
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 21 -  The Way Back to the Master

Chapter 21 - The Way Back to the Master

[From now on, the front gate is open! Applicants, please enter in an orderly manner!]

A guide voice resounded through amplification magic. Applicants who had been waiting for this time for as little as a few hours and as long as over a week began to flock to the academy.

"You are the biggest applicant ever. I have no mind."

President Bert Mustang, who was looking down through the window from the reception room on the upper floor of the tower, poured the lukewarm coffee into his mouth.

"Demon world, write, the war is over. Since it's a peaceful era, thinking about the future, huh, isn't it a phenomenon where the demand for self-development has increased?"

Said a tiny halfling woman sitting at an antique round table licking ground pepper.

The large wizard's hat under the nameplate 〈 Sage Pelia Alencia 〉 staggered, perhaps because it was heavy or because the tongue was hot.

"Kha. I hope there will be many strong children this year. Even if there are a lot of numbers, what's the matter with the rest anyway!"

Lion Beast 〈 Weapon Master Band 〉 raised a mithril dumbbell and shouted loudly.

"But President, why aren't new recruits coming? I'm going to sleep like this Will I just sleep?"

〈 Holy Mulan Sitanta 〉 in a white robe placed her injection in her arm and then rolled over her drunken eyes and fell face down.

The president looked at the three chair professors and shook his head. It's been a long time since they had already gotten out of their control and gave up their expectations.

'If only they were cooperative, the operation of the academy would have been three times easier.'

Would you say genius was synonymous with psychopath?

All previous chair professors in charge of the dormitory had a good taste somewhere, and these three were no exception.

In the first place, they were chair professors whose skills were so outstanding that they even acquired other 4 or 5 ranks. There was no way I could quietly listen to the president's words.

'Even though there are many variables this year.'

Now that the war with Pandemonium is over, it is time for more than ten countries across the continent to disband the alliance and enter a new phase.

What the president cared about most of all was the second princess of the empire, a superpower. At least that side had a plan, but there were a lot of successors with interests involved, so the headache was always painful.

'On top of that, the three recommended students who were directly admitted by the goddess, what does this mean?'

On rare occasions, when the goddess had something to say to the rector, she would convey her oracle through the priest of the church.

'It's just unpredictable. Two words, always peace, are the most difficult in the world. If there's anything I can look forward to the most right now.'


The chancellor turned his head at the sound of the door opening. There, a man in a neat suit walked in.

"... What is he Aren't you the new chair professor?"

"Stop the bad jokes!"

Wicker Pedia, a man proudly wearing the name tag 〈 Slave Trader 〉, stood in front of the chair professors with his chest outstretched.

"Nice to meet you, Chair Professors. How about making a bet to make friends at the beginning?"


"President, what happened? This man's name tag says slave trader."

"Certainly, didn't the Goddess say that she had chosen a new Chair Professor? Not a criminal!"

As I entered the reception room, the other chair professors showed obvious hostility toward me. The rector shrugged.

"Everyone is originally so uniqueNot the ones who hit. Don't introduce Professor Wicker Pediae, who will be in charge of the coffin of the earth in the future."

The faces of the professors who heard my introduction went rotten. I didn't intend to be friendly with you anyway, so I only conveyed the business.

"There are students I would like to take to the earth coffin. I hope you will yield in the individual interview."

"Why, are you going to pick one out and sell it as a slave?"

The halfling sneered at me. Wow! The lion beast threw a dumbbell to the floor, breaking the marble floor.

"Selling students into slavery? You're out of your mind! Injustice cannot be forgiven!"

"Wow, what a surprise. What is it all of a sudden Didn't I tell you not to joke in front of the lion beast because I can't understand?"

A mature Asian human woman who had been lying face down staggered awake. Protruding fangs are evidence of other bloods.

They are chair professors in charge of the tubes of water, fire, and wind, respectively.

Since they are characters from the original work, they know basic information such as special skills and personalities.

Then the work begins.

"It's not natural for a professor to want to bring a good seed. The order of interviews seems to have been determined by last year's graduation grades. This is my first appointment this year, isn't it unfair?"

The halfling smiled and drew her magic circle in an instant. The next moment, she moved right in front of me and her eyes widened.

He dared to show off his teleportation magic at a distance where he could have walked.

"Even if you don't know if you're a hero's teacher or what, don't think that you're on the same level as me, who is 〈 sage 〉 without any research or achievements. Slave trader, goddamn bitch. Why did you put something like this on the chair professor?"

"Kid! Did you insult the Goddess just now?!"

"Kid? Did you make a racist comment, you bastard? Ah, you don't even know what it means to be a beast with poor intelligence?"

Beastmen and halflings growled. I turned to the rector.

"Is it always like this?"

"Haha, we don't even get together unless it's a special day like today."

I had an intuition that the work would be comfortable when I confirmed their simple personalities that are easily angered.

"Item box."

"What... ?! Ugh, hmmmm."

Ignoring the halflings who tried to hide their surprise at my magic, I took a list from inside and threw it on the table.

"A list of the students I want among the applicants. I suggest that you not select them for your dormitory at the interview."

"Whoops, stupid. Why should I?"

Unlike the halflings who continued to show disgust, the human woman showed a little interest.

"Hehe, it's fun. But slave trader oppa, isn't there any guarantee that the applicants for the list will pass the third test?"

What kind of oppa is he, he looks 10 years older than me, but it's disgusting.

