
Ever made sense to me?!

Cyril agreed with what Mark had said. It was already fortunate that this person had let them off even after what they had done, so it was in their best interest to comply with whatever he had asked and get it over with as soon as possible.

The duo secured the area around to pass the time. Mark lit up his cigarette while Cyril took out the wine jar. With their backs resting against a tree, they stood silently contemplating while occasionally switching the cigarette and the wine.

Meanwhile, Ozul slept peacefully on the branch. He did not worry about the duo trying to escape. Even if they did try, he would immediately notice since he kept his attention on them even in his sleep.

On the other hand, Clara grumpily climbed up another tree. It had been a few days since she took a proper shower, so she could not help but complain. However, there was no one to listen to her griefs.