
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

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14 Chs

The Other Side (2)

[Seraphina's POV]

My day went on as usual after that confrontation from the principal. It was a repetitive cycle as I wait the time passed on quickly.

Everyone in the school wasn't bothered by the fact that John is dead. I even heard someone from the corner of the hallway saying how relieved they are for him to die since he was just a waste of oxygen.

I snapped at that prick as I punched him, embedding his head from the locker. Of course, I didn't stop as I continued my assault from there. The only thing I remembered from that incident is me ending up to the infirmary since he and his friends ganged up on me.

I lied there in the bed as I think about that fight, then cried at how weak I am, how helpless I am because of my circumstances.

Remi visited me on that time, worried about the injuries I gained from that fight. I couldn't show her how mentally exhausted I am, wiping the tears on my eyes, I told her that I am fine despite being not.

She knows that I was faking it but didn't pry further to respect my feelings.

After the consolation, she told me how the club they were working on is going great since the Joker situation is now being maintained. The students who joined the club we're learning on how to treat each other with respect and kindness despite the gap of their levels.

Slowly but surely, everyone was making progress at what they're doing. I was happy now that things were starting to calm down.

But then my mind then shifted to John. He was the reason why all of this happened. Because of the situation that he created, the Royals learned a lesson as they opened up a club, and so decided to opened up a club to protect them from the rampage.

Yes. Because of John, things became better. But that doesn't mean everyone was aligned at the goal of the club. Zeke, a good example of a bastard like the others, was showing his discourtesy and dissatisfaction, and still continued his bullying to others weaker than him.

Although, he was struggling since he always finds himself getting ganged up by those who are members of the club. Mostly by the High Tiers like Remi and Blyke. And also Arlo.

I still couldn't believe that Asslo, the former king of the school since he handed the title to Blyke, joined the club. He is also one of them like Blyke, Remi and Isen, who opened up the club in its debut, and help the preparations for it.

For someone who was a fanatic of the hierarchy, it was shocking to see him like this. Maybe John reset the wirings in his head.

Speaking of him, although Arlo helped me numerous times, like saying the truth of what happened between him and John and also helping me get to the bottom of things. There is still a bit of resentment and hatred gnawing in me everytime I see him.

Everything that happened to John is because of Arlo, but there's still a part of me that couldn't blame him. He was only doing things that what he thought is right. In all of his childhood, he was taught that the hierarchy must be maintained and so he brought that lesson everywhere he goes.

I– I know... That forgiving Arlo is hard. Even I held resentment towards myself since I wasn't able to handle our talk.

Maybe if I was able to talk to him properly, what happened to John wouldn't have happened at all.

... Speaking of John. Isen finally managed to get the number of John's former best friend in his middle school. Receiving the note with the number on it, I quickly got into my room as I dialed the number.

At first, she mistaken me as some telemarketer, then when I introduced myself and mentioned John, she once again mistaken me but this time as his crazy girlfriend.

I was surprised by that but before she could hanged up, I mentioned about his rampage.

Then that's when I found out that it wasn't John's first time. Back in his middle school, he also let loose of his rampage.

I learned a lot about my best friend, the secrets that he tried to bury.

So he was telling the truth that he's a cripple. But that was back then, not the present.

Claire, his former best friend, cried at she recalled everything. How she tried to gain back his best friend, only for everyone in the school to end up in the hospital.

She mentioned how the school suspended him for his violence and was detained by the authorities.

So that explains why he's a year older than me, he stopped going to school for a year. I guess in that time frame, his dad created UnOrdinary.

William did say that he created the book to help his son in a way he knows how but I didn't imagine that it was like this.

I bid my goodbyes to her as she too. If there's one thing that I also learned from her, she doesn't know that John is dead.

It has been a week since his death but judging by how she speaks and her tone, the school still hasn't told William about the death of his son.

I shuddered from just the thought of what will be William's reaction after hearing the news. It was not something I would like to see but I have to be there to support him.

He... He gave me a task to look out for his son before he returned back to New Bostin, but now, I have to be there when he hears about this to let him know he's not alone in this.

But what could that even do? That still doesn't bring back his dead son.

It won't bring back my best friend.

This is just a recall as we delve on what happened after John's death in his world. For now, we're in a past as Seraphina narrates everything that happened in the span of several week since his death.

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