

Amy, a server at a dinner near her home got fired for being late. As she fell asleep she woke up to a new body with people she doesn't know. How will she navigate this ?

yummyhotpot · perkotaan
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1 Chs


"Kring..kring..kring" The alarm clock was ringing endlessly in the dark, dingy apartement waiting for the women who is still sleeping in pure bliss to just wake up or else she would be late. It was already 8:00 o'clock ! For God's sake, she was supposed to be awake already.

[ Hey lady, can you just wake up so I could finish my damn narration here !]. At last, the women woke up from her sleep.

"Hoamm...Hah" She groaned. She was still feeling sleepy but, if she really slept the whole day, who then would pay the taxes. "What time is it ?" She looked at her alarm clock ( which she still hasn't turn off by the way ). "Shoot... I'm late, Boss is going to fire me". She then at the speed of light, turn off her alarm andwent to change to her server uniform as fast as she could. She ran thourgh the stairs at her apartment fast and went to her job, the dining place near her house. Some people shared some strange looks toward her. (What with her disheveled hair that looks like she hasn't comb it since last month ).

Sure, it wasn't the best place, yes there was annoying customers. (Heck, one of them threw a plate at her face). But the pay was at least decent and it was at least a 30 minute walk on a normal day. Her phone buzzed as a call from her coworker Rori flashed at her screen. "Yes, hello ?" She answered "Amy ! Finally.... Where are you ! Boss is real angry in here !" She shouted soo hard she felt like her ear drums just bleed. (Look's like I'm going to get fired today.) " I overslept..." "Just Hurry OK !" And with that, she hang up the call. After running for God knows how long, she finally saw that damn sign that says ' Welcome to Barry's Dining ! '. She hesitated before opening the door. Her friend/co-worker was sweating like crazy. " Hey Amy, Boss wants you to see him at the office." " Crap.." Crap indeed, Boss really only summoned someone when they are going to be fired. ( How am I going to pay my bills now and especially fast pass my favourite novel !). She was really dying inside. Without knowing it, she was already at the front door of her Boss's office. "Knock..knock..knock" " Come in, Amy " " Pardon my intrussion " " Amy don't you know that this is the third time you were late..." " Yes, Boss...". " Huh..You're fired Amy. Get out of my office ". " Yes Boss..."

[ Huh... getting fired at the first chapter, that's new. ]

" Hey Amy, how was it ? " Her friend Rori asked her.

" Bad, got fired... look's like I'm you're ex-coworker huh ? " A single tear made its way out of my eyes. " Don't be so sad Amy, I'm sure we could get you another job !". " Yeah, your right, sorry I'm just going to go..." " Hey, how about we go to the park to eat some ice cream then !" " That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually.." " I'll see you at the park during lunch break then, Amy !" " Yeah, yeah. Don't slack off like me." Without knowing, it was already night. She had a long day, wake up late to work, getting fired, eat some ice cream with Rori, and getting to bed. She then slept at her heart's content since she didn't have a job (yet, soon maybe). But she's content as long as she can get her beuty sleep.

Hi new writer here, please tell me what I should do to make my stories more engaging to read !

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