

Sound of the door opened by a guard standing at the entrance to the Queen's bedroom, three maids entered with bowls inside a small wood planks and on their hands. It was the sound the door that woke the Queen Khitan river kingdom up and laying on the bed.

"Good morning My Queen! We are here for your morning bath!" A lady at the front wearing different uniform from the other two maids said with respect.

The Queen got up from the bed and sitting on it. The maids walked more closer to her, the lady whom was the head of the maids put what was in her hand down and took a small soft towel and pasted it on the Queen's face with a little water on it.

She massaged it softly on her face, removed it and dropped it inside the bowl, she collected a bowl from the maid at her right hand side and applied the oil gently on the Queen's face and massaging it on her.

She bend down on the floor, moved a bowl closer to her and put the Queen's right leg inside it. Washed it from lap to the to her foot, one of the maid gave her a towel and she used it to clean it. Put the second leg inside it, washed it from lap to the foot and cleaned it.

The Queen was just looking at them and didn't say a word. The maid collected the oil from the lady and massaging it gently on the legs including the fingers.

One of the maid went to another small room in the bedroom, took a lovely and beautiful royal Chinese gown with shoes and left the room.

The Queen got up from the bed, off the pyjamas that she was putting on and collected the one that the maid was holding and put it on. The head of the maids adjusted the cloth very well, put all the accessories on it to make it more beautiful and the Queen sat down back.

The maid wore the shoes for the Queen and packed all the necessary things that they used back inside the bowl. The Queen stood up, collected the crown from the maid and put it on her head. Looked at herself in the mirror holding by the head of the maids and going out.

Sound of the door opened by the fair maid and the Queen left the bedroom, going to the living room and the servant following her. She was not replying any of the guards that were greeting her just keeps walking along the King's chamber with her cloth moving with her on the floor.

The guards at the King's living room bow for her and two of them opened the door widely for her. She entered and Hand of the King walked closed to her.

"Lovely dress! I greet you my lady!" He said with smile.

"When did you arrived and none of the guard tell me, how dare them!" She said with anger showed over him.

"Calm down my lady! Sorry I mean my Queen! I am not a stranger here that they will have to inform you that I am here, well! I asked of you and said that you are taking your bath so that is why I stay here waiting for you!" He smiled.

"Okay!" She said with low voice and going to sit down. Hand of the King gave her his hand, the Queen looked at him and held him. He took her to the seat and the Queen sat down on the iron chair.

"I am here very early so that we will go and throw the ashes inside the river! It's time you go and do that than to keep it there!" Starring at him.

"I have agreed to go and drop it, but It will be after breakfast. Hope no problem with that?" Said with low voice and smiled for the first time after her husband death.

"Your wish is my command! My Queen!" Sound of the door opened for the head of the maid and entered with a hot tea inside a small tray.

"Morning tea my Queen!" She said and wanted to put it down on the small table beside the Queen.

"Don't put it down yet! Drink from it!" The Queen said with low voice and the Maid looked at her.

"That is a great undergrad to you my Queen! How can you said that a maid should drink from your cup!" Hand said.

"I am a Queen right and I can make an order. Drink from the tea and stay still i ordered you to go!" Said loudly.

"As you said my Queen!" The servant drank from the tea and put it down on the table.

"Why are you doing all this?" The Queen looked at the Hand of the King and didn't say anything.

Sound of the door opened again and three maids entered with different types of food inside a tray. The head of the maid stood up from the floor, shifted a long table to the front of the Queen and collecting the foods from the maids and setting the table for her. She opened the wine and poured it inside the cup.

"You! Taste from the foods including the wine!" Talking to the head of the maids and Hand of the King looked at her, he had know that she had been having trust issue.

"As you said my Queen!" The lady said, collected another sticks from the maid and started eating little! Little from the foods. She returned back the sticks, took the wine that she poured and drank everything, poured another one back for the Queen.

"I am done my Queen!" She said with honor and stepped back a little bit from the table.

"Good! From now on when my food has been served and I am there, you will taste it round including the morning tea and after few minutes minutes I will now eat! Do you understand me!" Said with loud voice.

"As you said my Queen!" The lady said with low voice.

"Others can go! You still stay here!" The two maids turned back and leaving the room. Door opened and closed.

The Queen just drank the tea, gave the cup to the maid and she started eating. Hand of the King was looking at her with a likes and thinking.

"Did you see the Head of the armies, does he said anything on what he knows that happened to my husband?" The Queen asked the Hand of the King with low voice.

"I went to see him this morning but it's the same thing he was saying and that is how we see it, dragon attacked!"

