
Unpredictable Decisions

Al has been haunted by her nightmares of someone coming after her since she was a little girl. When her best friend Marco helps her travel to the devilish man to save her parents, Al is faced with a terrible secret. Will she accept her fate or fight for the life she dreamt of?

CatLadie26 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Marco opened his eyes to find Al looking out the window. He could tell she was thinking of something. She could feel his stare as she intentionally tries to avoid him. He opened his mouth to ask her if she is okay, but the words got caught coming up his throat. He ended up coughing from choking on words, so he got up, sliding the door open.

He takes one last look at Al before heading to the diner car, "um.. hey listen when i get back with breakfast, we will get started with the small stuff until the train stops to fill up for gas. When that happens, I'll be able to show you more."

Al didn't bother changing the direction she was looking, she just gave him a nod and closed her eyes so she could control her emotions. She didn't want to show him how mad she was.

Once she heard the door close behind him, she glanced towards the door, making sure he was out of view completely. Al stood up, throwing her hands on top of her head, grabbing her hair from the stress she was under. She began to kick the wooden panel that held the seats to the ground under the seat cushion.

"UGGGGHHH" she began to say out loud. She sat back down, placing her elbows on her knees and hands covered her face.

"What do I do? Who do I believe? How did I even get to this point? Where did my life go wrong?" After she whined about everything to herself, she told herself that it was time to come up with a plan. She thought about ways to get Marco to tell her what she needed to know. Once she had finished the last action in the plan, Marco opened the door. This is it, get ready. She told herself as she gave Marco a smile asking him what did he get for them.

He began to say something about a breakfast burrito as the words faded into her ears. She took the plate from him and quietly ate. Marco watching her while eating his self could feel the tense surround her body as she finished her last bite.

When she got up to throw away the plate, he finally got his self the courage to ask her what was wrong.

"Anything bothering you?"

Al stood in front of the trash can, staring at the plate that was once her's. She sighed.

"I'm just worried I won't be able to get the hang of dodging daggers. It scares me to get hurt again." She was able to avoid telling him the truth. One of the first times for her. She never really had a reason to lie to him, she thought she could relied on him, but first she wanted to hear his side of the story.

"Oh! Speaking of that let's get started. Your shoulder might be hurt, but we can work on moving left to right to get your body use to the reaction. I'll act like I'm going to stab you and you just move the opposite direction. Doesn't seem hard enough does it?" He explained to her the first task she will be going. It's the least she could do since her shoulder was hurt like he said.

"Easy!" Al stood up getting in position, she knew she could do something so easy.

Marco stood across from her getting ready to strike. He didn't want to hurt her, but he knew if he took it easy on her that she would surely mess up. He knew how his so called "coworkers" were, he knew their moves better than anyone. Growing up, Romeo and the others would use him as the training doll. At night when he would go back home, they would be there, waiting for him to "teach" him the ways of their world because as they said, "you won't survive without us."

Marco lunged forward towards Al using his right side, she moved her body to the right where Marco meet her with his left side.

Al let out all the air that was in her lungs, "Fuck, I thought you said this was going to be easy." She grabbed her stomach where he had gotten her.

"Did I say easy? I meant reality." Marco laughed.

"Listen you don't know what these people are really like, you don't know how they fight, I do."

Al looked up at him, "oh just like how you know what is really happened in the past?"

Marco looked at her confused, "what do you mean by that?"

"Uhh.. I'm mean you said rumored remember so do you really know what happened?" Al was hoping that she dodged the question.

"Well yeah, what I told you is from what the other guys would talk about."

"So it really is just rumors then?" She raised her eyebrows, does that he mean remembers what happen and he is playing it off she thought.

"Yeah. But can't we get back to getting you prepared, we don't have much time."

Marco told her as he got back into position.

She smiled, "of course."

She thought about how she slipped, almost ruining her questioning for him for later. She figured if she could slowly question him before accusing him, then she could control how she handled the situation with Incubus when he comes back to her dreams. She wanted to make a lair out of him, how she hates that man.

Marco leaned to the left and she went to the right, this time dodging his swing to the right.

"Ha!" She let out. But Marco hit her straight on. "Uggh. What was that for?" She gave him a hurt look.

"You got you remember, the fight is never over until one person is down for the count." Marco got back into position once more.

"Get ready."

Al looked at him as the words rolled off his tongue. She did as he said. She told her self she was going to get this down one way or another.