

Qiáng Wangshu was the adopted trash of Yang Family who couldn't cultivate or practice martial arts Mocked and destined to live a horrible life, Wangshu could only hold onto the names his parents gave him Strength, Hope and Comfort Those were what Wangshu wanted the most in his life Unfortunately, on his fifteenth year birthday, Wangshu was met with a mysterious situation that had him hanging between life and death Or was it Fortunately? Watch as one man shakes the whole universe with his unparalleled strength, wisdom and looks ========== Updates ~ Varying from two time a week to three times a week Thanks For Your Votes, Comments, Reviews, Shares and Gifts.

luck_is_a_charm · Realistis
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7 Chs

Yáng Family

"Wangshu, hurry up and finish up already" a pleasant female voice said

This voice belonged to a girl seating at the edge of an old bed. She wore a long pink and white Hanfu dress which had beautiful pink flowers patterns on it. Her brown hair glowed down her back freely and her skin was so clear, it looked like the skin of a newborn child

The girl was a beauty without a doubt and currently, she's sitting at the edge of a old tattered bed waiting for someone

The room she was sitting in was no better than the bed she sat on. It was old, unlike most of the houses one would see in the Yáng Family Sect

This girl is by name, Yáng chán juān, one of the beauties if the Yáng Sect and a member of the main family.

Through ouf the sect, she's known as the ice princess. The aura she gave off was a cold one and not a lot of people her age dared to stand against her

An adjoining door to the bathroom finally opened and out walked a boy wearing a sky blue Hanfu. The boy had his hair wrapped in a towel and purple eyes looked tired

Yáng Chán Juān turned to him with a glare

"Wangshu, You're finally out. It takes you longer than a girl would need to get ready!"

"Sorry" Qiáng Wangshu murmured as he untied his hair. Long strains of snow-white hair fell behind his back, below his waist and reaching below his knees

Qiáng Wangshu quickly finished drying his hair and tossed the towel on the bed making Juān clinch. He turned to the girl on his bed again

"Why are you here so early, Juān?. It's too early to be up" He said

"Early?! It's five in the morning!" the cute Chán Juān said with a annoyed huff

"Exactly" Wangshu replied with a yawn. He dropped down on the bed and looked at her "What's up?" he asked

With a glare, Chán Juān reached over and punched him lightly on his shoulder successfully shaking him awake

"Today is the weekly open market day, that's what's up!. If we don't go early, all the good stuff would be sold out!"

Wangshu looked at her with a confused expression making his eyes pop out and he looked like a lost puppy

He didn't have a penny on him and so could not buy anything in the open market even though everything was sold for twenty percent off the original market price

It was quite sad but seeing as Qiáng Wangshu was an orphan, he didn't have any strong backing or rich parents. The little money he made from working at a small restaurant was spent on food, rents and clothes.

He couldn't even remember the last time he had a hair cut which was why his hair was so long, longer than some female's.

Qiáng Wangshu couldn't understand why his childhood friend, Yáng Chán Juān who knew him like the back of her palm, if not more, woke him up so early to go to a market he won't be able to buy anything from

"You're over thinking again!"

Another punch on the shoulder jolted Qiáng Wangshu back to reality and he hissed. This fragile looking girl punched harder than one would guess she could

"Father gave me a hundred yans to spend at the market. It should be enough to get both of us an item each" Yáng Chán Juān explained bringing out a pouch from her dress. She poured the contents on the bed. "We'll both us fifty yans each"

A bunch of gold flat metal like objects dropped on the bed. These were yan notes the normal currency notes used to exchanged in the Yáng Sect and all-over the world

On each flat surface was a number. The Yan notes were divided into five yans, ten yans, twenty yans, fifty yan, a hundred yan, a thousand yan and a million yan note

The ones on the bed were all twenty yan notes which means there were a total of five twenty yan notes on the bed

This was not a lot to most ordinary people but to Qiáng Wangshu, it was more than his monthly salary at the restaurant

Qiáng Wangshu looked at the money and with a sigh rolled into his back

"Go to the market if you want to. I don't feel like going outside today" he said dismissingly

Yáng Chán Juān frown deepened and she slowly picked the money back into the pouch. Then she did what Wangshu didn't expect. She lay down on the bed too

He quickly sat up and was greeted by a puppy face with large eyes filled with tears

This was Yáng Chán Juān's legendary puppy dog face. Even her father, a respected man in the sect couldn't win against it. What more the ordinary Qiáng Wangshu?

"Damn, you're going to be the death of me" He groaned and got up "Let's go"


The Earth was believe to had been formed when a beautiful goddess was abandoned by her lover in the heavens.

They said the goddess was so hearthstone, she cried for days and night and her tears fell into an endless abyss below the heavens

Slowly, over a period of time, her tears gathered together in multiple parts of the abyss and after millions of years they gathered mysterious energies that slowly formed into large wide bodies in the abyss

Soon, the abyss was not so empty anymore and these mysteriously formed bodies adored it.

The goddess called the abyss, Yin and Yang.

The Yin was the mysterious energy in the abyss, abundant, cold, slow, destructive

The Yang was the bodies in the abyss. They were warm, calming, active and gave protection

Soon, heavenly beings descended into the abyss to find other inhabitable worlds. They found Earth. The abyss was called a Universe.

They lived there and reproduced. Sooner than expected, more beings began occupying the earth and the heavenly beings fade away

These new beings were called humans and they were numerous. They learned to cultivate and absorb the Yin in the universe to grow stronger and evolve

Million of years later, many wars and apocalypse pass and the Earth still survived with the protection of Yang.

Many big cities, countries and powers were developed and many skills, cultivation methods, weapons and beasts discovered through the course of time

The Yáng Family Sect was formed in the Azure Sun Domain, a City in a eastern part of the Souring Sun Country, Mid Belt Continent.

The Souring Sun Country was only on of the big countries on earth and there were five great domains in it

Raining Skies Domain, Frozen Heavens Domain, Azura Sun Domain, War God Domain and Mystic Gates Domain

These five Domains are the backbones of the Souring Sun Country and each domain had a number of clans and sects numbering over seventy

The Yáng Family Sect was one of them

The Yáng Family Sect is located at the Southern part of China and was prosperous in both martial arts and alchemy

Although to call it the best is a far cry, it wasn't lacking much behind after all the Family Patriarch was someone in the Origin Core Realm, the forth cultivation rank!

There are a total of eleven realms of cultivation and even more minor realms than the hands could count. To get to the Origin Core Realm was definitely not an easy task for anyone

In a world where martial arts and cultivation was greatly practised, the strong were respected and the weak, trashed

To not have the talent to cultivate or practice martial arts was equals to being born a cripple

Everyone one wanted to become a cultivation and walk down the aisle of power, wealth and respect.

To Qiáng Wangshu, such dreams were only that.



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