"It's not a dragon attacked!" She said with loud voice.

"Just calm down my Queen! Don't stress yourself on this, I promise you I will work it out and truth will show up!" Still pretending like a good man.

"I need someone that could join me in this and to take REVENGE on my son's death. And the only person is you, it's only you that I trust and I have know for a long period of time. Please can you!" She said with low voice.

"As you said my Queen! I am by your side always!" Said with low voice and starring at the Queen.

"Thank you for your support!" She showed her appreciation and continued eating.

She finished eating after few minutes. Stood up from the seat and her and the Hand of the King leaving the room, the guard that were inside opened the door for them and closed it back after they had left.

The first chief told the Queen to stay at a corridor and him went to the small King's room to take the ashes. He got there after few minutes and two of them leaving the chamber.

They got down to the compound, wanted to be going out when the Head of the armies from Afghanistan walked closed to her, and expecting him to follow her out.

"Just going to the river! I will be fine with him!" Spoke in English language to the Head, and referring to the Hand of the King.

"Okay My Queen!" He said and stepped back.

The Queen and the Hand of the King continued walking out and left the palace. Two of them got to the tree forest at the back of the palace, walking beside each other and looking at everywhere.

"This place is bring back many memories!" The Queen said with low voice and Hand didn't said anything.

Two of them got to the small river full with lovely and beautiful flowers that was falling from the trees. Two of them stopped walking and facing the river, the Hand gave one of the jug to the Queen and he had helped her to open it cover from it. The Queen collected it, pouring it on her right hand and dropping it inside the river.

"I remembered how we met! You have always be a strong lady and brave!" Hand of the King said, the Queen didn't say anything just continued pouring the ashes inside the river.

"Beat the King up for bullying a student then and talking boldly at his front, because we were your senior then he gave you punishment that you should clean a room. I can't allow you to be doing that alone so I have to assist you!" Bringing all those memories back for her.

"Hmm! I was so grateful that day, you have been always be a nice person to me!" Said with smile and collected the second ash from him.

"This is our actual place! Always use to come here to pack all these flowers and make it has a home decoration!"

"It's you and my husband that love this place, he always uses to bring me here but in a hard way and like he doesn't like me until he later shows it!" She said with smile and continued pouring the ashes.

"It was you that always uses to make him jealous anytime he saw us together without know that we are just a friend"

"I have never act to make him jealous, just lied to you because I saw that you too loved him and with the relationship between me and the King, I don't want it to end!" The Queen looked at him.

"It's the way I am feeling for you that I showed to you then. I have always love you but don't have the opportunity to say so!" The Queen didn't know what to say. She likes him too but it was the King she loves more.

"We are done! Let go back to the palace my Queen!" Looking at her and she too was starring at him, the hand of the King coughed and turned to his left direction.

"Behind you my Queen!" The Queen started walking back to the palace and Hand of the King followed her.


Li Qiang and Wang Wei were walking round in the market and looking for any job that they could do and earned money for that day. Two of them just passed by from the man that they used to stay with, told him that they were coming and going into the kingdom.

Li Qiang stopped walking and faced face Wang Wei as he saw Zhang Min sitting at the front of a house and with her product at the front of her, and advertising on it.

"That is not the beautiful girl we met at the sea that day!" Said and also used it as a question to Wang Wei.

"She is not the one! That girl that are long beautiful hair was blowing with her and with a gloomily skin. That girl will be a good fighter and it's the palace that one will be going to or School!" None of them identify her again.

"Are you sure she is not the one. She resemble her some how, I am thinking she is the one!" Starring at Zhang Min.

"She is not the one! But she too is so beautiful!" Two of them were starring at her and looking at her with love.

"I will like to go to her! She is so beautiful!" Li Qiang said and two of them walked closed to her.

"Hello! You are new here right? We always uses to work for everybody here so we know everybody!" Wang Wei said.

"Yes! I am" Looking at them and said with low voice.

"Welcome! My name is Li Qiang and you?" Looking at her with a romantic smile on his face.

"My name is Zhang Min! Nice to meet you!" It was Wang Wei that she was looking at and him didn't say anything, Wang Wei was a kind of person that didn't uses to free with people for the first time and always use to hind feelings.

"Nice to meet you too!" Li Qiang smiling at her.

"What is your own name?" She asked Wang Wei.

"Wang Wei! Can we go now!" He talked to Li Qiang.

"Okay! See you again Zhang Min!" Li Qiang said and two of them left the place, Zhang Min looked at two of them still they gone far and faced her business back.