
Unparalleled Medieval Ascension

Leo is a cold-blooded killer, wasting his life away, working as a farmer. That is until the threat of a war looms closer and closer, gifting him the one-in-a-lifetime chance to become a noble and live a comfortable life.

DaZhuang · Seni bela diri
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

I made up my mind. These people picking us up. This 'Sanctaria Church' is probably allied with our enemy. They want the king to be indebted to them to aid them in their warmonging goals. They are the ones, who robbed us and they are the ones, who will save us in a malicious way.

I cannot allow for our kingdom to show weakness, now that I finally have some power to stop the war and save my plans for the future.

They have to die, I'll kill them before we can even make it to their country, we'll take the carriage and retreat to the palace. Adelinde would understand.

I hear shouting from a white carriage with a big blue crest of the Sanctaria Church. The air around me turns gray and all the colors leave my vision. My body reacts to my blood lust and the atmosphere applies pressure to my whole body. My senses sharpen and the enemy is right before me.

{Leo}: „Stop the carriage!"

„ Halt."

„ What is your name and role in the palace?"

{Leo}: „My name is Leopold von Eisenhart, step out to identify yourselves."

„ What is Leopold doing here?"

„ Come on, we can't ignore the first in line for the throne."

They step out one by one. Theres five of them, obviously unarmed. My whole body feels like being struck by a thousand needles. My fists yearn for blood and my lung dries out in anticipation.

I thrust the handmade spear I had held in my hand between the gaps of the first ones armor. There was little resistance and it plows its way through his body in a painful fashion.

People usually take a little time, before being able to react, so I quickly retract the pole and charge to the one, who was just about to step down to the ground from the carriage. He wasn't wearing armour so it just impales him like soft butter. The force from the thrust make his blood splatter everywhere and my clothes get tinted in red dye. By the time they are given the chance to react, I throw the impaled one towards two other guards, while aiming my fist at the other drivers neck, throwing him to the ground, breathless. My eye eratically wanders and seeing the three men I just murdered, I hesitate. In that second, a fist flies at great speeds towards my face. I block with a stretched palm, using the other to hit his liver through the armor. It dents in and he splurges out a bloody grunt. The other guy tries bodyslamming me to the ground. He grabs me and we both fall to the floor, flooded in blood and bodies. I grab a nearby stone and smash it on his head, revealing a giant gaping wound. Foam rushes from his mouth and his scream rings in my ears. Guard number two tries to kick me while I'm on the floor, but I catch his foot and pull it towards him making him fall to the ground. The strength of his comrades grip slowly fades and I escape his clutches to repeatedly slam the stone into his jaw, mouth, eyes, head. I slowly smile and rejoice.

I stand up and hold up a victorious fist. This is who I am, and I can't escape it.

I hear the one I turned breathless struggle to breathe and slowly approach him. He twitches and erratically moves, trying to escape as if I'm some kind of murderer. I chase him down slowly and stomp on his back. He squeals, while I go over to his friend, pull out the spear and throw it with all my might in his direction.

At last, silence. Finally that guy decided to shut up. I look up to see the sky returning it's beautiful colors. My rushing thoughts clear up and I feel at peace.

{Leo}: „So, is it time to go, Adelinde?"

{Adelinde}: „What…did you do? This was self defence…right?"

{Elara}: „What happened?!"

{Leo}: „They were gonna take advantage of us. I couldn't trust them and did what had to be done."

{Adelinde}: „Do you seriously think this was the right thing to do? You just… killed. Five innocent people. They weren't even armed."

{Leo}: „If I hadn't, way more would have been killed. Be realistic, Adelinde."

{Adelinde}: „So what now, you just KILLED, LEO!"

{Elara}: „Wait that's all? Why are you so worked up, Adelinde? It's honestly clear, that their intentions were malicious. With us in their hands, war would no longer be a question of if, but when. Back at the robbing, they let us escape and rescue came almost immediately. They can't have known we were actually still alive."

{Adelinde}: „Fucking psychopath, why does that justify killing these people?"

{Leo}: „Please, Adelinde. This was necessary to stop the war and escape safely. I did this for you."

{Adelinde}: „But…W-Why. You…"

{Elara}: „Just hop in and let's get home already. Enough of your nagging, Adelinde."

I decided to ride the carriage, but even at the drivers seat, I felt Adelindes dead stare through the wall. It's sad, but to survive the war, she has to lose her pacifist attitude. Not every helpless unarmed person deserves to live. She has to change and lose her humanity. Everyone born in this sort of world does. I'll go talk with her tomorrow about it more thoroughly.

