

Who doesn't desire to be a King or Queen? Well in the modern vampire world no one. Zara Lee is offered to rule the vampires. But she was about to decline the offer when she is forced to accept it because of the sudden decision of marriage by her fiancé. Will she become the queen? But things don't go easy when she finds out who was behind all this and especially when her fiancé is determined to ruin her image. The worst is yet to come as the throne is full of secrets yet to be revealed.

Thunder_Gurl_2 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


Zara sat inside and casually questioned, "You got a little late today, did something happen?".

"Why am I your driver or something?", John huffed. "I just asked you if everything was okay or not since you came later than usual, you don't have to react that way especially when you were the one who willingly wanted to drop and pick me for college", Zara said in a detached tone.

"Who was that guy?", John asked gazing around miffed. "That guy was the reason? I don't even know him, he just happened to bump into me by accident", she explained and sighed.

John bit his lip in frustration, he was more annoyed at his impulsiveness than being apologetic. "Sorry", he said clenching his fist.

Zara raised her eyebrows and sighed. John dropped her college, the two remained silent during the whole time.

"This isn't related to today but I guess it's better if we meet somewhere else by deciding everything rather than meeting everyday.....So don't bother to drop me college and home from now on. And I'll go by taxi in afternoon. Thanks", Zara said closing the car door behind her and she went inside the college campus.

"Why can't she just stay quiet when I talk to her", John said pounding a fist on the steering wheel.

Zara entered the classrooom and all heads turned towards her because she was late but thankfully the teacher had gone somewhere.

The white desks and chairs were lined next to each other in a pair of five. Her best friend Pearl saved a seat for her, she beamed at Zara and pointed towards the seat. Zara waved at her and sat beside her.

Pearl had long black curly hair and believed in following latest fashion trends, she was very fond of the accessories worn by Zara. "Woah your bracelet is so cute", she said casually opening the bracelet and trying it on.

"Teacher came", Zara alerted her friend and she groans. The lecture resumed and Pearl was trying hard to concentrate.

"Are you starting to study now? Even making notes", Zara whispered amused. Pearl pulls out a highlighter and highlights the words she wrote, "It's just that notemaking is my new hobby", she said proudly.

The teacher instructed all the students to submit their assignments. They were supposed to make a poster based on a novel. Zara takes out her poster from the bag. "Wow it's really pretty", her friend exclaimed.

The texts of poster appeared to be printed and the drawings looked more like digital art.

The students around saw Zara's poster and gathered around. "You should really become an artist your drawing is really great", said a student surprised and Zara thanked him.

Ava craned her neck to take a look at Zara's poster then she gazed at hers. Though she worked overnight she was unsatisfied with the attention her work got.

Zara submitted her assignment and teacher appreciated her artistic ability, Ava's poster recieved alot of compliments as well but she didn't appear to be very satisfied with it.

"You really had to ruin my moment like that? When till now everyone believed I was the artist of our class. I even took classes to improve my drawings the whole week", Ava thought staring at Zara sitting a bit far from her.

Zara sensed someone was looking at her, she saw Ava and smiled slightly.

"Now you really have to give me that scornful look huh?", Ava was irritated by anything that tended to steal the spotlight from her.

Ava looked away, Zara was unbothered but she felt dizzy today. Moreover her thirst for blood was more than ever.

In the recess time Pearl wanted to use the washroom, meanwhile Zara reapplied her lip gloss looking in the mirror.

Soon Pearl came outside and was washing her hands. Zara glimpsed at Pearl's neck then shuddered at the thought of drinking her blood.

Suddenly Pearl stood straight hardly blinking, she looked like a robot that wasn't given any commands. Her facial expressions went blank. Zara quizzically blinked when she saw Pearl, "Are you okay?", she asked confused.

"You're very bold I have to say Ms. Lee", Zara turned her head in the direction the deep voice came from. Mr. W stood at the entrance looking exactly the same as yesterday, his clothes were a lighter shade but the pattern was same.

CLICK! Mr. W locked the main door, Zara panicked a little because it was a ladies washroom. He walks over to Pearl, "Best friend's blood?", he joked pointing at her.

"No what did I do?", Zara grew more concerned thinking her friend might stay like this forever.

Mr. W on the contrary enjoyed her being worried over nothing.

"Looks like you unintentionally sent her into an unconscious state for a few minutes. An innate ability of vampires so they could drink blood without anyone knowing....ah well this method is hardly used anymore since we have blood banks", he explained calmly thinking Zara was a five year old because any vampire would've known that.

Just then a few students start pounding on the door, "Hey why did you lock the door", they shouted.

"Go hide in the one of the washrooms, I'll open the door then", Zara ordered. Mr. W holds her wrist firmly, "Nah we are simply going outside, once they see my face they'll have no complaints", he confidently points at his face.

Zara cringed at his words hard despite knowing if you could rate his face out of ten anyone could give him a ten. And his perfectly lean body made the clothes fit him well.

"I almost barfed", Zara said directly, causing Mr. W to get a little embarrassed.

"Just kidding I agree you look good", Zara said still ambivalent to say the truth out loud. His face lit up but he tried to stay calm. "Alright let's go out now", he returned to the formal tone from yesterday.

He opened the door and there was Ava and her friends blocking the way, the girls were already checking him out.

The girls give way for the two and there was a ripple of gasps and screams that ran through the crowd.

"Wait is he Zara's fiancé?"

"He's so handsome"

"They look perfect together"

"They are definetly dating look how he is holding her wrist", said Ava's friend excited.

"No he's not I've seen him he is rich but not very good-looking", Ava said loud enough for the two to hear.

Mr. W stopped, sighed and turned around. "Remember we have created enough misunderstandings just don't say something way too unreal", Zara murmured.