
Untamed Wife

Madeline Crayon, young and beautiful had to face bad days when her father signed a contract with a rival company just to keep his company moving. As per the contract, he would have to exchange his eldest daughter for the good of his business. The eldest daughter, ran away from home causing Madeline's father to force her into marrying the son of the Johan family, Elias. Rumors had it that he was always masked in public for a reason best known to him. Madeline had never faced that much disrespect, until the week of her wedding. She was locked in her room and her phone was seized. Not only that, her to-be husband came into the marriage registry, masked. Different thoughts came into her head. Maybe he was a serial killer disguised as a CEO. Will she be able to free herself from the written marriage where she suffered different trials every day, or perseverance would be her best friend?

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12 Chs


"Dad, dad," Madeline screamed at the retreating car. How can a father do this to his own daughter? Marrying her out without her wish and now leaving her to the mysterious man. No, she wasn't going to cry. She wasn't going to cry because of her evil father anymore. She'll try and be happy. He left her, he always does. He abandoned her just like he did to her mum and this time, she wasn't going to forgive him. Yes, she had managed to stay with him for the whole 24 years of her life. She has managed to stay with the murderer of her mother. She had let it go but not anymore. She was going to stay strong and fight this battle with her hands.

Madeline turned to her back and her eyes met with a pair of blue eyes. They were staring back at her without any expression. She raised her head and straightened her face. She wasn't going to show any form of weakness to this mysterious man. Why isn't he saying anything? He was just staring at her with his hands folded under his chest.

"Get into the car," she heard him order.


"Is there someone else here apart from the two of us? Get in quickly," he repeated as he turn around to enter the driver's seat. Elias got into his car and waited for her to come in. Why is she just standing there like a lost lamb? He obviously have no time to waste as he pressed on the horn harshly making her shake with shock

He should have done this with a smarter girl than her. He was doing all of this for himself and no one else. He was looking towards attaining her father's company and that was going to happen soon. He should have done this years ago and completed his revenge mission but he had to postpone it to a better time. Well, not all delays are dangerous.

Elias watched as Madeline walked around to the front seat and opened the door. He watched as she hesitantly entered the car and sat as if she was sitting with the messenger of death. He turned on the car and it accelerated like a bullet out of the civil affair bureau. In between the journey, Madeline felt the urge to ask him where they were going. They have been on this journey for quite some time now and she had no idea where they were going. Wait! What if he was kidnapping her or maybe he was going to do something bad to her? Her mind was filled with lots of thoughts right now and her heart was beating loudly that she feared he would hear it.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself and she opened them again. She mustered the courage and asked.

"Where are we going?" She asked and when she received no reply from him, she asked again this time louder and clearer than the first.

"Where are we going?"


Home. That name sounded so familiar in her ears. It sounded so foreign. She has no home. No place to call home. She wasn't welcome anymore in her father's mansion and who was this guy to her that she was going to call his home hers? Life has really shown her its true colors.

"Which home? We have been driving for almost two hours. Where on earth is your home?" She asked.

"Our home," Elias replied and she rolled her eyes.

"Your home, not ours. I have no home," Madeline mumbled.

"You have to get used to calling it your home, Madeline. You don't have any other home so get used to it," he said in a rough tone with the movement of his lips, hidden by the golden mask.

Elias drove into a lone street with lots of tall buildings and Madeline couldn't help and gawk at them until they got to an estate with a silver gate that automatically slid up. He drove in and the car stopped at the entrance of a big mansion. He climbed down from the car and headed into the mansion but stopped when he noticed she wasn't behind him. He turned only to still find her inside the car staring at her hands. He walked to her side of the car and opened the door for her to come out.

"Come out," he ordered and she moved her gaze toward him. Madeline climbed down from the car and stared around.

As he said, she would have to accept this place and get used to calling it her home. If she steps foot into the mansion today, that only means a brand new life to her. A life of endurance and a life of loneliness.

About four young maids were waiting for them inside the house and as soon as they gets to them, they quickly bowed their heads and greeted.

"Welcome master, welcome ma'am."

Madeline only forced a smile at them for a second and brought her face back to normal. There's no use being nice here.

"Madeline," Elias called and she stared at him. "This is Kate and she's going to be your personal maid. Kate, show her to her bedroom and make sure there are no mistakes," he ordered turning to leave but before he could do that a loud voice was heard coming from the stairs.

"Brother Elias, brother Elias," an excited scream came from the stairs, and coming down from it was a beautiful girl of about 18 years old. She got down the stairs and ran into the arms of Elias.

"You're back, brother Elias. I was waiting for you. You should come to see my new drawing," she said as she held his hands in her little ones, ready to take him along with her, but her eyes trail to the lady in red standing close to her brother.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asked. "Are you my brother's mistress? You're so shameless. Don't you feel ashamed coming to our home!?" She yelled at Madeline who was taken aback.