

I arrived at the Brown’s mansion shortly after Sydney did. She wasn’t looking too good, she looked really stressed and sad. Her tummy had grown bigger which reminded me we were drawing closer to her due date. Seeing her current state made me wonder, wonder what she did with the money of everything she stole from me because I was certain she sold them and I also sent her a huge sum of money the day after she left my house. So what happened to all the cash?

Mrs Brown led us to dinning table while we waited for her husband to join us. I had invited my parents but I knew they were definitely not going to be here. My mother doesn’t really like Sydney and my father is too pissed off at the Browns to grace them with his presence.

“Good day to you, sir.” I greeted Mr Brown as I took my seat at the table, same time he was taking his. Sydney quietly sat beside me.

“How are you doing, Byron? How’s work?” He replied.

“Work is going well, sir. Thanks.”