
Unparalleled Demon Lord

3,000 years ago, the demon land was attacked by strongest entities that exist in the world. But they don't succeed because of the existent of one demon.. He is Demon Lord Zero the strongest demon lord who shakes the world. Simply hearing his name can make anyone tremble! His name is known all around the world. Now that 3,000 years have passed and the whole world is now at peace, what will he do now? [ I only created this novel for fun :) ]

Guardian_Angel1111 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Demon Possession

Zero seriously watched on what is happening. This kind of phenomenon is rare for Zero even though he already lived for a countless years.

This phenomenon is called "Demon Possession". Demon Possession is when a demon mana core was ate or absorbed by human. For Zero, Demon Possession is normal for humans because he know the nature of humans who is always greedy for power. Usually when a demon possessed a human body, they can easily gain control to the body. There is a 90% chance that demon will take control the body. But a human who is still in his/her senses after being possessed by a demon is a rare occasion. Having 10% success rate is something even Zero won't bet.

The middle aged man also felt strange about the actions of the young man. The young man stood up with his eyes closed. A dark chilling aura surrounds him and his injuries are healing in a rapid rate. The middle aged man tried to stab the young man in the head, but it was easily parried by young man with his bare hands and easily destroyed the sword. The young girl is terrified on what is happening to the young man. She stepped back instinctively.

The young man opened his eyes and his eyes are bloodshot red. He delivered a punch to the middle aged man.


The middle aged man flew to the wall with a 'thud'. He spat a mouthful of blood.

"Y-you b-brat w-what are yo-"

Just when the middle aged man is about to finish his words, the young man is in front of him again and delivered a barrage of punch.


The middle aged man spat a large amount of blood. After a moment he fell unconscious.

After punching the middle aged man, the young man looked at the girl and immediately rushed at her with killing intent.


Just when the 'young man' thought that he punched the girl, a handsome man parried his attack with a single finger. Zero flicked his finger to the 'young man's' forehead to knock him unconscious. The girl beside Zero is shocked. The girl asked

"W-who are you sir?"

"Just a normal civilian. By the way is this your lover or something?" Zero asked casually.

The girl blushed and said

"W-what are you saying mister! He is only my friend!" The girl embarrassingly said.

Zero asked the girl

"Did you know on what happened on him?"

"N-no that's my first time seeing him act like that." The girl became terrified when she remembered her friend's doings earlier.

Zero spoke two words

"Demon Possession."

The girl widened her eyes in shock

"D-demon Possession? H-how? I heard when someone is possessed by a demon it will only take minutes before they go insane. And it's my first time seeing Marco act like that how's that possible?" The girl can't believe when she heard Zero's words.

"This friend of yours is special. He managed to control the demon inside him. That's also the reason I interfered." Zero said while looking at the unconscious Marco.

"He controlled it? But I heard the success rate of controlling demon is very small."

"I already told you he is different. By the way who's that and why it seems like they are troubling you two?" Zero pointed at the unconscious middle aged man.

"H-he wants to do something ugly to me." The girl said while tears are falling in her eyes.

Zero understand on what the girl said. Zero changed the topic

"By the way. I think your friend needs a comfortable place to rest."

When the girl heard that she nodded.

"Mister can you help us? I'm ignorant about the demon possession and you seem knowledgeable about this. Don't worry I will pay you for helping me." The girl looked at Zero as if she is pleading. Zero nod his head slightly. Seeing Zero nod, the girl smiled happily and said

"Follow me Mister. Me and my friend are staying in a house. I am Maria And how should I address you, Mister?"

"Zero. You said you live in a house? Are you two alone?" Zero teased the girl to lighten the mood.

"I-i told you we're just friends!" Maria said while trying to hide her red cheeks. She carried Marco in her back.

Zero muttered

'You live in the same roof and you are just friends? Don't fool me brats I'm tons of years older than you! Such a petty reasoning won't work on this venerable demon lord.'

Then Zero followed Maria to their so called 'house'.

They walked for a minute before reaching the small house.

"Let's come in. Hope it won't bother you entering such a small house." Maria awkwardly said while carrying Marco in her back.

Zero nodded and he opened the door since Maria is carrying Marco. The house is very neat but not that spacious. But it's more than enough if there is only two people living.

Maria lied Marco down into a sofa. Maria asked worriedly

"Will he be okay?"

"Don't worry he just need some rest. I just did not knock him unconscious earlier. I did something to the demon inside him."

Zero used his superior demonic aura to scare the demon inside Marco. The demon inside immediately removed his control when he felt a superior demonic aura.

Marco slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his surroundings and he saw Maria looking at him worriedly. He asked

"Where is that damn old man?"

"You mercilessly killed him." Zero is the one who answered Marco's question.

"I killed him? What? Who are you?" Marco looked at Zero suspiciously.

"Marco, don't worry. He is Zero, he helped us." Maria assured Marco.

"Hey you. How did a demon end up inside you?" Zero asked seriously.

"H-how did y-you know? D-did I became insane earlier?" Marco tremblingly asked.

"Yeah. The demon can easily take advantage of your body if you are heavily injured. But the question is how the can you supress the demon inside you?" Zero curiously asked.

"It all started 10 years ago..."