
The clash

Until death-chapter 38


Theme: The Clash

As I charge at the incoming wendigo, my body is flickering with silver flame. I can feel the earth rising from the ground and forming a protective armor for my body. I can feel the remaining two elements, water, and air, waiting for my order before they wreak destruction. I don't need to say anything again. All I need to do is command them in my mind, and they will surely follow my order.

I could feel the soul sword throbbing in my hand, and as I drew it, it rang with a sharp sound that seemed to cut throughout the universe. I could feel the sword speaking to me, telling me it was ready to shed blood and wreak havoc. It seems like my foster father was talking to me. He was telling me that I was a warrior. He was urging me to fight for my people and take revenge on him. For the first time in my life, I have a reason and an opportunity to kill.