
Pledge Your Loyalty To Me

After they have made up their mind on what to do, the group set out as they prepare to take the two protectors out, and instead of everyone dashing at the two, tribe #2 and #4 were the ones who went forward to confront their friend and seeing the intruder heading their way, the two didn't waste much time before running at them like a savage beast as they quickly took out their weapon before slashing it down on the two. 

Tribe #2 and #4 also react the same way not even caring if they were once comrades since their life would be over if the being inside the room should free himself from the cage.

Since the two had already engaged with their once allies, Jason and the rest sneak their way into the room and the moment they got inside, they could see a huge cage hanging in mid-air with black smoke coming out of the cage once in a way.