I raised my head and looked down at them.

"So you didn't make a bet. The list is twenty. If they all break through the 3rd, take my victory and listen to my offer."

"Among the thousands of applicants, you bet that all 20 people you designate survive to the 3rd round? Pooh! Aren't you stupid? Can't you calculate the probability?"

The halfling grabbed its stomach and giggled.

"Then what are you going to offer if you lose?!"

I answered Suin's question.

"If even one person is eliminated, I will resign from the chair professorship at that time."

"What! Wait, Professor Pedia!"

Upon hearing my words, the president's face became contemplative. On the other hand, the three chair professors looked interesting.

In other words, betting is futures trading.

It's completely my specialty.


"Now, what are you going to do?"

Now I'm here to extort, not trade.


"It is done. Let's all eat!"

Tia, wearing an apron, flicked her fingers lightly to put out the light. The pleasant sound of meat cooking in the frying pans she was cooking in her air died down.

"I like the meat Tia made the best."

"Thank you. I will eat well!"

Luka and Yuri settled down on a rock near Tia and took the frying pans one by one. Yuri began to eat the meat with his bare hands and Luka with his sword.

"They are in a hurry too. Hang in there. I will cut you off now."

Tia, who couldn't stand the two of them with their mouths full of gravy, used cutting magic to cut her meat into cube steak size. Yuri chuckled and chuckled a piece of her meat into her mouthful.

"Tia cooking has gotten better."

"Hehe, is that so? There are many times when I am alone in the Mage Tower, so I just had a lot of opportunities to practice."

"I was alone, too, but it was annoying, so I used to focus on raw food."

"I am meat."

"Luka, did you get sick after that?"

"I have an aura, so will it be okay? Look, your skin still looks great."

Hearing that, Tia wiped Luca's mouth and stroked her cheeks.

"There is no such thing as baby skin. Oh, the effect is so good. Shall I learn the sword too?"

Yuri, who was looking at the two of them happily, turned her head.

"Don't Aisha eat?"

A little away from them, Aisha hung her head down as if she was tired.

"Will rice go in if it's like you? No, I'm already eating well. It's really good to make the surroundings like this."

Aisha sighed. Yuri shrugged her shoulders.

The place where the four of them were located was a huge cave, a nest until a little while ago. Their surroundings were filled with the corpses of huge black dragons.

"They are bad. We were just passing by, but you attacked first."

"No, you shouldn't enter the realm of dragons in the first place... Okay, what are you talking about? I'll search the treasure house and come back."

"I like it because it's meat."

Luka briskly slayed the dragon steak.

"Looks like you really liked it. The black dragons were also hungry for Luca, so he defeated them in an instant."

"Lucca's sword is very fast. Click from the scabbard! If you do, any monster will collapse."

"It's a skill the master taught me."

"Really? You are the owner too! Even then, you already used that technique."

Luca remembered one day when Wicker taught him how to use a sword.

―You want to write a special move?

- Huh.

Luka, who had always been training in the basics but was bored because he didn't like the shape of the clouds passing by that day, complained to Wicker.

He thought he would be scolded for not training as instructed, but Wicker scratched his chin and seriously thought about it. <BR>

― A special move, a special move. What skill am I teaching him? First of all, I don't know much either. Ah, I don't know yellow, look at me

After Wicker landed, he got into a stance. In that state, he pretended to draw his sword, lifted it slightly and released it, only making a clicking sound.

- What was it?

- Haha. Didn't you see it was too fast? Right now, he drew his sword out at great speed and put it back in, slashing the air.

- Really?

Luka opened her eyes wide and twinkled. Wicker sneaked a leaf off Luca's shoulder and knocked it off her head.

―Look, it just fell off because it was cut down.

- And. What is the name of the technology

― Let's see, the wall power... Lion... No, it's 'dimensional realization'.

― Totally cool...

Wicker burst into laughter at the sight of Luca, who unknowingly opened her mouth and drool.

― びぁ. It's a dangerous skill that takes 10 years to learn and puts a lot of strain on the body when activated. If you use it carelessly before reaching the state...

Wedge love!! -Click.


As if a typhoon had passed, there was an aftershock.

The next moment, Luka put her sword into the scabbard, sweating profusely.

― Whoa, it's real. Difficulty.

Wicker drenched his back with sweat in a different way from Luca.

— ... Do you really do this?

- Uncle is great.

- I am a stone. Stones rolling around there.

Recalling old memories for the first time in a while, Luca raised an eyebrow without realizing it.

She knows now that she has reached her sword form. At that time, Wicker was playing a prank to entertain himself as a child.

The memories of up to that time, which were only dark, were covered with his kindness, and now only the fluffy sponge cake remains.

'I was too serious.'

Thinking that if we meet again, we would like to lie on the sofa together and play a little, Luca inadvertently put his wish into her mouth.

"Master, I want to see you soon."

"Hey, that's right. Me too."

"Me too."

The three of them shared the same feeling, staring blankly at the ceiling and letting out silly laughs at the same time.

"There are stalactites on the ceiling, they look a bit like the owner."

"Oh, I thought that too!"


Suddenly, a rumbling sound was heard in the ears of the three peaceful people.

"Hey hey hey! Look at this! Did these black dragons keep something good in their treasure house?"


Tia, who was the first to find out what Aisha had brought, too large to be an artifact, jumped up from her seat.

A flying boat stood in front of them.