
Francis woke up

Loneliness flashed through her eyes. The beast hall had long been destroyed and was now standing as an old structure surrounded by algae and large vines.

"It's gone" Madel said after a deep sigh.

"Gone?" Cheska and Henry could not help but feel stifled.

If the beast hall was gone, who was controlling the celestial formation? Who was maintaining the order within the dark forest. Even with powerful beast hall in other countries, break outs and mischief still happens when beasts roam around to hunt humans. With so many celestial beasts who have proud, territorial and arrogant attitude, how did they managed to live harmoniously like one big happy family? Actually, it looked more like they were all Madel's servant.

So many questions lingered in their mind.

Truly, their expected trip in the forest was the most surprising adventure they had since they were born. Even Helen who had visited so many planet was amazed with the unique ecosystem that they discovered within the dark forest.

"If the beast hall is gone how… how...?" Henry did not even know where to start with his inquiry. Did Madel really grew up with only beasts by her side? How was she able to mingle with the society? How did the beast hall perished and when? Who raised the celestial barrier? Why were all the beasts who could not cultivate are now in the highest level of cultivation they could ever reach?

Cheska was thinking of the same things, but they needed to accomplish their goal in the forest. That is to check the available herbs and gather them if possible. She looked at Henry and Helen. They immediately caught her message. Knowing a lot of things can cost them their life in an unknown territory so it was best to keep their curiosity on check.

Francis who looked like a sleeping prince charming in bed of flowers must lay down there, while they look for herbs.

"Okay, let's look for herbs first, I have already listed the possible herbs that would go well with each other. Here, if you see any of these that will do."

Cheska almost choked on her saliva upon seeing the list. Henry did not plan on making a humble herb garden. The herbs that he listed were top grade rare herbs which are used for 1st to 9th tier pills. Understanding the market well, Henry's list tells the public that their herb garden only provides what the market cannot. The garden was a true show off. It did not hold back on showing the academy who is the richest and most abled student.

Helen, with her previous memory recognized the herbs as well. As expected of Henry's standard. His output should always be the best, if not, there is no point in starting it. But, didn't they originally planned to make a humble set up for the garden. If it was his definition of humble, what would he mean by extravagant then.

Four Kidon (Bird with purple feather spanning 8 ft long) lined up in an organized manner to give them a ride. The purple aura that surrounded the birds also showed that they are celestial beasts.

Henry decided to look at Francis first before going, they all went to where he lay.

--- Francis while dreaming-----

In his dreams, he could still remember the happiness and tranquility that he had while he was hugging Helen inside the safety pod. Neither one of them speak but their heart was almost leaping out of their chest. Francis can only swallow his saliva, while his mouth felt dry from the mixture of nervousness, happiness, longing and desire.

It was the first time that he held her in his arms for a long time. The only woman that he loved. How he wished that time would stop. How he wished for his dumb AI to stop its automatic response for emergency situations. He stayed still, afraid to lose such a beautiful opportunity. But alas, his subconscious gave him away as he gently moved his cheek and rubbed it to Helens head. His subtle movement was filled with passion, caring and love. Once again, the emotions that he kept was raging in his chest and wanted to burst.

But if he confessed….. he could not let her experience the torment that he is feeling. The organization might dispose of him when he is no longer needed. Living her alone and see her cry was more painful than all the loneliness that he endured.

The streak of pain in his heart brought him to consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Helen's face. The glitter in her eyes that never failed to captivate his soul was highly familiar to him that he couldn't take his eyes off.

He stared at her in a daze, his hands moved up to touch her face just to be sure.

Looking at his dazed friend, Henry thought that Francis was still delirious. He opened his eyes but instead of moving around, he stared on to Helen's face. Even Cheska felt perplexed.

As his vision became clearer, the face of his best friend back in planet Hilan was no longer in front of him. Instead it was a dark, chubby face filled with pimples owned by his friend in Planet Rosetha. He nearly fell off the bed with surprise.

"What the-----? Do you want to scare me to death?" Francis almost cursed at her.

"Stupid fool.. serves you right" Helen gave him sharp look.

"How are you Francis?" Cheska asked with slight worried look.

"I'm… I'm.. fine" He said as move his arms around. Surprisingly his body felt lighter, there was like a wave of energy wanting to be consumed in his body.

"Were you hurt?" Hearing this question come from his mouth made Henry felt a little awkward. He was staring at a monster who was impenetrable by sword, spiritual assault and could kill his enemy with a casual slap. To be able to kill a shadow, just show how formidable this person was.

Francis shook his head and said that he just remembered something. He knows that every minute counts for the people in front of him. The way of medicine is a very demanding path, not to mention their own concerns in their households and other arts, battle technique and cultivation that they are trying improve. He must not drag them down and so he decided to come with them to search for herbs.

Having only four Kidon, one of them needed to share a ride.

"I will ride with Madel" Henry immediately suggested.