
Unpredictable Decisions

Al has been haunted by her nightmares of someone coming after her since she was a little girl. When her best friend Marco helps her travel to the devilish man to save her parents, Al is faced with a terrible secret. Will she accept her fate or fight for the life she dreamt of?

CatLadie26 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Growing strength

Al's eyes shot open, agonizing pain rushing to her shoulder. She grabs it with her other hand and lets out a small scream. Taking a deep breath, she looks out the window, watching the beautiful countryside past. It all seemed like a fast movie, with a broken pause button. She turns her head to look across from her. Marco fast asleep, seemed so peaceful. She stares at him until he wakes up. Realizing the pair of eyeballs staring at him, he jolts up adjusting his appearance. He wiped the drool away from his mouth while rushing over to her.

"Are you okay? How's the pain?"

She smiles at him, "like hell, I'm okay. BUT who the hell was that? How did you know his name?"

He rubbed his face with his hand,"we work for HIM and he's fucking crazy."

"Crazy? Yeah apparently crazy enough to kill me." Al folded her arms.

He gave her a dirty look," you don't understand how many people he has killed… he is an evil man."

She look down at her feet, unsure what to say.

They sat in silence until Marco said,"I didn't tell you about him because I didn't think something like this would happen. I'll tell you everything this time. Hopefully that would help."

She look up at him, a smile peeking across her face, but once the smile was completed, it met with throbbing pain. Any little muscle whether it was close or not, was hurting her shoulder.

Marco seeing the pain across her face, reached for the pain killers he had set out for her. "Take three and in 4-6 hours take three more."

She didn't ask, she just took them in hopes it would start working fast.

"His name is Incubus, he lives off the remaining blood of your past lives, he has lived a long time. From what I'm told around the city is that he was once a king in the 1800's. The king, cursed with never feeling like he had enough power, had a woman who claimed to have powerful magic could grant him the ultimate power. The king sent for her immediately by his knights. Once she arrived, she explained to him that within her blood was the source of the ultimate power, with her by his side, he could rule the world. However, she had two rules of him. The first was that he had to make her his queen and the second was that he was not allowed to harm her. With a handshake, the contract was made. The witch asked for a room where she could conjure him a spell that allowed him the world as she promised, she explained to him that no matter what, he could not step into this room. Once the room was given to her, she went in and 10 mins later came out with a cup of what to look like wine. The witch gave him the cup, ensuring him that the moment he drank this, that everything and everyone will be in the palm of his hands. He was so sure that power was the only thing he wanted that he drank the liquid in the cup without a second thought. It tasted as it looked, his chest began to beat faster, his hands shaking. He didn't understand this feeling. The drink spread through his body, racing to every corner of his being. As it does so, all the people in the room could see it through his skin. The king fell to his knees grabbing his chest yelling at the woman, 'what have you done?' She stood there with her arms crossed, with a smile on her face, waiting the end result. Holding his chest, he reaches for her shoes as his last breath left his body. His body lumped all the way down, lifeless. Before the knights could even lay a finger on the woman, the king suddenly sits up, taking a deep breath. He stands up, everyone could see the potion flowing through his skin this time going the opposite direction. He squeezes his hands, looking at each one of them, feeling the power pulse through his body. She told him that if he wanted to keep this power that he had to drink a cup three times a month. The king without hesitation, agreed. Years go by, the king and queen grew fond of each other, however love was not greater than his greedy and curiosity. One day, he waited for her to enter into the room, he had watched her and timed her many times before. He waited half the time it usually took her to make the potion. He barged in the room to find that she was cutting a rabbit. Blood flowed from the hare to the cup. As this happened, the woman cried out, 'you should have never come in.' As the blood splashed into the cup, the liquid lit up a faint light blue color then back to the wine color it originally had. When the king realized the way she was giving him this power, he lunged for her. As he did this, he grabbed the dagger from the table that was in between them. Just as he grabbed it, the whole city began to shake and sink. Before either of them could blink, the king stabbed her. Out the window, the king could see every part of his kingdom sink down in one piece. It got darker as the city fell deeper and deeper into the ground until the ground itself covered the city. 'What have you done?' He yelled, stabbing her again. His rage immediately left him and he was left with the woman he loved, dying in his arms. She looked up at him and said these final words, ' though power consumed you, I still loved you. Even though I loved you, you still had to follow my two rules, you can keep the power, but those who follow you will suffer. Drink three times a month and forever you will live.' Her last words slipping off her tongue, body falling lifeless in his arms. Tears began to fall down his face. Even though he was hurt, he knew what he had to do. Once he finished storing her blood, he found the book she came in the room with the recipe on how to make the potion. He shortly found out that there were more ingredients than just her blood in the potion. With grief in his heart, he did as she said for years to come after. The problem is blood is limited and magical blood is even rarer. Years of searching, he found you, though you were just a baby, he kept an eye on you until he had me to help take care of you. Just like they fell in love, I did too. At first it was to just watch over you, but now I can't lose you." Once he was done speaking he looked at her, the first time since he started the story. Her face was red and tears had left a run way down both her cheeks. He lifted his hand to wipe the tear residue from her face, but she pulled away. Unable to make of how she felt. She placed her feet in the seat and her knees to her chest. She placed her head on top of her knees and whispered, "I'm sorry.. I just need some time.."