

Liu Wie was rolling to the left and right on his bed, sweating serious like he poured water on his body and seeing different things in his dreams like vision. Seeing their father fighting in the war, all the armies too fighting and as his brother stabbed himself.

All the sence were showing entering into each other and it was disturbing him serious, seeing everything and bringing back his past memories and everything that happened during the Demonic blood war that his father went to with him and his younger brother.

All of a suddenly! Liu Wei woke up from the sleep, raised only his back up, sweating seriously and looking at everywhere. He was in the day of his remembering of whom he was and that it was all of his past that he always uses to see on that day.

"What is really going on! I don't get all these again. Where is Tea Tang? Why did she left me all of a suddenly and don't see her again, does anything happened to her? She is my wife and I love her so much. Saw her giving me full body massage, talking to me about herself and smiling at me with her soft and attractive lips!" Saying one after the other to himself and remembering Zhang Min's mother.

"Something is not right some where! How did I got back to the palace, I didn't return back to the palace after my father had been betrayed by those bastards and killed, so how did I got here again! Did I later helped all those bastard chiefs to carry out a mission on what they caused by themselves? What really happened!" Keeps asking himself.

"I need an answer to all these! Someone must give me an answer to all these" he got down from the bed and leaving his room. He knocked at the door of his room and the guard that was outside at the entrance opened it.

"Good morning My King!" He greeted with respect and entered into the room half ways.

"Call me this guy! The second senior in Martial art school!" The guard looked at him and didn't really get whom he was asking for.

"Second senior! Are you talking about the Head of the armies My King!" He asked with low voice.

"As he become the head of the armies? Anyways call me who ever is the Head of the armies!" Said and thinking, he didn't get it because he didn't remembered.

"As you said my King!" The guard left and closed the door. Liu Wei walked inside the room and rubbing his head.

"Does this guard really know whom I am asking of. Jun-min was my junior student, and him and my younger brother are the two senior students, so when did him become the Head of the armies!" Said silently.

"I need to cool my head! I don't understand!" He turned to his right hand side and went to the bathroom. He on the shower, standing under it and pouring water on his head.

Rubbing his soft and long hair and closed his eye.

Sound of the door opened, Head of the armies and the guard entered. The Head of the armies was standing beside the guards and with his sword in his hands.

"Good morning My King!" He said and looking at everywhere.

"My King! The head of the armies is here! Are you in there my King!" The guard asked and they heard the sound of the shower off.

Liu Wei took a towel on the hanger, used it to dry his hair. Rubbing the towel on the hair and removed it after few minutes. Put it back on the hanger and leaving the bathroom, looked at two of them as he came out and sat down on the floor beside his bed.

"I need very hot tea! Can you go and get me that!" Talked to the guard, the guard bow and leaving the room.

"You sent for me My King!" Head of the armies sat down on the floor at the front of Liu Wei.

"The guard called you Head of the armies, when did you addressed as the Head?"

"He has gain his memory back again! I wish he could be like this. He is just taking advantage of because he doesn't always use to remember all his past or anything!" Saying inside his mind.

"Jun-Min I am asking you a question?" Liu Wei shouted.

"It's you that addressed me just that you don't always uses to remember your past!" Said with low voice.

"Yes you are right! I don't always uses to remember. Can you tell me where my brother is? Where is he?"

"Your brother is dead! You know that, he committed suicide after the announcement of your father on THE TASK WAR!" Liu Wei didn't believed it.

"You mean Li Jun is dead! He killed himself on that day!"

"Yes! He is dead but because those that dead during the war were many, his corpse was unable to find. Mean that he was burned together with those corpses!" Explained.

"How did I crown as the King? How did I get here because this is not where I am after everything!"

"I can't reply to that My King because I don't get you!" Head of the armies said with low voice.

"Look at me! You and my brother may not be friends but don't uses that to be lying to me! How can you said that you don't know anything!" He shouted at him, looked at the Head and calm down for few minutes.

"I remembered very well that I got married to Tea-Tang, where is she? And what happened to her?" Head of the armies breathe in and replied.

"She is not the only one you got married to, they were two in number and two of them had dead!"

"Dead! What happened to them? Talk to me!" He shouted and felt bad.

"You are the one that killed both of them----" he stopped talking as Liu Wei shouted at him.

"How can you said that I killed my wives! How dare you!" Sound of the door opened and the guard entered, looked at two of them put the tea down and quickly left.

"Calm down my King!" Head of the armies said as the door closed.

"Talk to me! I don't understand!" Said with loud voice.

"It's true! You killed them. It was in the evening on that day when you brought your first Queen out in a pool of blood and said that she lied that she is your family, that you don't have any family. You killed her on that day by yourself. Your second Queen!" He stopped talking.

"I don't want to hear again because I don't understand or remember what you are saying. How can I killed my wives!" Said with low voice and thinking on it. He stood up and Head of the armies too stood up.

"I want to go to somewhere!" Leaving the room and walking like he was on a horse.

The door opened. Him and the Head left the room and walking along the King's chamber, Liu Wei didn't replied any of the maids that were greeting him just going out.

One of the guards at the King's living room walked closed to him as he wanted to got down to the compound.

"Good morning my King! The chiefs have been waiting for you said that there is an urgent meeting!" The guard said.

