

Sound of a bottle dropped inside the sea by a man. A very big ship stopped at the landscape of the sea and army men getting down from the ship, passing their bags to themselves as they were coming out from the ship. The man driving the ship turned back after all of them had got down and going back to the country that he came from.

All of them used their bags to hang their shoulders and going to Khitan river kingdom. They were from Afghanistan, wearing greenish-brown uniforms with black boot and holding pulwar sword which was the sword from Afghanistan and it was single-handed curved sword.

The man at the front whom was their head was following the map in his hand and which was the one that had been leading them from Afghanistan and other were walking behind him, following his steps.


One of the maid in Khitan river palace was walking along the King's chamber and with a big kettle in her hand. A door opened for her by a guard as she got to the Queen's bedroom, she entered and the door closed back.

The Queen was sitting on the bed half naked, it was only her private part that was covered and with three maids with her doing body treatment for her. Using honey and their traditional herbs matched together to rub her body and massaging it on her body, the Queen didn't smile at all just looking.

The maid that entered mixed water for the Queen with the hot water inside the kettle, arranged everything that they could need on the table beside the bathtub and with the towels folded on each other and she left the room.

The Queen stood up, walked closed to the bathtub and entered into the warm water. One of the maids was washing her long hair from the back when the other two wear bathing for her, passing the cleaning body treatment to each other and ordinary water.

Candles was light round the room and which made everywhere to be so beautiful and made the room so cool. A maid took a blue towel on the table, put the long hair inside it and wrapped it with it. The Queen got out from the bathtub and collected another towel from the maid, wrapped it all over her body and went back to the bed side.

Sat down on it and the maids continued dressing for her. The maid was drying her hair and putting treatment on it, the second maid was applying body cream on the Queen's body when the third one was arranging the cloth, shoes and body accessories that the Queen would use. After applying the hair treatment, the maid started styling the hair.

The elders of the Kingdom and which were also the chiefs were in the living room and waiting for the Queen to come out so that they could crown her as the Queen of Khitan river kingdom since that her husband and son had been late. So today was the crowing day.

The armies from Afghanistan entered into their palace there and stopped at the front of the building, as they saw that it was the building they refers to from the map. Two of the armies went inside the king's chamber to call their head when two others walked closed to them.

"Who are you armies? And what are you doing here?" Asked in Chinese language. And they didn't replied because they didn't hear Chinese, they were Afghanistani.

"Where are you from? What are you doing here?" All the fifty Afghanistani men were just looking at them, none of them understand their Chinese language at all. The man whom was their head didn't say anything just keep standing, and knows that where they were was where the person that sent for them would be living according to the map given to them and they couldn't be misled.

"What is going on here?" Head of the armies asked as he got down and with two of the chief. The two armies walked closed to them.

"It's like they are not from China because they didn't reply us!" A guy said. The head of the armies walked closed to them with the chief and looking at their swords.

"Good morning! Please where are you from and who are you?" Head of the armies asked in English language.

"We are from Afghanistan and we are armies, we are your Queen's armies---" one of the chief stopped him.

"Our Queen's armies! How? Because we don't understand. Can you understand me because I am not too good in English language like that!" The man said.

"She came to buy us like days ago and we are sold to her, we are many than this but it's just fifty of us, she ordered to come for now and gave us this map to follow!" The man explained, the head of the armies and the chiefs looked at each other and with surprised.

"Queen bought Afghanistan armies to this kingdom as her armies, I don't understand at all. Maybe after crowning she will explain better!" Second chief said in Chinese language.

"Let wait after crowning!" First elder too said in Chinese language and all three of them left. The other armies and the servants were looking at the Afghanistan armies.

The Queen came out from her bedroom, wearing long and beautiful gown touching the floor and with beautiful bands on her hair. She was walking along the King's chamber with franking face and unhappy look, and didn't ulter a word tangible since she had arrived back.

The two guards at the King's living room greeted her with respect, bow and opened the door for her. Everybody in the living room stood up as they saw her entering and greeting her, she looked at all of them round and sat down on her Queen's chair and people looking at her.

"Greeting to you our Queen, well done and happy for today!" A old man said and took the crown on the table beside him and put it on the Queen's head, everybody was so happy and clapping loudly.

The old man gave his hand to the Queen and she held his hand and stood up, walked to where the Royal iron chair was and she sat down on it with the crown on her head. The man released his hand and stepped back.

"Now! The kingdom is now in your hand, rule it in a good direction and the people there. Your time will be peaceful to us!" The man poured wine inside a cup and gave it to the Queen. The Queen collected it, drank it once and turned the cup back to the man.

"So now you can greet your people and express your feelings to them!" The man sat down with the other elders.

