

Zhang Min came out from the bathroom with only pant and boob tube, running to the bed where her clothes were as cold was rushing into her body. She had woke up a long time ago and as she woke up it was outside that she was with her father doing environmental sanitation, they use to do it once in a month of every months even when Zhang Min was not around him always use to do it all alone.

Zhang Min came inside immediately they finished the environmental and eaten so that she could dress and started going to her business as usual. She took a long white armless gown on the bed and which was an inner cloth, she wore it and took the gown that she really want to wear.

She looked at her body under to the foot and adjusted the cloth, the cloth had old and vaild but there was not enough money for her to get another one. She took her needle sword on the bed, pull the gown up and hind the sword under the inner gown and also tied it with the rope attached to the cloth.

She made sure that the sword couldn't fall even if she run a very high speed and she pulled the gown down back. She took a local wood mirror on the table at corner of the house, holding it with her left hand and copping her long hair with a long and think brush. She put the mirror down after finished copping her hair and left the room going out.

Her father was inside his shop with two Sai weapons in his hand and doing serious training alone, twisting his two hands together and exchanging the weapons to each hands. Pointing the sword to different directions, turning his body, folding his body and also rolling on the floor.

He was very good in fighting and there was nothing he couldn't fight with, as the King of the demon fighter that he was he must be good and powerful.

Any king of the demon fighter were the King of the kingdom and that was why it always to be that it was all the kings that uses to know how to fight. KING OF THE DEMONS had been an ancient name that they use to call their king, because then demonic power always use to be in some people's power so there King that always use to fight for them.

In this century. The demonic power should had gone in existence since three thousand years ago but the King Demon and his Queen came back in existence to take REVENGE and not ready to leave the world for any human.

Zhang Min's father quickly stopped the training that he saw doing as he had smell that someone was coming and the only person it could be was Zhang Min. He packed all some of the instruments that he saw selling, came out from the room and started displaying it on the table there when Zhang Min got there with the tote bag that her drugs always use to be. She was looking at her father the way he was dirty.

"Father are you Okay! Why are sweating like this and also your white cloth has dirty like you fell inside a dust!" She said with low voice and cares.

"Oh! All this, it's nothing. As I entered into the room to bring out the instrument that I will display just saw many ants, all those flying ones flying around so I tired to kill them all and I succeeded so that is why I am sweating like this and also dirty like this, they are so many" he lied to Zhang Min, cleaned the cloth a bit and continued arranging the weapons.

"Sorry for that Father! Where did they came from?"

"I don't know but I have killed them all and they won't come here again" Zhang Min was looking at him.

"Are you already to go to market?" Her father asked.

"Yes father and that is why I am here to say goodbye!" Zhang Min replied and said with low voice.

"Okay! So go safety and come back on time"

"Okay father!" Said with loud voice and sound very happy, Zhang just took a step when she turned back.

"When I am going to meet all these people that will join me to carry out this task, that is the reason you told me to be selling this drugs but I haven't see them" her father stopped arranging the weapons and faced her.

"Calm down my daughter! You will meet each other if it's time, it's not two people or one that we are talking about here so relax even it's not a day you meet them that you will start telling them this and that, and they will believe you"

"But when! Okay I just want to know them for now!"

"You will meet them or even to know them is just a matter of time, give them time to discover themselves. Not all of them have know who they really are, let them discover their powers first my daughter. All of you will surely meet!"

"As you are saying it's like you know them father! But you said some times ago that you didn't know them!" Zhang Min said, she had remembrance memories.

"I don't know them physically just trying so calm down, you are going to meet them for the revenge you want them for" said with low voice and continued with what he was doing.

"As you said father. I will go now so take care Father!" Smile at him and going, put the bag on her right shoulder.

"I too surely need them to take this kingdom back from that demon's hand!" He said, left the place that he was and entered to the shop. Packed some other weapons and came out.


There was a big party going on at the market by some youths in the kingdom and it was at the centre of the market that it was taking place. Many people were there as well except from the youths having fun and playing music in their local way, few of the girls from Night Mansion were there and it was the youths that pay the woman to bring them there so as to entertain them.

Dong Mei and chang ying were there and they were the one that lead others ladies to that place as their leader, Dong Mei and Chang ying were sitting beside some men and pouring wine for them inside the pavilion that they were when others girls were dancing, wearing free short skirts and a wrappers on their breast only and wearing shoes.

This was what make the market clumsy that it was only a single way that was available for people to be passing, both were existing from the market and those that entering.

Zhang Min held her bag very well for thieves not to collect it from her as she was entering into the market, walking slowly as the result of the clumsy that was everywhere.

Where the party was taking place was opposite of where Zhang Min uses to sit to sell her goods. So Dong Mei saw her as she passed by and looking at where she was going to.

"Good morning Sir!" Zhang Min greeted an old man that was beside her and selling a small snack inside a small kiosk.

"Good morning my daughter, I too just arrived now!" The man said and gave her the small chair that she always use to sit on and a long wrapper that she use to display her drugs on.

"Thank you very much Sir!" She showed her appreciation to the for keeping her things for her. She took broom at the entrance of the man's shop, swept her place and returned it back.

She straight the wrapper very well, spread it on the floor and removed the tote bag from her shoulder. Kneeling down on the wrapper on the floor and arranging her drugs on it.

"Let me help you! Good morning" she heard a male voice as she was arranging the drugs and raised her head up. Saw Li Qiang and Wang Wei standing beside her.

"Ah! Good morning and thank you, good morning Wang Wei" She said with low voice.