"Urgent meeting! I am the one that said so or called urgent meeting?" Asked with loud voice. That was how the chiefs especially the First Chief uses to do, they were the one that always uses to make an order for him and command him anyhow they like

"I can't be in any meeting today! Maybe they should suspend it to another time!" He got down to the compound, climbed on his horse as the guard took it closed to him and leaving the palace.

The guard entered the living room as the King's left and walking closed to the chiefs. It was all of them that were on the seat and as they uses to sit.

"Where is the King?" First chief asked.

"He said that he can't have any meeting today and he has went out!" The guard explained.

"That mean he is in his day! Okay, no problem!" First chief had understand very well, so he didn't said much just went back to his seat and sat down.


Lucia was checking the herb medicines in his lab if they were still good to use and testing them with a test paper, pouring it on the paper and examining them one after the other.

Liu Wie got to the place, stopped the horse and got down from the horse with franking face and with anger. He barged inside without knocking, Lucia looked at his back and walking closed to Liu Wei as he saw that it was him.

"Liu Wei! How are you? Please sit down!" Liu Wei didn't say anything and sat down on the chair.

The man got wine and a cup, put it on the table at the front of Liu Wei and him sat down.

Liu Wei took the wine, opened it and poured it full inside the cup. He drank everything and put the cup down.

"How did I get to the palace? What happened to me?"

"I have always uses to say it! You returned back to the palace when it's time for you to!" Lucia said.

"Stop Lucia! I know what I am asking you. What later happened as all those bastard are coming here and want me to carry out a MISSION for them. I am under your custody so you can't tell me you don't know.

Since then, I don't know anything that happened again!"

"I too don't know what happened?" Lucia lied.

"Stop lying! Stop lying! I take you as my father and after the death of my father, I am here living with you. So how did I get back to the palace? What happened?" He said with anger and with loud voice.

"Calm down Liu Wei! Just calm down!"

"Don't tell me that again! Answer to my question? I see that you betrayed me!" Poured another wine and drank it.

"I did what I did so that I could help the kingdom out from the hand of the Moster they crowned as the King! And you too will able to take the throne back!"

"What did you do? I am asking you!" He shouted.

"Since you refused to assist the Chiefs, I made a medicine for them and used it for you so that you won't be able to think on your own again, they are the one that will be telling you want to do still you will finished carring out the MISSION. It's just only once in a two weeks you will remember your past, and it work!" The man felt bad as he was talking and continued.

"I made the antidote with it so that you could drink after the MISSION. But unfortunately, the antidote broke and there is no another one!" Finished explained.

"You betrayed me Lucia! Some rascals betrayed my father and killed him, they are how suffering from what they did. You now let them uses me to wrap up their sheets, you let me carried out the MISSION that I am not willing to do. You made a drug for them and no antidote!"

"The antidote was broken unintentionally! I am sorry!"

"Shut up! I said shut up!!" He threw the wine away and the bottle broke on the floor and wine swimming out.

"They or you intentionally to break the antidote and think you can be lying to me!" Rubbed his hair, stood up and walking around on the same spot.

"Mean that Jun-Min is right! I killed my wives by myself when I am not in my normal senses, thought that they were my enemies!" Said loudly and faced the man.

"I am sorry! I am trying and doing serious research but I can't find the antidote or know how to make another one!" The man said with low voice.

"If it's not that I am seeing you like my father! I should have kill you!" Said loudly and starring at him.

He turned back and leaving the house, Lucia stood up and walking behind him. Liu Wei climbed the horse and leaving the place, beating the horse and using it legs to brought sand up from the floor.

He arrived to the palace back and it had been evening already. He stopped the horse and got down, talk to the guard that uses to take care of his horse that he was sitting going out and going inside.

All the chiefs had gone home. He got to the King's chamber collected the key of the Formal king,s bedroom from the guard at the entrance and going there.

He insent the key as he got there, opened the door and entered. He covered his face with a cloth because of the dust, removing the cobwebs covering his face.

"I need this Dragon necklace! If I talk to immortal sorcerer he must know what I should do and about the antidote!" He started checking the box, bringing out everything inside it and keeps searching for it.

"Where can it be! Or someone else and took it?" Left the box and continued searching for it everywhere. Looking under the bed, table and chair.

"I need this thing! I need it!" Moved the table to the left, turned it and scattering everywhere and keeps looking for it. He didn't stopped just keeps finding it.

Suddenly! He stood up from the floor, looked at himself and looked at the room round.

"What am I doing here? Why am I searching everywhere and sweating like this?" He didn't remember anything again, the time had gone.

"Is there anything I am looking for here!" He said and leaving the room. He left the room without locking it and going back to his room.

The head of the armies had been looking for him everywhere, so two of them jamed at the corridor of the King's chamber.

"Greeting my King! You just have to calm down, you haven't eat anything since morning and the guard said that you are still going out. You are like my brother, so telling me any information you want to know and I will get it for you" Liu Wei looked at him and didn't understand what exactly he was talking about again.

"Am I looking for something or lost something? I met myself checking an empty room and it's like i am looking for something. What could that be!" Head of the armies breathe in, he had know that he didn't remember again.

Everything that Lucia and Head of the armies explained to him this morning, he can't remember again. So for the past nineteen years now that was how he had been asking them and keeps telling him same thing.

"It's just a report from the other Kingdom! Don't worry, I will help you to find it!" Head just said anything.

"Okay! Thank you then!" Said with low voice.

"Maids will bring your food now My King!" He looked at Head of the armies and going to his bedroom.