"What happened to the King, my husband?" Asked with loud voice and that was the first word she ulter out.

"It's dragon attacked! I explained to you and that was how it be. He was attacked by dragon when we went to the kingdom to see his people, we tried to protect him and fight the dragon but we were unable to do so!"

"I want to see those that injured and the corpse of those that dead with the King! My husband right now and I give you few minutes to bring them here!" Said with loud voice, all of them in the living room looked at each other.

"Nobody dead and also nobody injured except from King! My Queen. I can't really say how it happened?" The Queen smiled bitterly and frank her eye back.

"A King went out with the armies and guards to his kingdom and dragon attacked him only without anybody else, even you armies that said that you protected him. I am asking you Who killed my husband, the King?" She shouted.

"It's dragon-- attack-- my Queen!" Stammering, the living room was so silent because nobody could say a word.

"Who killed my husband! I am asking you!" The head didn't say anything, just looking at the Queen.

"Greenwhite! Greenwhite!!" All the elders looked at each other didn't understand who she was calling.

Door opened and closed. Ten of the Afghanistan armies entered the living room, they were the one bearing 'Greenwhite' armies and that was the name they had been given to from their Country.

"Greeting to you our Master!" Their head greeted in English language and others bow for the Queen.

"Take him out! Go and lock him in a cell still he is ready to talk and don't allow anybody to get close to the cell that he is except from the maids that want to give him food. Take him out!" Said with order and referring to the Kingdom's Head of the armies.

Two of the Greenwhite held the Head of the Army's hand and taking him out, the Head of the armies looked at the Queen and going out with the armies.

"Follow them and lead them to the cell!" Queen said and talking to the guard inside with her. He bow and left, sound of the door closed for all of them.

"Please my Queen! Take it easy, it's dragon that attacked the King not that anybody killed him-----" a man said.

"Are you telling me that I don't know what i am saying!" Said with anger showed all over her.

"You are not around when this happened so why will you just jumped into conclusion that it's someone that killed him! Nobody injured doesn't mean that they planned to kill the King, even if you look at the scar it's deep!" Sound of the door opened and the Greenwhite entered.

"Arrest him! And go and lock me up in another cell!" Referring to the Chief that just finished talking. Two Greenwhite armies held the man and dragged him up.

"Look at me!, You are talking rudely to me and think maybe I don't know what I am saying right! It's two options you have, kill yourself now before the Head say the truth or I will kill you by myself by burning you alive after he has conversed!" The man didn't know what to say.

"The Head! Can't say it's truly dragon attacked, he may not know how it happened but he can't! So you now have the gut to be talking rudely to me on what you don't know!"

"I am so sorry My Queen!!" The man apologized.

"Take him away! And my order is still standing, kill yourself or I will kill you after the Head has say the truth!" Said with loud voice and Greenwhite took the man away.

All the elders couldn't say anything just looking. The Queen poured a wine, looked at all the elders with suspecting face and the drank the wine once and put the cup down.

"I appointed you as the new Head of the armies!" Talking to the man that next to the Head.

"As you said my Queen! Thank you" the man said with low voice and bow twice.

"I want all of you to leave the palace and go to the kingdom to protect my people from the dragon. It's fire you should be using as weapon and I have got stick lamps for you which are outside!"

"As you said my Queen!" He said with low voice.

"Fire always uses to have power on dragons than sword, other thing that you will need will be get for you! You can go now!" The man bow again and leaving the living room.

"Liu Wei's kingdom will pay for this?" Said with loud voice.

"What happened when you get there! Are they not able to give him the medicine?" The old man asked.

"He was killed by Liu Wei the second day when he had been feeling fine!" The man shocked and looked at others.

"He killed my son for killing his dragon, he still have the gut to say that it's his dragons that have been terrorizing this kingdom and also have gut to kill my son because of his dragon. He will surely pay for this!" Said with not loud laugh.

"Came home to burn my son and discovered again that my husband has been murdered!" Drank another wine.

"Just have to calm down and rest your mind!" The old man said with low voice and trying to calm her down.

"I will rest after I kill those who killed my husband and payback on Liu Wei!" Stood up and leaving the living room. Few of the elders too follow her and sound of the door closed.

Ten chiefs that remained in the living room, shifted to each other and looking so worried.

"How did Queen knows that it's not dragon attack!" One of them asked with low voice.

"I don't think we will be able to be controlling her as we thought before, it mean that she is not whom she is acting that she is when are husband was alive. So must know what to do now and act fast!" A man whom was the hand of the King and his very close friend said.

"Okay! As you said Hand of the King!" He was the head of the team and the planner of everything. When King was alive, he trusted him and be like his closed friends