very serious issue and my mind has been rejecting this task" Chameleon said as he uses his hands to rub his soft and small hair.

"You know what now, you know how to take the lady out of here and I will know how to get myself out of here as well" He said with low voice and Chameleon faced the lady, looks at the lady for few seconds and turned back. He started rubbing his hands together wanted to get his own face back, a white and green light came out from his hand and his own body came back.

“This is whom I am, we are sent here to take you out from this place because the person dont want this wedding to hold. Please now follow him out from this place and I too will join you soon"

"Who are you guys? And who is the person that sent you?" The lady asked with low voice, wearing a beautiful, expensive and lovely butter colour gown and with a flower on her hair.

"Please no time for this" Chameleons friend said with low voice and grabbed the ladys hand.

"I will be expecting you bro!" He said with low voice and Chameleon shook his head, he held the lady's hand very well and leaving the place.

Chameleon was looking at them going far, he breathe in and leaving the place as well going to his left direction.

The hall had been scattered, people were just standing spacing to each other and looking, the guards were standing at the different angles in the hall and all the entrance in the hall had been closed except from the one that the groom was, standing there and looking at peoples face as they were living one after the other.

Chameleon hid at a corner as he was about to get down to the hall and looking at everywhere, he saw the girl that he like and which was the bride's sister sitting on the floor with her father's body and crying.

Chameleon left bad as he saw the chief in a pool of blood and the lady in tears.

He turned back and walking with his back to the lady standing beside him, he brought a light from his eye so that the ladys shadow could show and taking her image.

"Anybody covering his or face should remove it! Kill anybody that is trying to act smart" The husband said with anger. Chameleon walked to the front, with a ladys image even with the ladys long brown hair.

"The guy must not escape! He must be arrest, how dare him came to my own wedding and killed some" The man was very a powerful man.

From Chameleon's eye it was his own image that uses to show there so it was only a powerful person that could know that it wasn't him from his eye or any seven of them, be dreamer or predictor or mother commander or others that could know.

"More guards should be searching in even start pushing all the men to the front" He stopped Chameleon as he wanted to go out with a ladys form, looking at him suspiciously for few second.

"Go away! Go!! No lady should come here again, push the men to the front" He said loudly and Chameleon left the place, climbing the staircase down.


Chameleons friend which his name was Young-Soon got the restaurant that they uses to stay with the bride, opened the door and entered. The lady that own the place greeted him but he didnt reply, shifted a chair out and sat down on it with bad look, sound of the door opened again and the man that sent them entered.

The bride removed the cloth that she use to cover her face away and running to the man, she covered her face so that they could be able to escape from the hall and she cut her cloth to another style.

"Are you the one that sent them?" she asked two of them hugged each other and very happy.

"Yes! So that the wedding wont hold, I dont want to loss you in the hand of another man" The man said with low voice and kiss the lady at her front head.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!! I love you" The restaurants lady was looking at them and very happy for them. The lady hadnt hear of what happened to their father.

"Thank you very much Young-Soon. This is the remain balance" He said with smile but Young-Soon didnt reply just thinking at his friend, the man put the money down on the table and looking at him.

"Where is the second guy? And what happened in there?" The man asked.

"Does something happened because I can see how dull people are as we want to escape, talk to use what happened?" The lady said with loud voice but Young-Soon didnt say anything.

"Talk to us now! What is the mean of this silent?" The man said with loud voice, he faced back as they heard the sound of the door opened and Chameleon entered. His friend stood up and ran to him.

"Welcome back brother!" Two of them hugged each other and separated from each other after few second.

"I have known today will be a very bad luck day, that is why I came here to just have fun" complained.

"What happened?" The man asked.

"Still asking of what happened, been outside mean you should not heard what happened inside that the chief has been killed and I am the one that the husband is suspecting because I am the only one that went to meet them at where they are and it was as I gone that they saw chief killed"

"What did you just said, you mean father was killed!" The lady said with loud voice.

"Calm down! You should know to talk not that you will said the bad news like that!" The man said.

"Dont ever tell me that! Do you know the kind of trouble you want to put me even that you have put me, if its not because I am smart" Chameleon was very angry.

"I am the one that cause all this, if I know its one of the chief's wedding won't have agreed to help him. All those chiefs that their hands full with evil" Young-Soon said with anger.

"Dont ever talk to my father like that, he deserve some respect from you!" The lady said with anger.

"None of the chiefs deserve any respect from me, we own this kingdom together" Chameleon said with loud voice. Chameleon and other six were the most powerful people in the Kingdom and world just that now must of them havent know their worth especially Mother Commander.

"Please! Dont let this lead to fight!" The man said.

"Please you can go now and never come back!" Young-soon said and talking to the man and the lady.

Sound of the door opened and the brides sister entered with anger, walked closed to Chameleon and slapped him on his face that all of them shocked including the restaurants lady.

"When you said you will help me and the wedding won't hold, its my father you should killed"

"Look at me! I am not the one that killed your father, I know nothing about it" Chameleon said with low voice.

"Oh! You are lying right. What are you doing there at the first insistence, also what did you go and do at where they are? Its as you left that smoke encircled everywhere and father was found killed" The lady said with anger.

"I didnt know anything about. It was this man that came to meet I and my friend that we should help to stop the wedding by taken the bride missing which is his girl, and as some people know its my chameleon power that I am using to earn money and sustain myself. So we agreed at that is why we are there and seen me went to where your father is, is just to take the husbands shadow and that is what I did" Explaining.

"As I saw you I am very happy that we meet again because I wish to meet you again because I like you, so I am very happy that my wish comes true and to makes you happy that is why I put more effort to the task and also decided to return the his own money so that you will know that I did this for you" The bride breathe in.

"I cant kill you father. I dont uses to ill people!" Chameleon said with low voice and starring at the girl.

"I am so sorry!" The girl said but none of them understand what that for. Sound of the door opened with force and ten armies entered with their force, the girl had come with armies already.

"Size him" An army said and the armies had surrounded Chameleon.

"I am so sorry!" The girl said again with tears started dropping from her eye and looking at the armies tiring rope on Chameleons hand.

"We are in it together!" Chameleon looked at his friend as he said so

"Arrest two of them! "The man said and tired two of them together with the rope and taking them out, the girl felt really bad and crying.