
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

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14 Chs

The Other Side (1)

[John's POV]

Six months have passed since the investigation, it was the last time I ever saw All Might. Well, I do still see him in the news or other channels he's been but as I said before that day was the last time I saw him personally.

I've been staying at Mr. Nezu's place. They told me that he was the reason why they were helping me since he proposed an idea, they didn't tell me what it was though but I have a vague feeling.

Sort of...

But that doesn't matter, as long as there's a roof on top of my head then it's fine. Because of him, I get a chance to live in this world, not somewhere out in the streets to fend for myself.

I'm thankful.

For the past six months, I've been learning important stuff. To begin our lessons, he first started by teaching me to speak in Japanese so I could converse with the others. I find it hard since there is a lot to take in, and their language is complicated to understand but at least I learned how to write in theirs so that's fine, even if there's still some error to correct.

He also proposed that there would be no speaking in English, we would talk to each other in Japanese until I got the hang of it. It was terrible but there are at least a few improvements so I couldn't complain.

Nezu also takes me in for a walk as we go to the city to have a bit of a breather. He said that if I want to learn more about their world, going outside to have a bit of a view of everything is a fresh start.

It was refreshing after a long mental exhaustion. Seeing other people enjoying their lives while also seeing heroes do their work. Apparently, being a hero is a profession, not some vigilante stuff, and also, being a vigilante is considered illegal because they're not licensed. 

The more I learned about their world, the more I found it to be complicated but at the same time, the same as ours.

But just because it's different doesn't mean there are no similarities and I know Nezu knows it.

But I won't be voicing that out, it's not my problem to fix their problem. I'm a foreigner here, and the critical task that I will be doing would be to learn their world, not do something stupid.

I am very thankful to Nezu but that doesn't mean I would do something out of line that will affect his reputation. The best choice for now is to learn.

So, yeah. That's the entirety of six months that I have been doing. I still struggle to speak but I can now talk to others, evidence of me finally getting to buy myself food. In terms of writing, I guess it's fine since Nezu considered it to be good when he took a look at it.

But my understanding of their world is still lacking but that's okay. It's not like I'm impatient to learn their ways, I like to take it slow so that I will be able to proudly say that I am now one of them.

Give it time and I'll finally be able to talk freely to everyone.


[John's World / Seraphina's POV]

Several weeks have passed since John's death.

It was so sudden...

How did things escalate so quickly into this?

It wasn't even that long since we fought and hours passed then suddenly he commited suicide?

What made all of this harder is his missing body. The authorities finally track him down only to find his bag left hanging on a tree. Evidence of it being wet and hasn't been that long since it was, means that he was somewhere where there is a body of water.

But no matter how hard they search, every nook and corner of the forest, they couldn't find it. There were no lake, river, pond, or anything else that resembles it of where the boy would be. As if it disappeared entirely along his body.

The authorities didn't last long, after a few days of searching, they give up and they declared him dead.

But I didn't.

Every day and night, I go out to search for him in the forest. I know that what I am doing is reckless because I am now a cripple. I don't have my ability to protect myself from danger but I can't leave things the way they are.

My best friend is out there struggling and who knows what is happening to him right now. Every seconds, minutes, hours, or days that passed, I know he's out there, waiting for someone to reach out their hand.

And I'll be there to lend mine like what he did to me back then.

But all of that stops when the principal faced me directly.

I know that they're well-aware about my frequent trips. I know they only ignored it to respect my feelings, but they... They all agreed that it has gone too far, that I was sacrificing my well-being just to search for him.

They explained to me that my friends were worried because of my recklessness to find him, and I shouted at them of why they couldn't focus on rampaging violence of the school.

Why is it that the staff in our school still hasn't done anything in this Joker's mess? Why is our principal letting them go on their rampage despite knowing how it would impact the school's reputation?

But because of this, it made me realize how John lives as a cripple. No, I learned how the weak lives in their everyday lives.

I know that this wasn't part of his plan after taking down the Royals, but because of his actions, those who were trampled now were given a chance to take their revenge.

But I didn't care about that. The only reason why I started doing research about my best friend is because he was hiding something.

Despite being hurting, why was he so stubborn to hide it from me?

We could have just figured it out together like we always did.

I could have helped him before he falls into despair.

Yet... All of that wishes are now gone since he's dead.

Sorry about that, I got blocked lmao.

So this is a Writer's Block, annoying but a welcome one.

And I'm alive too. lol.

WAMSHAMcreators' thoughts