During the ride a storm started brewing and came crashing down. The roads were wet and Elara was having serious panic issues, which probably helped Adelinde feel better. She had to care for Elara the whole ride while I had to courageously ride in a dark stormy wet road. My fingers were so cold, I felt they were about to fall off. From time to time I had some breaks though, where I joined Elara and Adelinde in the carriage itself. This continued until we were just about to arrive at Regal. The entire road was deserted and barely used, so the bodies will also probably not be found. We couldn't find a single town on our way, only a few farms in the distance. It was so unused, that some parts were off-road, which is unheard of for a politically important road like this. The Sanctaria Land is south to us and it shares a three-way-border with us and the hostile kingdom to the east. Now that we know, that the Sanctaria Church may plot against us, we can't be sure, that they aren't cooperating with the hostile eastern Kingdom.

*A day before arriving, while Leo is resting in the carriage*

{Leo}: „I'm sorry for taking breaks so often, it's simply too cold for my body."

{Adelinde}: „No worries. I'm grateful, that you insisted on driving all the way there."

{Elara}: „True. At least I can't complain. I feel much safer when you're driving anyways."

{Leo}: „Haha that's kind of you, Elara. And to be honest, Adelinde… I know how shocked you must be, but when worst comes to worst, you have to be prepared for these types of things. If you want we can talk about this again when we've arrived at the palace."

{Adelinde}: „I'm not scared or shocked by what you did, Leo, so please don't worry. I'm just anxious. I'd love to talk at the palace but… I wouldn't want to pick this topic back up."

{Leo}: „Okay. I understand."

{Elara}: „You know, it gets kinda lonely at the palace so… can I join?"

{Adelinde}: „haha, sure Elara."

{Leo}: „Woah, the clouds. Look, Adelinde."

As the storm began to subside the clouds parted revealing a beautifully blue sky, lighting up the land. It was a breathtaking view.

{Adelinde}: „It's beautiful."

{Elara}: „…"

I step out and continue driving. It's as if god himself gave us a sign. The palace is safe, the palace is now my home.

Before arriving in Regal, we abandon the carriage and continue on foot. We were looked at like the plague. Not because they could recognize Elara and Adelinde as the princesses, but because my whole suit was covered in dried blood. I could see mothers hiding their children away and covering their eyes, people clearing the way as if I was a criminal and stares that could penetrate the heavens. It's as if I had become a monster… I never felt this anxious before. I'm not a monster, right?

*Adelinde steps on the back of my foot*

{Adelinde}: „Oh shit, so sorry haha."

Now im anxious because of her. This fucking monster really recognized my anxiousness and decided to lighten the mood. In terms of social competence, she's a whole new breed.

Just like the first time I've entered the palace, the moment the babbling from the crowd dies down, the quiet and serene air around the palace encases you. There is basically no shadow and the heat is making me sweat. I look down at my bloodied clothes and prepare myself for what is about to happen. As soon as I approach the gate, I get a weird look from the guards with one of them even unsheathing their swords.

As they recognize Elara and Adelinde behind me, their wariness turns into shock. I explain the situation to them calmly and they let us proceed after sending a guard to alert the king. All the palace workers gather to watch our stride within the palace gardens as if we were newlyweds walking to the altar. Suddenly Leopold comes rushing towards us, coming from the training grounds. He's drenched in a deep sweat and his hands are bruised. His expression makes me feel…disgust, somehow.

{Leopold}: „Adelinde! Elara! What are you doing back here? What happened, Leo? Why all the blood?"

{Adelinde}: „Sorry, Leopold. Can we talk later? I think we're all a bit exhausted."

{Elara}: „Did you rush here from the training grounds, Leopold? We're alright so please take your time."

{Leopold}: *tsk* „Seriously? Why are you being like this? Leo, tell me what happened."

{Leo}: „haaa~ I don't feel like talking. Sorry."

{Leopold}: „Are you fucking with me? Well I guess at least you're not hurt."

Leopold awkwardly nods his head and rushes back to the training grounds, so we continue on. When we arrived at the door to the palace, it was opened before us with tens of maids making way for us. We were guided to the kings hall.

{King}: „Explain this to me! Dear daughters, what has happened for you to solely return with only your personal guard?"

{Adelinde}: *shouts* „The Sanctaria Church is an enemy. We suspect them of allying with the eastern kingdom! Our carriage was attacked right before the border. But strangely, we were able to easily escape with no repercussions. After that, they immediately sent a rescue squad."

{Leo}: „That is not all. On the thieves bodies, I could easily find proof, that they are cooperating with the eastern kingdom. From these proofs, I brought this letter, carried by one of the thieves, that ambushed our carriage."

{King}: „What I want to know is why you are drenched in blood and how you got here."

Fuck. The hell am I gonna say?