"Hi!" Wang Wei said with low voice and didn't smile.

"How are you Zhang Min, should we come help you to display them!" Li Qiang asked with smile on his face.

"Is this what is going to give us money to eat! Please let go than to be wasting our time here!" Wang Wei said with loud voice, and like he was fighting with someone.

"I am sorry! You can go" Zhang Min still apologized. It was from the first day that Zhang Min had saw Wang Wei at the sea side that day that she had like him.

"We are going now! We will come back Okay!" Li Qiang said, looking at Zhang Min and smiling in a romantic way.

"I beg let go!" Wang Wei said with loud voice and leaving the place.

"Is that Any-Work" the old man said loudly from his shop.

"Yes we are, do you want us to stay at your shop!" Li Qiang said as he heard the man calling their name. That was the name given to them at the market side ANY-WORK.

"That man over there have been looking for you and I told hin that when you are arrived I will tell you because you always stay with Zhang Min first before you go" the man said.

"Oh thank you very much Sir!" Li Qiang said and faced Wang Wei. "You see now, saying let go! Let go!!" Shouted at him.

"It Okay! Let go to the man!" Wang Wei said and leaving the place. Zhang Min continued display her goods and sat down on the small chair after finished arranging it and holding one.

Dong Mei stood up beside the man that she was sitting at the party, rolling the top that she was wearing down and came out from the pavilion. Asking for excuses from the people outside for her to be able to pass and leaving the place and looking at everywhere.

She crossed to where Zhang Min was and going to her place, people were so many on the road and make it be like where Zhang Min was, was a little far from the party.

"Good morning Zhang Min and thank you for the drug you gave ne on the other time, it really work" she said as she got to where she was.

"Good morning Dong Mei! Are you among them there?"

"Yes! As party entertainers, they hired us so I am there when I saw you passing and I saw you displaying your drugs here. Is this where you stay to sell it?" She asked.

"Yes! This is my post and always be, hope you fine now"

"Since all these days. I am good now----" Dong Mei received a sound slap from behind as she was talking.

Zhang Min stood up with strong emotion and Dong Mei turned back to see whom just slapped her, she saw the man that she was pouring wine for and burning inside her but there was nothing she could do, he was their customer.

"I paid you and brought you here to entertain me, you now left me and came here to be talking nonsense talk!"

"And is that why you slapped me!" Dong Mei said with low voice and holding her cheek.

"I can slap you again because I paid for you to entertain me not to just stand up without a permission and come here!" Shouted at her with his vibrating voice.

"You are very stupid! And that is why you slapped her. She can be party entertainer and men entertainer but you don't have any right to slap her or harassing her even you don't have any right to slap or touch a lady or woman you fool!" Zhang Min too shouted at him with anger showed all over her, including Dong Mei too she was very angry.

"Will you shut up idiot and face your business!" "You come with me now, you belong to me for the hole day!" The man said with vibrating voice and held Dong Mei's hand very tightly and wanted to be dragging her away.

"You don't have the right to be dragging her away!" Zhang Min collected Dong Mei's hand from the man with strong power and walked to the front of her goods.

"She deserved some respect, if you can't give her that doesn't mean you should be disgracing her" She said as she had faced the man very well.

"What is your problem you this child! Are you there when I paid for her for a hole day, stop me again and see"

"Come with me!" He held Dong Mei's hand again and dragging her away from that place.

Zhang Min still instead to collect Dong Mei from that man because the way he was treating her was totally wrong, Zhang wanted to collect Dong Mei's hand again and the man cut her with a knife.

"How dare you!' Zhang Min said with anger, Li Qiang and Wang Wei got there and looking at them.

"And still I won't allow you to take her away like that! She is not your slave even if she is a men entertainer!"

"Stop me again and see, I will injured you that this---" Li Qiang stopped the man with loud voice.

"How dare you talking to her like that! And even cut her hand because she is correcting you!" Said with loud voice.

"Who is this small rat! I paid on her for a day and I can treat her the way I want for today!"

"If you hold her again or touch anybody between two of them, I will kill you!" Wang Wei said and removed out his sword.

"Just dare us!" Li Qiang too said and removed his own sword too out from the pocket and pointing it at him.

"I am replacing you with another person!" The man said with low voice, looked at Dong Mei and leaving the place.

"Thank you! That is how all those customers uses to do. I am so sorry Zhang Min, how is the hand!" Dong Mei said.

"Are you Okay Zhang Min!" Li Qiang said and walked closed to her and showed a lot of care.

"You don't have to sorry Dong Mei!" Holding the hand, looking at it bleeding and stopping it.

"Take! Use it to wrap it!" Wang Wei gave her a long tin cloth that he uses to tie his hair.

"Thank you!" Said with low voice as she collected it.

"When you know you can't fight did you suppose to be argued at him!" Wang Wei said like didn't care.

"Let me help you!" Li Qiang said to Zhang Min, collected the cloth and using it to wrap the injury.

"Thank you!" Zhang Min said to Li Qiang as he finished wrapping the cloth on her hand.

"Can we go! I am hungry" Wang Wei said with low voice.

"See you later!" Li Qiang said and leaving the place, Li Qiang just like Zhang Min so much.

"Sorry! I think it not too deep!" Dong Mei asked after Li Qiang and Wang Wei had left.

"Not at all, it will heal within two days" She said with smile and sat down.

"I will stay here for some hours before going back Night mansion because I can't go to that party again"

"I can't even allow you!" Dong Mei went to the old man, requested for a small chair and sat down beside Zhang Min.