

enjoy your day guys!!

Zhang min showed up from a far distance as she was entering into the market, carrying the bag that drugs were inside it on her right shoulder and wearing a white short gown. The breezes was blowing her long hair around and the rain had stopped falling just that the floor was it moist and the weather was so cold.

Zhang min was looking at everywhere and walking slowly, passing beside people and going to where she always uses to stay.

The man that she uses to stay at the front of him too just arrived and just opening his kilos, he opened the door widely, used something to support it and entered with a broom in his hand. He started sweeping the shop out on the floor outside and blowing the dust away when Zhang min got there.

"Good morning! And well done Sir"She greeted him, standing at where customers uses to stay and looking at the man inside.

"Good morning Zhang min! Hope this weather is not too cold for you?" Zhang Min just giggles.

"Take the broom! The rain really makes where to be dirty" The man said as he passed the broom to Zhang Min through the small place at where she was standing.

"Thank you very much Sir!" She shows her appreciation as she collected the broom and started sweeping the leaves and other dirty that was on the floor away. The man came out from his small shop, poured Chaco inside a small iron stove and set fire to it, he went back inside let the fire blowing and preparing the food that he uses to sell and mixing some together.

"Thank you Sir! Please the stool and the leather that I use to spread on the floor" Zhang Min requested as she finished sweeping and also wanted to return the broom back.

“Alright! Give me few seconds okay!" The man replied loudly from inside.

He stopped what he was doing after few seconds as he said, took the small stool and the long thick leather on the floor of the shop and got down from the shop, Zhang min walked closer to him and collected all those things from him and returned back the broom.

She put the stool down on the floor beside the shop, held the leather at the two edges and spreading it on the floor. Wang Wei was coming from the main market, walking alone with his sword inside his pocket and throwing his hands to the front and back. It was Zhang Mins place that he was going to, to check if she had arrived because when they arrived to the market she was not there.

Zhang min spread the leather everywhere and knelt down on it, removed the bag gentle from her shoulder, poured the drugs on the leather and arranging and displaying it on the leather. Wang Wei crossed to the other side as he saw Zhang min arranging her drug and walking close to her.

"Good morning! Why are you late? We checked you as we got to the market" Wang Wei said.

"Good morning! The weather is too cold so Father didn't allow me to leave early!" She replied and busy arranging and displaying her drugs.

"Alright!" Just said with low voice and looking at her. He held Zhang Mins right hand where the man cut her wanted to see if it had heal or not but he cant asked.

"Ah! Hey!!" Zhang Min did in pain as he held it and her face changed. "Why did you touch it now?" said loudly.

"Oh! The hand is still paining you" he said with low voice, put his hand inside his pocket and brought a small tablet drug and pointing it at her. He really care for Zhang Min as Li Qiang too did just that him was hiding his own.

"Use it now! Not need for water" He said as Zhang Min collected it from his hand.

"Thank you!" Zhang min said with low voice, removed the drug on her right pam and swallow it.

"The pain will go and it will help the wound to heal fast!"

"Sorry Zhang Min! That is how all those guys use to behave, you just have to be careful next time" the man said.

"Thank you Sir! Where is Li Qiang you don't use to walk separately?" Zhang Min asked as she continued arranging her drugs very well for people to see.

"He helps a customer to carry a load, he will be here in few minutes now"

"Oh! You know where he takes the load to?" Zhang Min asked, got up from the leather and sat down on the stool.

"No! I just predict it and I may right" He said and Zhang Min Min didn't say anything, she had known that he would be surely right because of what her father had told her about them.

"Morning Sir!" They heard Li Qiang said as he shows up from the left hand side and greeting the man.

"Li Qiang! I have asked about you from him!" Zhang Min said with a smiling face.

“I know you for that! How are you doing? Hope this weather is not too cold for you?"

"I am good! It's but I am managing. Thank you!" Zhang Min said with smile.

"Oh! I am not wearing jacket I will have given you. How is your hand?"

"It's fine! Wang Wei just gave me a medicine now and I have use it, it will heal soon!"

"That drug will help. Zhang Min we will be right back, we have a work to do for someone!"

"I buy you tea when we are coming back promise, Wang let us go!" Zhang Min told them goodbye, smiles at Li Qiang for his kindness and they leaving the place.


The armies entered the palace with the chiefs body on a flat plank, brought it to the palace to show the King and the elders, the Head of the armies too followed them.

The armies at the gate closed the gate back from the both side after all of them had entered.

The Head of the armies told them to tell the armies to put the corpse down on the floor, the four armies that carried it removed it from their shoulders and putting down gentle on the floor.

All of you stay here and dont allow anybody to move closer to the corpse He said as he turned back, climbing the staircase and going to the Kings living room to gives the report.

The guards at the Kings living room opened the door for him, walked in and they closed the door back. All the elders stood up on their foot as they saw him entering the room, the King was just sting down on the chair, holding a small wine cup and looking at them. As it always been it was demon that was in him.

"I greet you my King and elders" He stayed a little far from them and bow for the King.

"How did it happened? How did he dead and who is behind all this?" One of the blue chief said.

"We just met one of the men entertainer running away at night in the kingdom and felt disturbed, we stopped her and she explained that someone jumped into the chiefs house through the window and ordered her to leave the place. She did and running back to their house!" he stopped talking for few second.

"We followed her to the house and we met him there, some of the armies ran inside to attack him in there but he escaped, created smokes as he always use to do and ran away with his dragon!"

"You are very stupid! How could you allow a murder to be faster than you and you are now here talking rubbish. Now who know is next plan!" First chief said with anger.

"Hmm! Who is that person? Turn him or herself to a terror in the Kingdom" other chief said.

"I am putting it into you my King! Li Jun is still alive and he is the one that kill the both chiefs" All the chiefs shocked as he mentioned Li Juns name and didn't believe that he was still at alive.

"What are you saying? He is dead and burnt together with the other corpses at King's task war. How could he be alive again?" The elder that next to the first chief said.

"Before disappeared with his dragon. As he came out from the rom, I stopped him and command him to turn back and show his face but the only thing he pointed at me was a sword. From what I saw my King, it's a king of the demons fighter sword he showed me-------" The demon didn't allowed him to land as he talked loudly from the King.

"Leave the palace now! Go and search for him, I want him here alive!" he drank the wine with anger.

"He shows you the King of the-------" First chief was talking.

"I said leave now and go and look for him, never return back until you find him" He shouted.

"As you said my King!" He bow, turned back and leaving the living room.