

A NEET, useless and a waste of space, he was cast aside and fell into another world. A fantasy world of wonders, from dragons to slimes, he was given everything, a new body, new powers, and knowledge of the world. Will he be able to become capable, and helpful in this life, or will he be cast aside once more by people whom he had trusted?

Amanda_Yu_4413 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Preface: The NEET Decides to Change

"Why are you doing this?" screamed Cyrus, as he was shoved out the front door. "So what if I didn't care if that old man died, why would you care anyways?! He's not even your real dad!"

SLAP! A hand slapped him squarely on the cheek, his step-sister, a blond woman with green eyes was sobbing. "At least you had a dad! You didn't even care when the truck hit him. You didn't even show up to the funeral!"

"Melissa, don't waste your breath." A second voice intervened. Simon. "We don't want you here, and we definitely don't need you here, so GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, you worthless pig!"

Cyrus scrambled up from muddy grass and tried to run back inside, but to his astonishment, the door slammed in his face. He turned around and walked out into the road. What's the point of living if I'm not of use to anyone? He sighed and looked down at a puddle, through his dark brown greasy bangs.

All he saw was a fat b*stard who had abandoned his family when they loved him. "I should just die..." Simon cried.

Suddenly, a car turned a sharp corner, and with a screech, Cyrus could see his life flashing before his eyes. He turned around and started running.

NO! I don't want to die! Tears streaming from his eyes, snot dripping from his nose, he really was a sight to behold. "Give me another chance at life!"

"Oh really?" A voice chuckled. "And here I thought you wanted to die."

"Please! I'll do anything!" Cyrus sobbed. "I'll become the best person I can be!"

"Oh goody! I was just getting bored. I'll give you a chance. You'll start anew!" The voice was clearly enjoying this, and just as Cyrus was about to be hit, something whisked him out of the way, or he so he thought.

Turning around, he was about to thank his savorier, but instead saw a body, his own body, being hit by a car, and someone frantically climbing out of the door, dialing 911.

Cyrus sank to his knees. What? What happened?

However, before he had time to react, a white light enveloped him and he couldn't keep his eyes open.

(~'0')~ (~'0')~ (~'0')~ (~'0')~ (~'0')~

When he opened his eyes, he felt uncomfortable, and looked around. He was in a forest, surrounded by trees, and no humans in sight. He tried to get up, but couldn't move at all. Cyrus lifted his arms, and saw something amazing. They were teeny-tiny arms, with mini fingers.

AM I A BABY?! Cyrus suddenly realized.

"That's right! Well, not really. You are more like a 2 day old child of which its mother had gotten eaten and died of starvation so I put you in this vessel. Convenient right?" Th voice that had saved him tee-heed at him."You've been born anew, like you wanted. I even put in the isekai setting, just because you humans love magic and fantasy so much. Just have fun in this life and be a respectable human, mmkay~~?"

The only thing Cyrus could do was stare at the air with a 'Seriously?' face as he grimaced.

"Aww c'mon! I threw in some super nice powers for you. You have so many OP powers, I'll even list them out for you. I gave you 'taming' which allows you to tame any beast or monster, and if you're lucky, you can tame several at a time. I also totally gave you manifestation, so that you grow up really really quickly. Of course, it's no fun if you died because of that, so I would make your vessel about 15 years of age before stopping your growth, so you can live for a long long time~~!"

Cyrus was squinting, and just tried to process everything.

"I also added all of the elements so you can protect yourself before you get caught by beasts! LOL!" The god(as Cyrus had dubbed) giggled.

"Goo ga bwah boo bah!(that means I can use Manifestation right now, right?)" Cyrus said, then scowled at his own voice. It sounded too melodic to be a baby's warbling.

"I also made you super attractive so you could be a chick magnet cuz humans like that right?"

Cyrus was seriously losing respect for this god. "Gluh gwabba bwah booo. (Please just stop.)"

The god frowned(how do you feel that from a voice?) and huffed, "Fine, I'll leave you alone. Use your manifestation and go head to Ruai Town, its the nearest one here, you might be able to find it if you have any luck."

Cyrus focused in his mind and said, "Manithfethtathon!"

His body grew, and grew, until a small petite boy who was about 15 years old appeared from that old baby's swaddle.

Cyrus started laughing, "I shall now head for the nearest town!"

He felt a little bit cold though, and as he looked down, he was flushed as bright red as a ripe tomato, and shouted as loud as he could, "You could have at least given me clothes God!!"

I'm a bit new to WebNovel, so I'm not too sure how to use it yet, I hope you all can give me some tips and pointers? Later on, I plan to make it a comic adaptation, but I'm not quite sure yet.

I definetely hope you enjoy this to the fullest!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Amanda_Yu_4413creators' thoughts