
Untelling Tales

IzArrow · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


As Ahya is walking out Zion stops and walks behind him "Are you good Ahya" only to realise that he is upset "Come on it was only a joke" Zion only gets the salient treatment. "What if I train with you?".

Ahya sparks up with joy turning toward him. "That will help a lot, but where do we go? '' He started to look around trying to find a training room. As he looked around he spotted a Door that had red on it with a symbol that kinda looked like a star with the skill "Let's go in there" Ahya pointed at it.

Ahya started to walk toward the door only to be stopped by a grab on his wrist "We're not going in there" Zion pulled him back into his chest.

"Why not!" Anya, tough away.

"Because it is too high for you, follow me." Zion started walking the opposite way of the door.

"Fine!" gave off salty tones to his voice following behind Zion giving a last look at the door. After a bit of silence, they came across an open field.

"This is where we will train" Zion turned toward Ahya "Do you have a weapon?"

"If I had a weapon I would have used it already!." giving Zion a stupid look.

Zion rolls his eyes "Alright, what do you think you'll be best at?"

Ahya thinks to himself trying to figure out what he is best at "Maybe a bow or a dagger. I am a sneaky type".

"Welp, this is your lucky day. Which is first?"

"I'll try a bow first and maybe daggers later" Ahya smiles with confidence.

"Alright let me teach you the way" Zion grabs a bow on the bow rack then he walks back to Ahya to give him a bow.

"What do I do first?" Ahya holding the bow.

"I'll teach you so turn around" Ahya hesitates giving Zion a confused look.

"I don't trust you"

Zion rolls his eyes "Trust me or you won't be trained in common sense."

Ahya looks at him then he turns around "Look at the target, keep your eyes on the target" Zion put Ahya's arms in the archery positions, one arm pulling the string where the arrow feathers go, and the other hand holding the bow in place with the arrow in position.

Ahya hesitates for a second when Zion puts him in position "Now release" Zion whispers in his ear.

Ahya released and hit the middle of the target "Bullseye!" Ahya shouted with joy then he remembered Zion was there and became quiet "That was a good shot" his tone became normal.

Zion laughed "How about you try on your own now? '' Zion's tone became normal once again. Ahya looked at the target and went quiet, keeping the bow stable. He shot and it hit the middle again.

"Yes!" Ahya said it quietly this time not letting Zion notice his full joy. 

Zion was in shock that Ahya was able to shoot in the middle again on his own and was confused at the same time. "I'm impressed that you were able to do that on your own" Zion looks at Ahya. 

"I'm impressed aren't I? " Ahya smiles, giving back the bow to Zion again." Can I try daggers now? It would be fun" Ahya reaches out his hand toward Zion, hinting that he wants to try the daggers.

"I don't think that the best Idea" Zion crosses his arm "Let's just stick to the bow but how were you able to hit the bullseye" Ahya looks at Zion. 

"My mother taught me a little bit when I was younger before she..." Ahya went silent. "Are you alright?" Zion patted his shoulder. "Let's not talk about this alright." After a bit of silence, a scream came out.

They both stopped what they were doing "What was that!" Ahya is shaken up. 

"We should check it out" Zion responds by grabbing Ahya's wrist "I am bringing you somewhere safe" he looks at Ahya.

Anya pulls away "If you're going somewhere dangerous then I'm coming" He grabs the bow and arrows and gets ready Zion sighed. "This will be my first test as an archer " He walks toward Zion "We should go now."

'I hope everything is okay and everyone.'

They started walking through the halls hoping that everything was okay.

As they were running they saw many people running from a strange beast. It was a storm of people screaming and trying to get away.

Then Ahya and Zion came across a beast throwing people across the halls hearing cracks and cries for help Ahya stopped and looked at the beast.

It had glowing red eyes and the form of a coarse furry beast that was around 7 feet with sharp long white teeth that smelled like a rainforest. It let out a deep growl and hissed. 

"What should we do!?!"

"We got to get the headmaster of the clan to get this beast under control!" Zion pulls out his sword which releases some sort of mysterious power.

'Want is that power I feel crawling up my spine.' Ahya looked right and noticed that Zion was looking at him.

"Get the headmaster now, that is your only job!" Zion released his sword and started fighting the beast getting multiple strakes some of the strakes biting deep into the flesh of the beast like a strike of lightning hitting the ground some of the blow hitting his coarse hair upon its legs and arms blood scattered all over the place one brutal strake hit his furry chest the beast cries out with a painful roar. 

'His swordsmanship is amazing' Ahya thought to himself. The beast got angrier and streaked with its sharp long claws hitting Zion in his stomach, and deeply tearing his skin apart, blood scattered, throwing Zion onto the ground.

"Zion!!" Ahya ran toward Zion and the beast noticed the figure and roared angrily going for Ahya the beast struck, but in time Ahya's 6 senses hit and moved out of the way making him crash into the ground.

Ahya got up and paused, hearing mumbling words loudly from Zion.

"I'm f-fine, just get the headmaster!" Zion got up holding his stomach trying to keep the bleeding under control and going back to strake more unto the beast's body it was weaker than before.

Ahya takes out his bow and grabs an arrow from his bag "I'm not letting you do this alone dumbass!"

(If you guys read the whole thing say Bullseye!)

*sorry about the long wait for the new chapter*